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95 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Deep Roots

Davie, Martin
Deep Roots
Those authorized to minister in the Church of England, whether as ordained or lay ministers, are expected to teach and act in accordance with the Church of England's doctrine. However, many of those who are currently exercising ministry in the Church of England, or who are being trained for ministry, are unclear about what the Church of England's doctrine is, and why it matters that they should adhere to it. In order to address this situatio...

CHF 15.90

The Church's One Foundation

Bray, Gerald
The Church's One Foundation
What is orthodoxy? In recent controversies in the Church of England and in the wider Anglican Communion, those who insist that the Church's traditional teachings about marriage and celibacy cannot be altered are increasingly described as 'orthodox', a claim that has been disputed on the ground that orthodoxy is defined by the great creeds and confessions of the Church, none of which mentions the subject. This Briefing argues that orthodoxy e...

CHF 12.90

Scarf or Stole at Ordination?

Atherstone, Andrew
Scarf or Stole at Ordination?
I can only say that from my knowledge of the Bench of Bishops, which is considerable, I think it is inconceivable that any of the Bishops would press an ordination candidate, contrary to his conscience, to wear a stole at his ordination.' (Archbishop Michael Ramsey, House of Lords, July 1964) Although Archbishop Ramsey's declaration of liberty of conscience for Anglican ordinands may have been true in the 1960s, it is unfortunately not so to...

CHF 11.50

Howard and Dorothy Mowll

Mollenhauer, Erin
Howard and Dorothy Mowll
Howard Mowll was the enterprising and indefatigable Archbishop of Sydney from 1934 to 1958. At once robustly Anglican and evangelical in outlook and policy, he set the diocese of Sydney on the course it has followed to the present day.Originating in the Moore College Library Day of 2021, the essays in this book cover previously overlooked and neglected aspects of Mowll's leadership and administration as well as providing new insights into and ...

CHF 27.90

Anglican Elders?

Moll, Ed
Anglican Elders?
Anglican polity has traditionally favoured the incumbent as sole elder over a congregation. Biblical and missional imperatives press for eldership to be plural but how can this be done within an Anglican setting? This study explores the biblical and historical background to plural eldership or locally shared pastoral leadership. It goes on to describe the experience of nine UK Anglican pastors who have established a team that functions as a ...

CHF 18.50

Creation, Cross and Everlasting Rest

Bashford, Robert
Creation, Cross and Everlasting Rest
This book is a study of three great oratorios: Haydn's The Creation, Bach's St Matthew Passion, and Brahms' Requiem. They can be called "great" because they excel both as musical masterpieces and as clear expressions of biblical truth. The study has as its aim to increase enjoyment of these works and to deepen understanding of their message. The three selected oratorios, individually, open a window on major doctrines of the Bible. Collective...

CHF 22.50

From Barebones to Old Bones. John St Nicholas (1604-1698)

Rowe, Lesley A.
From Barebones to Old Bones. John St Nicholas (1604-1698)
John St Nicholas was a Leicestershire puritan minister, ejected after the Restoration in 1660. Subsequent to his ejection, he lived on for a further 38 years. How he used his time during his lengthy 'retirement' provides a helpful model for today's Christians seeking to continue serving God as they get older. This study considers the various activities St Nicholas undertook in his retirement years such as reflection on his life, relationships ...

CHF 12.90

Prophetic Preaching

Benn, Wallace
Prophetic Preaching
What is the relationship between prophecy and preaching? Why is preaching not as well thought of as it should be, nor as good as it could be, seeing it is the central ingredient in the life of a healthy church? What can we learn from a careful look at Peter's preaching in Acts 2? Writing with over 50 years of ministry experience, Wallace Benn answers these questions and brings a significant challenge to the contemporary church to be the prophe...

CHF 12.50

Together in Love and Faith? Should the Church bless same ...

Roberts, Vaughan
Together in Love and Faith? Should the Church bless same -sex partnerships? A Response to the Bishop of Oxford
Writing from his own experience of same-sex attraction, Vaughan Roberts responds to the Bishop of Oxford's argument that the Church of England should change its doctrine and practice in relation to same-sex relationships. He outlines the beauty and goodness of the Bible's teaching on sex and marriage, as traditionally understood, and calls for it to be upheld with sensitivity and pastoral wisdom. Vaughan Roberts is the Rector of St Ebbe's Ch...

