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194 Ergebnisse - Zeige 61 von 80.

Fantoches 1926

Loveira, Carlos / Et Al / Hern Ndez, Ana Mar
Fantoches 1926
But, unfortunately, such is Havana. It is impossible to change its condition as a port, as a crossroad, or its cosmopolitism, its vicious immigration, its propitiatory hiding places, its mixture of races, its fiery sun, all that diabolical entanglement of factors and circumstances that is here, amongst us, the board where the shady games of love and hatred are played"(Rubén Martínez Villena, 68). Throughout 1926, the literary journal Social...

CHF 42.50

La urbanización decimonónica de Madrid

de Larra, Mariano Jose / de Mesonero Romanos, Ramon / Fraser, Benjamin
La urbanización decimonónica de Madrid
Mariano José de Larra (1809-1837) was the most critical literary voice of the first third of the Spanish nineteenth century. Whether directed against censorship, the police and the Inquisition, or mypoic social attitudes and passing fads, his writings always showcased his unique, ironic and biting temperament. Moreover, many of his essays reflected the consequences of the ongoing urbanization of Madrid. The essays titled «Jardines públicos» (1...

CHF 41.50

Poesía y prosa de Bonifacio Byrne

Byrne, Bonifacio / Moran, Francisco
Poesía y prosa de Bonifacio Byrne
In republishing Excéntricas (1893) not only will we recover Bonifacio Byrne's most important volume of poetry, but also one of the most important titles of Cuban modernism, and one which will certainly enrich the canon of Spanish-American modernismo. This is both a critical and carefully commented edition of Excéntricas and other selections of Byrne's poetry and prose, which also includes an updated bibliography and a survey of critical approa...

CHF 55.50

Manuela. Novela Bogotana

Diaaz Castro, Eugenio / Daiaz Castro, Eugenio / Rodriguez-Arenas, Flor Maria
Manuela. Novela Bogotana
By the beginning of the Twentieth Century, Eugenio Diaz Castro, having published Manuela , was already known as the author that had produced the realist novel that was "in its genre, the most faithful copy of reality by art and the most complete that had been written in America" (Cejador y Frauca 1918, 328). The author was a liberal writer that applied the rules of mid-century French Realism in order to describe, present, explain and objective...

CHF 61.00

Eugenio Diaz Castro

Rodriguez-Arenas, Flor Maria
Eugenio Diaz Castro
Eugenio Díaz Castro's family position (son of landowner), social standing (belonged to the «nobility» of the region) and cultural breadth (he studied for six years at the San Bartolomé to become a lawyer and fulfilled all the requirements established by law to obtain the degree in civil law) he was far from being the uncultivated farmer that José María Vergara y Vergara disseminated through rhetorical, ideological and social devices with the s...

CHF 54.50

Rule of Law

Ribas, Armando P.
Rule of Law
There is a great confusion in the world and even more in that part of the world that considers itself as representing the Western civilization. This confusion arises in two realms: the semantics and the conceptual. The first of these confusions is the result of ignoring the ethical and the political philosophy antithesis between the Anglo-American philosophy and the Franco-German one. As Balint Vazsonyi once wrote, they are as different as day...

CHF 46.50

El Pozo Del Yocci

Gorriti, Juana Manuela
El Pozo Del Yocci
The actions in El pozo del Yocci take place during the permanent state of unrest that harrased the argentine northern provinces, sparked by the quarrels between federalists and unitarians during Juan Manuel de Rosas' rule over the Argentine Confederation. This non declared civil war became a temptation to the expansion desires of the bolivian ruler, mariscal Santa Cruz who, besides giving shelter to the anti-rosists, encouraged them by financ...

CHF 27.50

La Novela Ecuatoriana del Siglo XIX

Rodriguez-Arenas, Flor Maria / Neira, Raul / Picicci, Christen
La Novela Ecuatoriana del Siglo XIX
During the nineteenth century in Ecuador, writers produced novels that contributed to literary movements and schools of thought within Spanish-American literature. Plácido (1871) by Francisco Campos and Entre el amor y el deber: Escenas de la campaña de 1882-1883 en el Ecuador (1886) by Teófilo Pozo Monsalve are serious contributions to Romanticism. El hombre de las ruinas... (1869) by Francisco Javier Salazar Arboleda, departs from a raw Real...

CHF 38.90

Bartolomé Hidalgo - Obra Completa

Hidalgo, Bartolome / Fernandez LaTour De Botas, Olga
Bartolomé Hidalgo - Obra Completa
Bartolome Hidalgo (Montevideo, 1788 - Moron, Buenos Aires Province, 1822) is the first poet to have utilized the Spanish language to capture the qualities of gaucho speech His writings, comprising a series of lyrical, narrative and dialogic texts about current political concerns of the second and third decades of the 19th century in both margins of the Rio de la Plata, have been recognized by the most respected literary critics of the region -...

CHF 54.50

El Blocao

Diaz Fernandez, Jose / Fuentes, Victor
El Blocao
El blocao, Novela de la guerra marroqui, by Jose Diaz Fernandez constitutes one of the finest examples of the Modernist-Vanguardist aesthetics in Spanish literature. In a truly elegant way its author achieves his explicit goal to «interest the reader in a different way than the usual: that is, by plunging him into an opaque and tragic world without heroes or outstanding individuals, the way I experienced Morocco then». Considered by some cri...

