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61 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

What Does "Academic" Mean? – Two Essays on the Chances of...

Pieper, Josef / Schall, James V. / Farrelly, Dan
What Does "Academic" Mean? – Two Essays on the Chances of the University Today
What Does "Academic" Mean? focuses, in two essays, on the prospects of contemporary universities. The term "academic" is traced back to Plato's Academy in a grove in Athens. The Academy is isolated, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Western universities founded in the Middle Ages show continuity, via Byzantium, with Plato's Academy. Not surprisingly, the Oxford Dictionary quoted by Pieper defines "academic" as "Not leading to a ...

CHF 16.50

What Does Academic Mean?: Two Essays on the Chances of th...

Pieper, Josef / Schall, James V. / Farrelly, Dan
What Does Academic Mean?: Two Essays on the Chances of the University Today
What Does "Academic" Mean? focuses, in two essays, on the prospects of contemporary universities. The term "academic" is traced back to Plato's Academy in a grove in Athens. The Academy is isolated, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Western universities founded in the Middle Ages show continuity, via Byzantium, with Plato's Academy. Not surprisingly, the Oxford Dictionary quoted by Pieper defines "academic" as "Not leading to a ...

CHF 27.50

Beten ist einfach

Wallner OCist, P. Dr. Karl Josef
Beten ist einfach
Der bekannte Autor aus dem Zisterzienserstift Heiligenkreuz, Pater Karl Wallner OCist, führt mit diesem Buch Jugendliche in seiner ermutigenden und authentischen Art in den Rosenkranz ein. Ganz lebensnah erklärt er alles Wissenswerte über die Entstehung des Gebets aus einer mönchischen Tradition, meditiert den Inhalt und erläutert die biblischen Bezüge. Aufgelockert wird das Buch durch seine persönlichen Anekdoten, Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse m...

CHF 7.50

Wahrheit am Krankenbett

Römelt, Josef
Wahrheit am Krankenbett
Der moderne Gesundheitsbetrieb ist mit sehr widersprüchlichen Tendenzen konfrontiert: Auf der einen Seite verstärken sich die Zwänge der immer komplizierter werdenden Gesundheitsversorgung, auf der anderen Seite wird die Gestaltung des Arzt-Patient-Verhältnisses und das Mitspracherecht der Patienten in therapeutischen und finanziellen Belangen immer wichtiger. Dieses Buch versucht die Problematik der Wahrhaftigkeit zwischen Arzt und Patient au...

CHF 22.90

Rules of the Game in Social Relationships

Pieper, Josef / Farrelly, Dan
Rules of the Game in Social Relationships
Josef Pieper's readers become accustomed to the clarity of thought and expression in his writing--in combination with the impression he gives of being profoundly in touch with fundamentals. His conceptual clarity emerges from his awareness of basic human experience. This book began life in 1933 as a small book produced in a sociological research institute and was encumbered, not surprisingly, with unwieldy academic jargon. It took on a new lif...

CHF 16.50

Rules of the Game in Social Relationships

Pieper, Josef / Farrelly, Dan
Rules of the Game in Social Relationships
Josef Pieper's readers become accustomed to the clarity of thought and expression in his writing--in combination with the impression he gives of being profoundly in touch with fundamentals. His conceptual clarity emerges from his awareness of basic human experience. This book began life in 1933 as a small book produced in a sociological research institute and was encumbered, not surprisingly, with unwieldy academic jargon. It took on a new lif...

CHF 27.50

Not Yet the Twilight – An Autobiography 1945–1964

Pieper, Josef / Farrelly, Dan / Farrelly, Una
Not Yet the Twilight – An Autobiography 1945–1964
Volume 2 of Josef Pieper's three-part autobiography is here presented for the first time in English translation. The volume represents not just a simple continuation of a seamless story. The first volume dealt with Pieper's life from his birth in 1904 to the time of World War 2. The current volume deals with the post-war years, 1945-1964, offering a personal documentation of the institutional rubble through which an emerging academic and philo...

