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28 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Taylor, Brian
ORIGINAL POCKETBOOK The Truth about Everything. How to access the Centre. How to understand it. How to use it. How to enter it forever.

CHF 27.90


Taylor, Brian F
There is a kind of truth that appears occasionally in print about things that we ought to know because they affect our well-being and long-term happiness. This is such a book.But this book contains details of things we may not have experienced like "chakras" - invisible wheels spinning around in key centres of our bodies. You may not believe it but you can suspend judgement and test it with experience.The book does provide a method, a set of i...

CHF 15.50


Brian F Taylor, Taylor
Aristotle wrote that the function of poetry is to give a "particular kind of pleasure". Writing poetry gives to the pursuit of truth the highest kind of pleasure.There is a kind of brightness when one is completely aware of something at the very moment it happens. Before it transmutes into something else. Before it becomes the past. Before it is sucked down into the twilight stream of semi-consciousness, which the Buddhists call Bhavanga. Writ...

CHF 15.50


Taylor, Brian F
This is a historical description. Why is it not in the past tense? Because it is also happening in the Present. It is a description of how we have come to be what we are, here and now. It also shows the overall route which we have taken from our point of origin. It is the opposite of modern views which trace the origin of life to an accidental occurrence in matter in the distant past.It also differs from views that our evolution is ever upward...

CHF 14.50

A Short History of the Universe

Taylor, Brian F
A Short History of the Universe
An illustrated short history of the Universe. The simple diagrams of the Universal Octopus help us to understand how duality and separatism arise and reveal how all Life is really One and not the multiplicity that appears to our five senses and on which our thinking and behaviour is based.This is the source of all the problems we humans have experienced (and created) forever.What we need is understanding and direct experience of the way things...

CHF 13.50


Taylor, Brian F.
These poems cover over forty years. Writing them is like collecting the bubbles which stream away from the stern of a small boat crossing a vast ocean. They are all different. They are all the same. Fragile, inconsequential bubbles of livingness. The subject matter ranges from Oxford, its colleges and ghosts, to the Far East with its temples, its hunger for life (and concrete jungles), and its two and a half thousand year old Buddhism. Here, T...

CHF 20.50

What is Buddhism?

Taylor, Brian F
What is Buddhism?
Buddhism is a method by which one can put an end to the suffering that we experience in this world.When we find the whole universe, mind and body, unsatisfactory, and let it go, it falls away from us and we expereince total Peace and Happiness. This is a state that has always been there. From time to time we get flashes of it. It is not death. Death is the end of something. Nibbana in not the end of anything. It is a state without a beginning ...

CHF 10.50

The Five Buddhist Precepts

Taylor, Brian F
The Five Buddhist Precepts
If these precepts were kept throughout the human world, it would make an unbelievable difference. There would be no war, no serious crime, and no need for money to be spent on armies, policing, courts of justice or prisons.If we were wholeheartedly to adopt these five precepts and live our lives by them, we would no longer cause suffering to other living beings by our actions. In this way we would normalise our relationships with others and th...

CHF 10.90


Taylor, Brian F
For Humanity, Memory has come to replace understanding. This is why current conflicts in our world cannot be resolved.Memory cannot, of itself lead to Understanding. It can only shape Points of View. These are endlessly subject to change. Real Understanding only comes into existence with DIRECT SEEING IN THE PRESENT MOMENT. As soon as it enters Memory, it is already subject to revision. Because it has become detached from Seeing.Reconciliation...

CHF 9.50

Oxford Blues

Taylor, Brian F.
Oxford Blues
Oxford: Bones and stones, churches and vivisection laboratory. Peaceful gardens, rivers and quadrangles. Relentless efforts to squeeze the money out of its alumni. Drifting ghosts looking for peace. Drifting students looking for a place in a disintegrating world. Beauty inherited from the past. Deliberate ugliness bequeathed by the present. Vice Chancellors once men of God. Currently a man chosen because he is good at making money. A footprint...

