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81 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

The Mind of Christ

Farag, Fr Kyrillos
The Mind of Christ
Have you ever thought about what it means when the Bible says, "We have the mind of Christ" (1 Cor. 2:16)? This means that we have the capacity to think about things the way Jesus Christ would think about them. This is an astounding reality! This book is a series of reflections from Jesus' sermon on the mount where He gave us a glimpse of how to think and act like Christ in different situations. Each reflection is given a theme, such as how ...

CHF 31.50

Sayings of the Desert Fathers

Sayings of the Desert Fathers
The Sayings of the desert fathers is the collective wisdom of the monks who lived in the Egyptian desert. This collection of sayings is a summery of their, victories, struggles, downfalls, and teachings on the spiritual life. For centuries these sayings have taught and inspired men and women to live the monastic life and guided them throughout their monastic vocation. In 1960 Marius Chaîne sadly died before he was able to see the publicatio...

CHF 33.90

The Grapevine Cross

Tiitinen, Janet
The Grapevine Cross
The Grapevine Cross' is the story of St Nina of Georgia. As a young girl living in Israel, she was told about the country of Georgia and how the people there worshipped idols. As Nina grew, she prayed earnestly that God would send someone to tell the people the good news about the Lord Jesus. One night the Theotokos appeared to her in a dream and told her she was the one God had chosen to go to Georgia. She gave Nina a grapevine cross with the...

CHF 33.90

The Mystery of the Tree of Life

Yassa, Viola
The Mystery of the Tree of Life
The wonderful Tree of Life, discussed in the two "Book ends" of the Bible, Genesis and Revelation, is one of the most fascinating, yet mysterious and puzzling, subjects in all the inspired Word of God. The Tree of life, referred to in Genesis, is the symbol of God's provision for immortality in the Garden of Eden. The Tree of life was provided to be a continuous reminder that immortality was a consequence of obedience (Gn3:16-17). After Adam a...

CHF 34.50

At His Feet In Confession

Bastawrous, Marc
At His Feet In Confession
The first step in the journey of repentance is often the most difficult to take. The journey itself can at times be confusing, burdensome and even painful. With it comes a host of questions: "Does God hear my repentance? Am I doing it right? How do I confess properly?" And more! The purpose of this book is to simply shed a little bit of light on some of the answers to these questions. Found within this book are a number of stories, illustrat...

CHF 24.90

The Incendus Letters

Karras, Joshua
The Incendus Letters
To commemorate 80 years since C.S. Lewis' classic satirical novel The Screwtape Letters, The Incendus Letters allows a new generation of readers a glimpse into the perspective of the demons that plague their lives. Follow Maniacus, a maleficent senior demon, as he provides advice to his offspring Incendus, charged with ensuring the condemnation of a human on Earth. Set in the 21st century, Karras uses Lewis' epistolary format to explore the co...

CHF 31.50

Jonah - A Story of Repentance

Salama, Mina
Jonah - A Story of Repentance
When we face hardships in our lives, we sometimes accuse God that he has forsaken us or that He no longer cares for us.The story of Jonah the prophet is a story that illustrates that this is not God's true position towards us during these hard times. The story of Jonah is a story full of hope for those who have the desire to repent and return to the bosom of God. It is a story that illustrates God's plan for the salvation of every soul, not on...

CHF 15.90

St Marina

Veskova, Radmila
St Marina
St Marina is a saint who lived in Egypt during the fourth century, after her mother's death she followed her father into the desert pretending to be a man. She lived in full obedience to her father and the monastic community she lived with. Her Christ like obedience caused her much troubles to the extent that she was kicked out of the monastery. The life of St Marina is a perfect example of obedience, humility and courage as she followed God'...

CHF 27.90

Saint Bishoy

George, Deacon
Saint Bishoy
St Bishoy, a well renowned saint of the 4th century, grew up amongst six other brothers. When he was young, his mother had a vision in which an angel revealed to her that the Lord had chosen Bishoy to serve Him as a special vessel of grace. He embarked on his journey of monasticism at the young age of twenty years old, and from there continued to grow from glory to glory. He is most renowned for his strong ascetic struggle and the Lord Jesus' ...

CHF 27.50

The Life of Sts Maximus and Dometius

The Life of Sts Maximus and Dometius
Sts. Maximus and Dometius are two Roman imperial young brothers who took on the monastic life under the discipleship of Abba Agabus and Abba Macarius the Great. Soon after, they became the namesake and foundation of the Monastery of al-Baram¿s in the Wilderness of Scete. To this day, young men who are moved by their example flee to their monastery and bear the name "al-Baram¿s¿". Hymns, icons, and festivities have developed in their name to pr...

