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83 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Homeward Bound

Homeward Bound
From the day we are able to understand language, we are programmed to behave and to act in a certain way. We are encouraged to do well in our lives and to aim for status symbols of material wealth and power. We are pressured from all sides (parents, teachers, media etc) to achieve!! And so we try. We study hard and we work hard. We do all that is expected of us. But life is not easy. It is full of trials and tribulations and events that bring ...

CHF 17.90

The Dancing Light

Charles, Valerie
The Dancing Light
When six teenagers are allowed to embark on a horse drawn caravan holiday in the tranquil countryside of the county of Norfolk, no one has any idea that their week will involve them with equine emergencies, rural crime and dangerous situations. Mandy, one of their number, has a frightening encounter with a mysterious wild creature...could it be Black Shuck, a ghost dog that is said to haunt the local byways? As the snarling beast leaps towards...

CHF 17.90

German P.O.W Camp 266 Langdon Hills

Porter, Ken / Wynn, Stephen
German P.O.W Camp 266 Langdon Hills
This book isn't a story it's an historical account of what life was like for the German POW's who spent time incarcerated in Camp 266 at Langdon Hills in Essex. The camp opened just before the end of the Second World War and saw the arrival of its first inhabitants in April 1945 before finally closing its doors in June 1948.

CHF 24.50

Lethal Legacy

Kelly, Isobel
Lethal Legacy
A man's hopes of founding a dynasty fall in ruins as an old curse comes to pass and his descendants are beset by ill luck. Is there really evil in his heirloom? Or is it just life's misfortunes? Down through the past from Scotland to London then Cornwall and the strange exchange of newborn infants, Isobel weaves an intriguing story of greed, ambition and despair until love finally triumphs over adversity.

CHF 27.90

Daisy's Dreams and Adventures

Moral, Corrie
Daisy's Dreams and Adventures
Daisy's Dreams and Adventures will truly capture your child's imagination as Daisy visits exciting places from the past in her amazing dreams with her pet dog, Diggers.Daisy's Dreams and Adventures is made up of two imaginative stories which not only encourage children that taking naps and going to bed at night is important, but also teaches them about history as Daisy and Diggers visit Dinosaur time and Ancient Egypt.A beautifully illustrated...

CHF 16.90

All's Fair

Newman, Tamara P.
All's Fair
All's careful what you wish for! Is Douglas Spencer a Ladies' Man? Can a duck swim? The perfect profession for him, an illustrious high flying gynaecologist at an end, Douglas Spencer decides in his retirement he will raise his profile in a business he's seen flourish over the years, from its tenacious beginnings in a Soho basement.

CHF 31.50

Black Princes

D'Four, Atlas
Black Princes
Black Princes'.A series of far-flung incidents. Seemingly not connected but which cumulated in one of the Second World War's most diabolical events.A nation's secrets, whilst laudable in the short term, should within a reasonable passage of time be aired for all to see. Secrets thus encapsulatedprovide for wild speculation and ultimately mistrust.When will we ever learn?Atlas D'four unwinds the facts behind the 'reluctant' King, the schizophre...

CHF 19.90

Black Masquerade

D'Four, Atlas
Black Masquerade
BLACK MASQUERADE' History blithely informs us Hitler and Churchill never came face to face to discuss 'Peace Terms' or an 'Armistice'. What then was the purpose of the 'no fly' zone instituted to the south-east corner of Kent on the 18/19th April 1941? Why were German aircraft allowed to land and depart without sanction at a Kent airfield on at least two occasions in March and April 1941? What was the purpose of radio transmissions between the...

CHF 17.90

The World Bedtime Story Book

Lamond, Stewart J.
The World Bedtime Story Book
The World Bedtime Story Book comprises of seven magical stories from DIFFERENT COUNTRIES around the world, one for each day of the week. These enchanting stories are all about little boys and girls who have made very special friends that have changed their lives forever. Each story lasts for about 25 minutes and is just enough time for the little ones to drift into dreamland.

CHF 17.90

The Guardian

Barnes, Gary
The Guardian
Dying and alone, Julius saw his saviour coming towards him. The mystery woman entered his life just at the right time, but at what cost. She was going to take him on the worst journey of his life, a journey that he needed to survive or it would cost him his eternal soul. Can he find strength within that had evaded him in his life to eventually discover the truth?

CHF 21.90

A Controlled Environment

Kimpton, Georgie
A Controlled Environment
A Controlled Enviroment is the compelling and sinister debut work from London based author, Georgie Kimpton.In 2006 building contractor, Lee Smalling pulled off the most audacious cash heist in British criminal history. On the night of February 24th, he brazenly entered the Securitex cash depot in Ashford, Kent and made off with over fifty four million pounds in used bank notes. Sadly within hours of stashing the money, he forgot all about it!...

CHF 28.90

A Time of Change

Hoadley, Valerie
A Time of Change
ALL AUTHOR PROCEEDS ARE BEING DONATED TO MARIE CURIE CANCER CARE. A Time of Change records a journey lasting some three and a half years. It begins with a physical journey, a return to England from Spain where the author and her husband had lived so happily for 15 years and then, following his sudden and unexpected death.

CHF 20.50


D'Four, Atlas
BlackJack'.Invasion 1941'. The enclosed 'account' whilst counter-factual draws on all that was at the time available and possible.Suppose that Hitler had wanted to eradicate the British Empire and take on the mantel of world 'dictator'?Is this how it would have happened in 1941?'Von Rundstedt's Army Group (A), three-quarters of a million men, lay poised not twenty-five miles from the English coast. These are the finest highly trained storm-tro...

CHF 33.90

Black Dust

D'Four, Atlas
Black Dust
Black Dust''Operation - Vorhaben Eingelfleischt-Sabel'.Search all you will but you will not discover its purpose. Why? Because at the wars end the Allied Governments decided in their wisdom not to tell the general public.Why? Because it's a 'secret' -?-?Atlas D'four completes the events leading up to the dropping of the Atomic bombson Japan in August 1945 and the 'real' reasons why the Allies deemed itnecessary.But not before exposing the 'hel...

CHF 23.50

Black Dove

D'Four, Atlas
Black Dove
Black Dove'.'Rudolf Hess'. Nazi General and Deputy Leader of the Nazi Party and second only to the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler. 'Hess' the 'Peacemaker'.But unbeknowns to the peacemaker there were those who would take advantage of the 'Hess' mission to reek mayhem, mischief and havoc to disguise their true intentions.Atlas D'four tells the 'true' story behind the 'Hess' mission and pulls the lid off the secrets that have for so many years been kept fro...

CHF 24.90

Black Shark

D'Four, Atlas
Black Shark
Black Shark''The Battle for The Narrow Seas'.Britain. 1940/41.Having failed to persuade the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to sue for peace, Adolf Hitler institutes 'Case Hiafisch/Ausscheiden' (Operation Shark/Obliterate), in his bid to 'pressure' an 'armistice'.But Churchill would have none of it!Atlas D'four tells the story of the German Nazi's bid toeradicate Britain's bomb disposal operatives and paralyse the ports and rail termi...

CHF 19.90