CHF 11.90

The English Reformed Tradition

Holloway, David
The English Reformed Tradition
The Reformation in Europe produced different traditions according to the influential people and theological climate of each country. But what is it that makes the English Reformed tradition as expressed in the Church of England? This short booklet, produced for Renew, considers the Anglican distinctives as compared with other Reformed traditions, and the enduring importance of preserving this rich heritage. David Holloway is the Rector of Je...

CHF 12.50

Spiritual Practices of the Puritans

Birkett, Kirsten
Spiritual Practices of the Puritans
The Puritans wished to live godly lives in heart and thought as well as action. One of the tools they utilised in training their hearts and minds was the practice of diary-writing. In this short overview we see the theory of Puritan diary-writing as worked out by John Beadle, and the inspiring example of the sixteenth-century Puritan Richard Rogers writing about his life. Kirsten Birkett is a minister and writer based at St John's Houghton w...

CHF 10.50

Defend, O Lord

Davie, Martin
Defend, O Lord
A key way in which the benefits of the work of Christ are conveyed to those who respond to the gospel with repentance and faith is through the two rites of 'Christian initiation': baptism and confirmation. In baptism we die to our old life of sin and death and rise to a new life with God which will be fully revealed at the resurrection of the dead at the end of time. In confirmation we reaffirm the promises which were made at our baptism, ...

CHF 12.90

Listen To Him

Birchley, Keith / Cooper, Ben / Bolt, Peter G
Listen To Him
The essays collected here originated as papers given at the Annual Moore College School of Theology for 2014. Like Matthew's Gospel itself, they show a concern to place the good news about Jesus Christ in the context of God's unfolding plan of salvation throughout the centuries. The history of Israel contains both promise and pattern that point ahead to the coming of Jesus Christ as the Messiah who will 'save his people from their sins'. The ...

CHF 19.50

Commemorating War and Praying for Peace

Neal, John
Commemorating War and Praying for Peace
The Centenary of the 'war to end all wars' has brought to prominence both the pain and the pride of the armed forces. But it also raises some perennial questions about such forces, the place of Christians within them, and the Christian response to commemorating the events of war. This booklet sets out to outline the place and role of armed forces and the 'Just War' theory, to look at some of the pressures under which personnel of the modern We...

CHF 12.50

Biblical Bishops

Blair, Peter
Biblical Bishops
ARE BISHOPS BIBLICAL? As fissures emerge within the worldwide Anglican communion, the principle and praxis of episcopacy have never been more pertinent. For some Anglicans, bishops are essential for the church. For others, they are something of a necessary evil, baggage from the English Reformation that we might be better off without. These concerns are nothing new. In the seventeenth century, debates surrounding the validity and authority of ...

CHF 14.50

To Tell the Truth

Kirk, J. Andrew
To Tell the Truth
Human beings are inquisitive people. We all, quite rightly, like to explore the real world in its many fascinating dimensions. In particular, there are a few deep questions that most people face at some time in their lives: Who are we? Is there an overall purpose for our lives? What is good to believe? Why is there so much evil and suffering around? How is evil to be overcome and suffering accounted for? What best can help us to know how we sh...

CHF 10.50

Thinking Aloud

Davie, Martin
Thinking Aloud
Christians today are faced with pressure to change and accommodate, both from outside and from within the church community. Nowhere does this seem to be more true than on the issue of human sexuality. This volume discusses the issue with particular interest in the impact of recent events and publications on the Church of England. Its collection of papers and reviews aims to spell out the biblical foundations for Christian thinking about sexu...

CHF 13.50

Were They Preaching 'Another Gospel'? Justification By Fa...

Daunton-Fear, Andrew
Were They Preaching 'Another Gospel'? Justification By Faith in the Second Century
We are very familiar with the New Testament and can easily verify its teachings, but what happened to these teachings subsequently? Were they upheld, diluted or discarded? In particular, what did the Church Fathers make of Paul's cardinal doctrine 'justification by faith'? The sixteenth-century Protestant Reformers thought it was ignored prior to Augustine (354-430). Were the writers of the second century influenced by Paul, or did they manipu...

CHF 10.50

The Development of the Canons

Bray, Gerald
The Development of the Canons
AFTER THREE AND A HALF CENTURIES of relative neglect, the Church of England embarked on a thoroughgoing reform of its Canons, which led to the promulgation of an entirely new series of them in 1964 and in 1969. A year later, the present General Synod was inaugurated, and since then the Church's canon law has undergone a sometimes bewildering number of additions and alterations. Keeping track of these developments is not easy, because although ...

CHF 20.90