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156 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Tiwi Story

Kerinaiua, Mavis / Rademaker, Laura
Tiwi Story
I believe history is for healing. But you need to tell the whole story, the good and the bad. Telling the truth to the younger ones, the next generation, will make them strong.' - Mavis Kerinaiua The Tiwi people have more than their fair share of stories that turn ideas of Australian history upside down. The Tiwi claim the honour of defeating a global superpower. When the world's most powerful navy invaded and attempted to settle the Tiwi Isla...

CHF 67.00

Media Monsters

Young, Sally
Media Monsters
In 1941, the paper emperors of the Australian newspaper industry helped bring down Robert Menzies. Over the next 30 years, they grew into media monsters. This book reveals the transformation from the golden age of newspapers during World War II, through Menzies' return and the rise of television, to Gough Whitlam's 'It's Time' victory in 1972. During this crucial period, twelve independent newspaper companies turned into a handful of multime...

CHF 73.00

The Morrison Government

Grattan, Michelle / McCaffrie, Brendan / Wallace, Chris
The Morrison Government
Leading thinkers on the policies and leadership of the Morrison Government from 2019 to 2022 Australia has rarely endured as many difficulties as it did during the COVID-19 pandemic-dominated Morrison Government's term of office, from its surprise 2019 election win to the 2022 poll. How did government perform? How did policy and administration fare during this tumultuous political period? Was Australia's national government resilient in the fa...

CHF 52.50

Revealing Secrets

Birgin, Clare / Blaxland, John
Revealing Secrets
For a long time, the Australian Signals intelligence (or Sigint) story has been kept secret. Until now... Why does Australia have a national signals intelligence agency? What does it do and why is it controversial? And how significant are its ties with key partners, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand, to this arrangement? Revealing Secrets is a compelling account of Australian Signals intelligence, its efforts at r...

CHF 117.00

Political Lives

Wallace, Chris
Political Lives
Political Lives is an intimate history of image-making and image-breaking in national politics. What was the story behind Bob Hawke's famed biography? Why does Paul Keating think biographies of serving politicians are 'like Polaroids of a busy life' while John Howard considers them a big mistake? Where is the 'missing' Menzies biography? Why are our early prime ministers largely absent from historical memory? Chris Wallace writes Australian po...

CHF 52.50

Voices of Us: The Independents' Movement Transforming Aus...

Dunlop, Tim
Voices of Us: The Independents' Movement Transforming Australian Democracy
Australian politics is changing.The two-party system is disappearing, and the balance of power is shifting. While these changes might feel fragile, we may just be on the precipice of a transformative era for democracy in Australia.At the 2022 federal election, Australia voted - not just for change in individual seats - but a realignment of the way in which our political system works.This book is about how that happened.It's also about what we ...

CHF 41.90

The Best Australian Science Writing 2022

Swan, Norman / Shih, Ivy
The Best Australian Science Writing 2022
What can a microbial gravesite on a moon teach us? Why are a group of scientists risking their life to safeguard a seed bank? How does a virus detective story show us why we need to be vigilant about the next disease outbreak? Great science writing compels us to pay attention to parts of the world often unseen, from a dusty gold mine which could help answer one of the biggest questions in astrophysics to a delightful date with the misunderstoo...

CHF 41.90

Dark Winter: An Insider's Guide to Pandemics and Biosecurity

MacIntyre, Raina
Dark Winter: An Insider's Guide to Pandemics and Biosecurity
In Dark Winter, world-leading epidemiologist and biosecurity expert Raina MacIntyre provides insights into historical biological attacks, lab accidents and epidemics, and the COVID-19 pandemic. She reveals a recurrent theme of denial, silence and cover-up around unnatural epidemics and the powerful vested interests at play. Using the lens of history, MacIntyre also provides a glimpse into new frontiers of biosecurity. Dark Winter outlines quan...

CHF 41.90

Veiled Valour

Frame, Tom
Veiled Valour
Given the importance of ability, judgment, leadership and discipline to the effective performance of any military force, the nation faces a serious problem when the public begin to have doubts and politicians start to distrust, the capability of the defence force and the reliability of its members.' Tom Frame, one of Australia's most respected military affairs analysts, reveals the background to the war crimes allegedly committed by Australian...

CHF 72.00

The Art of Coalition

Blyth, Andrew / Lovell, David W.
The Art of Coalition
Despite being described as 'a remarkably successful partnership' by John Howard and a 'triumph of trust' by his counterpart, Nationals leader and Deputy Prime Minister John Anderson, the art of coalition government is a delicate (and sometimes difficult) balancing of policy, politics and personalities. The relationship between the Liberal and Nationals parties ensured the Howard Government's stability and provided a solid foundation for its le...