CHF 40.90

La Rosa Muerta

Caceres, Aurora / Ward, Thomas
La Rosa Muerta
Aurora Cáceres' compelling novel "La rosa muerta" was set in Paris where it was published in 1914. In a work sharing formal characteristics with modernista prose, Cáceres challenged the ideological parameters of the movement. While her protagonist appropriated the modernista precept of women as subjects to male veneration, she also took active control of her sexual life in a world where husbands still treated their wives as objects. The object...

CHF 35.90

Los diarios intimos

Samper, Jose Maria / Acosta de Samper, Soledad / Rodriguez-Arenas, Flor Maria
Los diarios intimos
The private diaries record aspects of everyday life, woven together by the affective life, in an attempt to capture and contain them in words, and to retain them through writing. They originated as texts for exclusive personal use, but by subsequent developments, they have come to take another course and have been published posthumously, achieving completely different goals from those that initiated them. Such is the case of the two texts that...

CHF 51.90

Pepita Jimenez

Valera, Juan
Pepita Jimenez
In Spanish, annotated edition. Born in Andalucia in 1824 Juan Valera y Alcal¿aliano was a writer, diplomat, politician, poet and literary critic. Among his eight novels, some unfinished, Pepita Jimenez undoubtedly stands out. The interior voice of the author is permanently present, and underlines his prime concerns: the quest for the aesthetic and philosophical ideal. "Pepita Jim¿z" was first published in 1874. Based on real facts, in this nov...

CHF 27.50

Una Generacion Perdida

Cobb, Christopher / Gonzalez Calleja, Eduardo / de Vicente Hernando, Cesar
Una Generacion Perdida
The Spanish literature canon has been traditionally organized following a criteria circumscribed by ideology, thus leaving out many valuable strains of literary creation: social novels, proletarian plays, critical humanist poetry, the aesthetics projects of the new romanticism. The group of politically active intellectuals that flourished in Spain during the Parliamentarism, Restoration and the Primo de Rivera dictatorship periods has not bee...

CHF 51.50

El Prodigio de Alemania

Calderon De La Barca, Pedro / Coello, Antonio / Rueda, Antonio M
El Prodigio de Alemania
El prodigio de Alemania (1634), a Spanish Golden Age comedy written by Calderon de la Barca in collaboration with Antonio Coello, depicts the dramatic story of general Albrecht von Wallenstein during the Thirty Years War (1618-1648). The death of king Adolf Gustav of Sweden, during the Lützen battle (1632) against the imperial army led by Wallenstein, marks the start of a story that takes place within a dark conspiracy plot in the Spain of kin...

CHF 48.50

Usos y Costumbres de Los Salvajes de Virginia

Hariot, Thomas / White, John / Duviols, Jean Paul
Usos y Costumbres de Los Salvajes de Virginia
Usos y costumbres de los salvajes de Virginia (Uses and Customs of the Savages of Virginia) is the first edition in Spanish of a fundamental work, published more than 4 Centuries ago, in Latin, German, French and English. It is the oldest chronicle written by a pioneering traveller and illustrated by a painter also travelling with him, about the first territory of the future British Colonies in North America The mathematician Tomas Hariot, a...

CHF 96.00

Entre La Libertad y La Servidumbre

Ribas, Armando P.
Entre La Libertad y La Servidumbre
In this essay Dr. Ribas analizes the philosophy and ethics that begat throughout history the free societies -already studied by Popper-, as compared to those which backboned intelectually the the twentieth century totalitarisms. Facing the Perestroika and the fall of the Berlin wall, Armando Ribas' book becomes a major study document in order to obtain a clearer understanding of the times we live, as well as a sobering call to seriously evalu...

CHF 37.50

Los '90 (Otro traspié de Luz del Día en Latinoamérica atr...

Ribas, Armando P.
Los '90 (Otro traspié de Luz del Día en Latinoamérica atrapada entre El Príncipe y El Principito)
The '90s have proved a frustrating experience for Latin America. More so to those who consider Liberalism to be the fairest political system. After a seemingly positive start, a series of unclear administrative practices ensued, plagued by lack of control and a steep growth of government expenditure, most for corrupt and clientelistic reasons. This situation -of high expectations about a Truth victory frustrated by political manouvers- immedia...

CHF 53.50

Una Isla Llamada Virgilio

Jambrina, Jesus / Jambrina, Jesus
Una Isla Llamada Virgilio
This book celebrates the 100 years of Cuban writer Virgilio Piñera (1912-1979) through several studies that explore his poetry and narrative. The book also includes testimonies and literary pieces dedicated to the author, who is considered one of the most influential Cuban and Latin American writers of the late 20th and early 21st century. Piñera is internationally known as a playwright, however his poetry and narrative have not received the ...

CHF 49.90


del Campo, Estanislao
In Estanislao del Campo's Fausto, a truly "gauchesca" work, the vocabulary, the simplicity of its plot and the nature of it's metaphores cannot be of a more unencumbered and jocose "criollo" tone, or more camp flavoured. It is known that during the representation of Gounod's opera Faust at the old Colon theatre in Buenos Aires, Del Campo improvised for the benefit of Ricardo Gutiérrez -phisician, poet and friend- some short "gaucho" remarks ab...

CHF 23.90