CHF 28.50

Not Yet the Twilight: An Autobiography 1945-1964

Pieper, Josef / Farrelly, Dan / Farrelly, Una
Not Yet the Twilight: An Autobiography 1945-1964
Volume 2 of Josef Pieper's three-part autobiography is here presented for the first time in English translation. The volume represents not just a simple continuation of a seamless story. The first volume dealt with Pieper's life from his birth in 1904 to the time of World War 2. The current volume deals with the post-war years, 1945-1964, offering a personal documentation of the institutional rubble through which an emerging academic and philo...

CHF 40.90

Damit Familien eine Zukunft haben

Bode, Franz-Josef / Koch, Heiner / Marx, Reinhard
Damit Familien eine Zukunft haben
In diesem Buch finden Sie wertvolle Impulse für Familien. Die Herausgeber sind Reinhard Kardinal Marx (Vorsitzender der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz), Bischof Franz-Josef Bode, (Vorsitzender der Pastoralkommission der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz) und Erzbischof Heiner Koch (Vorsitzender der Kommission für Ehe und Familie). Sie analysieren die Situation der Familie in Deutschland und entwickeln Vorschläge, wie sich der Blick auf Familien insgesa...

CHF 14.50

Im Schatten der Päpste

Slominski, Josef A. / Langen-Peduto, Christa
Im Schatten der Päpste
Sie bleiben meist im Hintergrund und sind doch als engste Vertraute des Papstes immer dabei: die Privatsekretäre der Päpste. Dieser sensationelle Bildband mit Fotos aus den Pontifikaten von Pius XII. bis Franziskus stammt vom einzigen Fotografen weltweit, der diese Dokumentation bieten kann: Josef A. Slominski. Christa Langen-Peduto hat die noch lebenden Papstsekretäre und enge Vertraute von bereits verstorbenen Sekretären getroffen und ausfüh...

CHF 14.50

Exercises in the Elements: Essays, Speeches, Notes

Pieper, Josef
Exercises in the Elements: Essays, Speeches, Notes
This title, which at first sight seems curious, shows Pieper's philosophical work as rooted in the basics. He takes his inspiration from Plato - and his Socrates - and Thomas Aquinas. With them, he is interested in philosophy as pure theory, the theoretical being precisely the non-practical. The philosophizer wants to know what all existence is fundamentally about, what "reality" "really" means. With Plato, Pieper eschews the use of language t...

CHF 25.90

Exercises in the Elements: Essays, Speeches, Notes

Pieper, Josef
Exercises in the Elements: Essays, Speeches, Notes
This title, which at first sight seems curious, shows Pieper's philosophical work as rooted in the basics. He takes his inspiration from Plato - and his Socrates - and Thomas Aquinas. With them, he is interested in philosophy as pure theory, the theoretical being precisely the non-practical. The philosophizer wants to know what all existence is fundamentally about, what "reality" "really" means. With Plato, Pieper eschews the use of language t...

CHF 38.90

Concept of Sin

Pieper, Josef / Oakes, Edward T. S. J.
Concept of Sin
In ordinary conversation, including among the "educated", the word "sin" rarely gets mentioned except when one is trying to be coy or facetious. As Thomas Mann once said, "sin" is nowadays "an amusing word used only when one is trying to get a laugh".But this small work will interpret sin in its true -- that is, serious -- meaning. What will emerge from its analysis is the discovery that the concept of sin can still serve to unlock the mystery...

CHF 16.50

Concept of Sin

Pieper, Josef / Oakes, Edward T. S. J.
Concept of Sin
In ordinary conversation, including among the "educated", the word "sin" rarely gets mentioned except when one is trying to be coy or facetious. As Thomas Mann once said, "sin" is nowadays "an amusing word used only when one is trying to get a laugh".But this small work will interpret sin in its true -- that is, serious -- meaning. What will emerge from its analysis is the discovery that the concept of sin can still serve to unlock the mystery...

CHF 27.90


Pieper, Josef / Kopff, E Christian
This is a profound reflection on contemporary understandings and misunderstandings of what tradition is. Pieper argues powerfully that the modern scientific situation, and the zeal for the new, do not and cannot supersede the human need of tradition if we are to orient ourselves in the world and find meaning. Pieper's quest for the reconciliation of reason/science with tradition/revelation suggests Thomas Aquinas speaking in the language and c...

CHF 19.90