CHF 57.90

Waiting for Gonski

Greenwell, Tom / Bonnor, Chris
Waiting for Gonski
Why is education in Australia failing? Where did we go wrong, and how do we fix it? The Gonski Review seemed like a breakthrough. Commissioned by Prime Minister Julia Gillard and chaired by leading businessman David Gonski, the 2011 review made clear that school education policy wasn't working, and placed a spotlight on the troubling and growing gap between the educational outcomes of disadvantaged children and their more privileged peers. Gon...

CHF 65.00

Dear Prime Minister

Lyons, Martyn
Dear Prime Minister
I am sir [sure] you will act as human bean', wrote one distressed pensioner to Prime Minister Robert Menzies in 1953, pleading for assistance. Robert Menzies received 22, 000 letters during his record-breaking 1949-1966 second term as Australian Prime Minister. From war veterans, widows and political leaders to school students and homespun philosophers. Ordinary citizens sent their congratulations and grievances and commented on speeches they ...

CHF 51.90

The Best Australian Science Writing 2021

Lewis, Dyani
The Best Australian Science Writing 2021
Is there life in the clouds of Venus? How could Indigenous burning practices stave off catastrophic bushfires? What do horseshoe bats, raccoon dogs and pet cats have to do with the global pandemic? Science writing tells the stories of life and human endeavour in all its marvellous - often messy - complexity. Now in its eleventh year - and with a foreword by Australia's Chief Scientist, the renowned physicist Cathy Foley - The Best Australian S...

CHF 49.90

True Tracks

Janke, Terri
True Tracks
Indigenous cultures are not terra nullius - nobody's land, free to be taken. True Tracks is a groundbreaking work that paves the way for respectful and ethical engagement with Indigenous cultures. Using real-world cases and personal stories, award-winning Meriam/Wuthathi lawyer Dr Terri Janke draws on twenty years of professional experience to inform and inspire people working across many industries - from art and architecture, to film and pub...

CHF 59.50

Darwin Spitfires

Cooper, Anthony
Darwin Spitfires
In 1943, a small band of inexperienced Australian and British fighter pilots fought an ongoing air battle in defense of north-western Australia, flying against a formidably skilled and proficient opponent. The air raids on Darwin during 1942-43 constituted the only sustained and intensive direct assault on Australian mainland territory in the whole of World War Two and yet, surprisingly, most Australians have no idea that it ever happened. Fol...

CHF 54.90

In the Eye of the Storm

Reynolds, Robert / Robinson, Shirleene / Sendziuk, Paul
In the Eye of the Storm
The people who volunteered to help during the HIV/AIDS crisis of the 1980s and early 1990s provided compassion and support to heavily stigmatised people. These volunteers provided in-home care for the sick and dying, staffed needle exchanges and telephone help-lines, produced educational resources, served on boards of management, and provided friendship and practical support, among many other roles. They helped people affected by the virus to...

CHF 43.50

Level Up Your Essays

Mewburn, Inger / Firth, Katherine / Lehmann, Shaun
Level Up Your Essays
Level Up Your Essays is the essential guide to essay writing for university students. Written by the people who mark your essays, it will show you step-by-step how to write high-quality essays that will get you top marks.This book will guide you through all the stages, including your essay plan, developing research strategies, writing with distinction, finishing strongly with editing, and getting your referencing right every time. Bursting wit...

CHF 31.90

The Best Australian Science Writing 2020

Phillips, Sara
The Best Australian Science Writing 2020
The annual collection - now in its tenth year - celebrating the finest voices in Australian science writing.Can fish feel pain? Does it matter if a dingo is different from a dog? Is there life in a glob of subterranean snot? Science tackles some unexpected questions. At a time when the world is buffeted by the effects of a pandemic, climate change and accelerating technology, the fruits of scientific labour and enquiry have never been more in ...

CHF 45.90

Gun Control

Frame, Tom
Gun Control
A masterpiece of analysis of the politics of transformative change.' - Otago Daily TimesIn the aftermath of the Port Arthur massacre on 28 April 1996 - when a gunman murdered 35 people and injured another 23 at a popular Tasmanian tourist attraction - John Howard, a conservative prime minister who had been in office for just six weeks, surprised his colleagues and startled the nation by moving swiftly to transform Australia's lax firearm laws....

CHF 43.50

Refugee Rights and Policy Wrongs

Chong, Fiona / McAdam, Jane
Refugee Rights and Policy Wrongs
Everyone has the right to seek asylum under international law. However, successive governments in Australia have declared the need to 'stop the boats' whatever the cost, be it human, economic, moral or legal.In this new book, Jane McAdam and Fiona Chong find that Australia's policies towards refugees have hardened since their bestselling Refugees: Why seeking asylum is legal and Australia's policies are notwas published in 2014. Now, Refugee R...

CHF 39.50