Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

3 Ergebnisse.


Carpenter, J. R.
GENERATION(S) expands upon a series of short fictions generated by Python scripts adapted (with permission) from two 1k story generators written by Nick Montfort, and incorporates GORGE, a never-ending tract spewing verse approximations, poetic paroxysms on food, consumption, decadence and desire, a hack of Montfort's elegant poetry generator Taroko Gorge. There was only one rule in creating GENERATION(S): No new texts. All the texts in this b...

CHF 24.50

human readable messages

Breeze, Mez
human readable messages
Mez does for code poetry as jodi and Vuk Cosic have done for ASCII Art: Turning a great, but naively executed concept into something brilliant, paving the ground for a whole generation of digital artists." (Florian Cramer).

CHF 50.50


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CHF 37.50