CHF 17.50

Centre The Truth About Everything

Taylor, Brian F
Centre The Truth About Everything
An English Poet and philosopher shares the momentous discovery of 'the Centre' within the physical body. Not just part of the body or a chakra but the Original Centre and Source of the universe - now. Easily accessible and authoritatively written, CENTRE is a rare and practical text of wisdom and provides a new, hands-on approach for spiritual evolution, advanced understanding and the highest happiness. . Learn how to access, use and enter the...

CHF 27.90

Centre The Truth about Everything

Taylor, Brian F.
Centre The Truth about Everything
All Life is One. It is not only the multiplicity it appears to our five senses. This is the source of all the the problems we humans have experienced forever. What we need is direct experience of the way things are. Inside every living being is the Centre of the Universe. By humans, the Centre can be accessed and investigated and the Truth realised. Once and for all, beyond all doubt... Understand how there really is only One Experience someth...

CHF 19.50

Bamboo Leaves

Taylor, Brian F.
Bamboo Leaves
THAILAND: Disabled beggars with plastic begging cups, Ferraris, a snow white Bugatti Veyron and a swimming pool filled with ice for New Year's Day, westernised nose jobs, lady boys and budget sex changes, Ghosts and Spirit Doctors, mediums offering lunch to the spirits that possess them, body snatchers lurking below motorway bridges, menus offering one-day dry pig and son-in-law's testicles. Temples thundering out their message that all this i...

CHF 21.90

The Universal Octopus & Mr Tao

Taylor, Brian F.
The Universal Octopus & Mr Tao
An animated short history of the Universe. There really is only One. Every living and inanimate thing is part of this One. Every thing arises out of this One and subsides back into it. Since all is One, what you do to "another" you do to you...

CHF 10.50

Sanyojana The Buddha's Doctrine of the Ten Fetters

Taylor, Brian F.
Sanyojana The Buddha's Doctrine of the Ten Fetters
A translation and explanation of the Ten Fetters, the Buddha's teaching on what binds living beings to the Sangsara and suffering. If we have succeeded in releasing ourselves from all ten fetters we are Arahats. If we haven't, we can use them as a tool to see and identify those things which arise in the mind and keep us trapped in a world of suffering. We can patiently weaken their hold on us (which is our hold on them) and, ultimately, free o...

CHF 10.90


Taylor, Brian F.
Drugs are substances that lead men to carelessness about their own bodies. These become sick and degenerate. Judgement is impaired and men make mistakes in their work, their driving, their relationships with others. Their families and dependents too are affected by the errors of judgement which result from their carelessness. The Buddha pinpoints that it is the carelessness resulting from taking drugs that causes errors in our thinking and beh...

CHF 10.90

Basic Buddhist Meditation

Taylor, Brian F.
Basic Buddhist Meditation
The aim of Buddhist Meditation is the realisation of Nibbana. Nibbana is eternal peace and happiness, free from any suffering or unsatisfactoriness. There is nothing higher or better than Nibbana. The method is similar to focusing one's attention, minutely, on the detail of the images that appear on the cinema screen. If one can restrain oneself from being drawn into the story of the film, one comes to see that all these pictures, which succee...

CHF 10.90

Jehovah's Footprints

Taylor, Brian F.
Jehovah's Footprints
The illustrated History and footprints of Jehovah, from the Creation of the World until Joshua's genocide at Jericho, as recorded in the authentic Hebrew histories in Hebrew and Aramaic. With a postscript by Nietzsche and comments by a twentieth century American Jewish prophet, Bob Dylan (and Gnome assisted by Socrates). "Dedicated to all those Sufferers whose lives have been blighted by the folly of those who came before them. Verily I say un...

CHF 18.50


Taylor, Brian F.
Buddha identified Five Nivaranas (Hindrances or Blockages) which prevent us from seeing the Truth and putting an end to Suffering. One or more of these obstacles is present at every stage of the Path until the ultimate attainment of the Arahant - the Deathless. These Hindrances affect the senses. The senses are the fundamentals of Life itself.

CHF 10.90