CHF 31.50

St Simon the Tanner

George, Deacon / Nassief, Kirollos
St Simon the Tanner
St Simon the Tanner was an ordinary person who was neither a priest nor monk, and yet is one of the most known saints of the Coptic Orthodox Church. At the time of the reign of Al-Muizz, the first ruler of Egypt under the Fatimid dynasty, Pope Abraam the 62nd Patriarch was challenged to prove the authenticity of Matthew 17:20 regarding the faith to move mountains. He was guided by the Virgin Mary to seek the help of St Simon the Tanner, whom t...

CHF 27.90

Holy Liturgy and Me

Kamel, Fr Bishoy
Holy Liturgy and Me
The Divine Liturgy is the greatest act that takes place in our life. It is the presence of the Eternal among us, before whom angels bow and demons tremble before His name. Attending Mass is not merely standing in the Church, but it is a communion with angels, saints and the whole congregation in the presence of The Lord Jesus. It is a communion in His sacrifice and in the power and triumph of His Resurrection. In other words, not all those who...

CHF 21.50

Introduction to the books of the New Testament

Malaty, Fr Tadros
Introduction to the books of the New Testament
The New Testament is a record of historical events, the good news events of the saving life of our Lord Jesus Christ, His life, death, resurrection, ascension, and the continuation of His work in the world-which is explained and applied by the apostles whom He chose and sent into the world to preach the good news. This book gives the reader a thorough introduction of the books of the New Testament to help understand and get deeper into your Bi...

CHF 32.90

Four Egyptian Martyrs

Nixon, OSB Fr Robert
Four Egyptian Martyrs
In the early fourth century, under the reign of the emperor Diocletian, followers of the Christian Faith experienced a sustained and systematic campaign of fierce persecution at the hands of the Roman authorities. The aim of this persecution was nothing less than the entire abolition of the true Faith and the utter destruction of the Church. Much blood was shed and many lives were lost for the holy Name of Christ. Whilst these persecutions wer...

CHF 22.90

Christian Basics

Farag, Fr Kyrillos
Christian Basics
Who is Jesus? What does the Bible teach? What are some of the basic Christian principles? Who are the saints? How is the Orthodox Church different from other churches? These questions and many more are answered in this short book. It is written for someone who does not have any background about the Christianity and introduces them to the basic Christian teachings and beliefs.

CHF 22.90

The Voice of the Bleoved

Yassa, Viola
The Voice of the Bleoved
We read in the creation story that Adam and Eve "heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day" (Gn3: 8), This is how God wants to relate to us today as well. It is God's desire to walk with and to communicate with His children. He wants to talk to us and we talk to Him. There is more good news, He hears us and we can hear His voice. The Bible, God's love letter to mankind, makes it clear that we were created to ...

CHF 23.50

Saint Anna Simone La Reine Ermite

George, Diacre
Saint Anna Simone La Reine Ermite
Saint Anna Simone était la fille du roi de Constantinople durant le septième siècle. Après la mort de son père, elle prit sa suite sur le trône. Malgré les richesses et l'honneur qu'elle avait en tant que Reine, son coeur aspirait à quelque chose de meilleur. Son fort désir de vivre pour le Seigneur l'a forcé à quitter le royaume et à fuir vers le désert. Après avoir vécu dans l'humiliation parmi des nones dans un couvent, sa sainteté fut révé...

CHF 23.90

Let's go to the Liturgy

Marcus, Amanda
Let's go to the Liturgy
The Orthodox Church is filled with symbolism and richness reminding us of our communion with our Creator. Symbolism for Kids is designed to help children navigate their way through liturgical symbols, objects and practice in an effort to teach more about the Church and the Orthodox faith. Small and easy to hold, Symbolism for Kids is filled with engaging illustrations to guide children, using basic vocabulary, to come to recognise the variou...

CHF 30.50

Praying the Agpia - The Prayers of the Hours

Shenouda Iii, H. H. Pope
Praying the Agpia - The Prayers of the Hours
Praying with the Agpia teaches us how to converse with God, it contains supplication, gladness, joy, glorification, thanksgiving, and submission to God. It also includes the orthodox doctrine in detail, and reminds us of important events in the life of Jesus that must be kept in our minds throughout the day. It is a school in prayer, teaching you how to pray. The word Agpia is derived from the word "Agp" which in the Coptic language means "an ...

CHF 22.50