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93 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Diamela Eltit

Eltit, Diamela / Barrientos, Mónica / Lazzara, Michael J.
Diamela Eltit
Diamela Eltit's literary work emerged on the Chilean cultural scene in the 1980s when the Pinochet regime (1973-1990) had consolidated its project of extermination, censorship, and neoliberal shock therapy. Forced to write in a suffocating atmosphere of restriction and violence, Eltit boldly cultivated a radical, insurrectional poetics aimed at questioning the very underpinnings of authoritarian power and discourse. While Eltit's novels, pub...

CHF 43.90

On Democratic Politics

Lechner, Norbert / Bobes, Velia Cecilia / Valdés-Ugalde, Francisco
On Democratic Politics
The German-born, Chilean author Norbert Lechner remains one of Latin America's most prominent and creative social scientists. His work is indebted to the intense debates regarding theories of modernization, developmentalism, and dependence that took place in Latin American intellectual and political circles. These theoretical sources were present as a cognitive horizon in his essential writings, and many of the central concerns that enlivened ...

CHF 43.90

Contra o racismo

Moreno Figueroa, Mónica G. / Wade, Peter
Contra o racismo
Narrativas poderosas descrevem as nações latino-americanas como fundamentalmente mestiças. Essas narrativas dificultaram o reconhecimento do racismo na região, mas as recentes viradas multiculturalistas aumentaram o reconhecimento das culturas e das identidades negras e indígenas. O multiculturalismo pode focar em questões de identidade e visibilidade e abordar formas despreocupadas de racismo, mas também pode desviar a atenção do racismo estr...

CHF 92.00

The Material Culture of English Rural Households c.1250-1600

Jervis, Ben / Briggs, Chris / Forward, Alice
The Material Culture of English Rural Households c.1250-1600
This book presents a synthesis and analysis of the possessions of non-elite rural households in medieval England. Drawing on the results of the Leverhulme Trust funded project 'Living Standards and Material Culture in English Rural Households, 1300-1600', it represents the first national-scale interdisciplinary analysis of non-elite consumption in the later Middle Ages. The research is situated within debates around rising living standards in ...

CHF 131.00

Can't Touch This

Bodard, Gabriel / Palladino, Chiara
Can't Touch This
What are the implications of digital representation on intellectual property and ownership of cultural heritage? Are aspirations to preservation and accessibility in the digital space reconcilable with cultural taboos, colonized history, and cultural appropriation? This volume brings together different perspectives from academic and practitioners of Cultural Heritage, to address current debates in the digitization and other computational study...

CHF 76.00

Ethnographies of Collaborative Economies across Europe

Ciolfi, Luigina / Travlou, Penny
Ethnographies of Collaborative Economies across Europe
Sharing economy" and "collaborative economy" refer to a proliferation of initiatives, business models, digital platforms and forms of work that characterise contemporary life: from community-led initiatives and activist campaigns, to the impact of global sharing platforms in contexts such as network hospitality, transportation, etc. Sharing the common lens of ethnographic methods, this book presents in-depth examinations of collaborative econo...

CHF 81.00

Unlocking Environmental Narratives

Adams, Benjamin / Koblet, Olga / Purves, Ross S.
Unlocking Environmental Narratives
Understanding the role of humans in environmental change is one of the most pressing challenges of the 21st century. Environmental narratives - written texts with a focus on the environment - offer rich material capturing relationships between people and surroundings. We take advantage of two key opportunities for their computational analysis: massive growth in the availability of digitised contemporary and historical sources, and parallel adv...

CHF 81.00

Jean Vanmai's Chân ¿¿ng The Tonkinese of Caledonia in the...

Vanmai, Jean
Jean Vanmai's Chân ¿¿ng The Tonkinese of Caledonia in the colonial era
Jean Vanmai's Chân ¿¿ng The Tonkinese of Caledonia in the colonial era is a rare insider's account of the life experiences of Chân ¿¿ng, the Vietnamese indentured workers who were brought from Tonkin to work in the New Caledonian nickel mines in the 1930s and 1940s, when both Indochina and New Caledonia were French colonies. Narrated from the unique perspective of a descendant of Chân ¿¿ng, the novel offers a deep understanding of how Vietname...

CHF 86.00

Digital Supply Chain Transformation

Pettit, Stephen / Wang, Yingli
Digital Supply Chain Transformation
Digital and communication technologies, from cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoTs), big data and analytics, to artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and blockchain, are having a profound impact on individuals, organisations and society. The devastation caused by the global Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the fact that digital transformation is no longer an option but a survival necessity. In the supply chain field, technology developme...

CHF 49.90

Divine Descent and the Four World-Ages in the Mah¿bh¿rata...

Brodbeck, Simon
Divine Descent and the Four World-Ages in the Mah¿bh¿rata - or, Why Does the K¿¿¿a Avat¿ra Inaugurate the Worst Yuga?
This monograph approaches the Mah¿bh¿rata as a single work of literature, and the method is that of close textual study. Key verses are quoted in the original Sanskrit and in English translation. The title problem has been recognised before, but no detailed solution has been forthcoming. The monograph's objective is to try to articulate a Mah¿bh¿rata theology of time. In Chapter 1, the monograph's argument and synchronic methodology are summ...

CHF 22.90

The Face-to-Face Principle

Collins, Harry / Evans, Robert / Innes, Martin
The Face-to-Face Principle
The internet is changing the way knowledge is made and understood. It is a change from making knowledge via face-to-face interaction to making knowledge via remote interaction. The authors of this book believe that this change, if left unchecked, could be disastrous for the long-term future of pluralist democracy and the very idea of truth itself. The book explains what the change is, why it is so dangerous, and what needs to be done to stop i...

CHF 29.90

La educación intercultural bilingüe en Ecuador

Perino, Elena
La educación intercultural bilingüe en Ecuador
En 1988 se institucionalizaba en Ecuador el primer modelo educativo bilingüe en Latinoamérica manejado de manera autónoma por un movimiento social indígena. La voluntad era desafiar a las jerarquías del saber y a una sociedad excluyente. Desde el periodo colonial, se había confinado a la población indígena, sus idiomas, conocimientos y prácticas a una condición subalterna y de invisibilidad. Se lo había hecho mediante discursos y medidas que i...

CHF 65.00

Parliaments' Contributions to Security Sector Governance/...

Janse van Rensburg, Wilhelm / Zyl-Gous, Nicolette van / Heinecken, Lindy
Parliaments' Contributions to Security Sector Governance/Reform and the Sustainable Development Goals
The United Nation's Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 calls for the establishment of peaceful, just and inclusive societies. The security sector has the potential to contribute to SDG16 through the fulfilment of its traditional and non-traditional security tasks. However, the security sector can also detract from SDG16 when it acts outside the confines of the law. Good governance of the sector is therefore a prerequisite to achieving SDG16...

CHF 37.50

Educators of Healthcare Professionals

Browne, Julie / Bullock, Alison / Parker, Samuel
Educators of Healthcare Professionals
Healthcare education is a discipline in its own right, and while each profession has its own distinctive body of clinical knowledge, in educational terms there is much that all professions share. Yet recognition for the healthcare educator role is often lacking. A more collaborative approach to the professional development of healthcare educators is needed in response to this and also to the rise of interprofessional and multiprofessional team...

CHF 52.50

The Grid and the Park

Gorelik, Adrián
The Grid and the Park
Since its publication in Spanish in 1998, The Grid and the Park not only revitalized studies on the history of Buenos Aires, but also laid the foundation for a specific type of cultural work on the city -an urban perspective for cultural history, as its author would describe it- that has had a sustained impact in Latin America. Public space, embodied in the grid of city blocks and the park system, here appears as a particularly productive cate...

CHF 88.00

Plan S for Shock

Smits, Robert-Jan / Pells, Rachael
Plan S for Shock
Plan S for shock: the open access initiative that changed the face of global research This is the story of open access publishing - why it matters now, and for the future. In a world where information has never been so accessible, and answers are available at the touch of a fingertip, we are hungrier for the facts than ever before - something the Covid-19 crisis has brought to light. And yet, paywalls put in place by multi-billion dollar publi...

CHF 78.00

Monstrous Liminality

Beghetto, Robert G.
Monstrous Liminality
This book examines the transformation of the figure of the stranger in the literature of the modern age in terms of liminality. As a 'spectral monster' that has a paradoxical and liminal relationship to both the sacred and the secular, the figure of the modern stranger has played a role in both adapting and shaping a culturally determined understanding of the self and the other. With the advent of modernity, the stranger, the monster, and the ...

CHF 39.90

Transformations of the Military Profession and Profession...

Roelsgaard Obling, Anne / Victor Tillberg, Lotta
Transformations of the Military Profession and Professionalism in Scandinavia
What characterises the development and social transformation of the military profession in Scandinavia? Has the broadening of tasks, function and scope of the military profession lead to changes in the values, outlook and behaviour of groups of the armed forces? And what kind of changes are the cultural and structural interpenetration of civilian and military spheres, including hybrid forms of professionalism, generating and what are the signi...

CHF 27.90