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37915 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Neumann Johannes
In den Wirren der sich auflösenden Sowjetunion konnte sich 1992 in Moldawien fast unbemerkt eine Sezession vollziehen, die eines der ärmsten Länder Europas seither spaltet. Östlich des Flusses Dnjestr konsolidierten die Transnistrier ihren eigenen Kleinstaat, der weltweit bislang keine Anerkennung fand und der sich selbst als , Pridnestrovskaja Moldavskaja Respublika' (PMR) bezeichnet.In der PMR konnte sich ein System etablieren, das unter der...

CHF 77.00

Life Cycle Costing: Techniques and Applications

Chandra Shil, Nikhil / Parvez, Mahbub
Life Cycle Costing: Techniques and Applications
In today's complex business environment, both raising and application of fund becomes so costly. Thus, business needs to take a wise decision of investing funds in fixed facilities. NPV, PBP, IRR are some widely used tools in such situation most of which are based on projected revenues. LCC is special in a sense that it considers every cost category throughout the life of alternative projects from cradle to grave. If the amount of revenue is s...

CHF 66.00


Martínez, Luís Galeano / García, Juan Vázquez
Der Kampf um die Insel Peleliu war für die Amerikaner der verlustreichste des ganzen II. Weltkrieges, setzt man die Opferzahlen ins Verhältnis zur Größe des umkämpften Territoriums: Nach 74 Tagen härtester Kämpfe von nie zuvor erlebter Grausamkeit waren fast alle 12.300 Verteidiger tot, während selbst die siegreichen Amerikaner fast 2.000 Gefallene zu beklagen hatten. Nach der Eroberung von Peleliu nutzten die Amerikaner den dortigen Flugpla...

CHF 24.50

Die Luftschlacht um England

García, Juan Vázquez
Die Luftschlacht um England
1940 schien der Siegeslauf der deutschen Wehrmacht unaufhaltsam: In einem Blitzkrieg von wenigen Wochen hatte sie das so starke anglo-französische Koalitionsheer niedergerungen, und diesen raschen Sieg verdankte sie vor allem der Luftwaffe. Diese war in erster Linie als taktisches Instrument des Blitzkrieges geschaffen worden. Nun aber wurde Görings Luftwaffe ein strategisches Ziel gesetzt: Die Erringung der Luftherrschaft über dem Ärmelkanal...

CHF 23.90

Der strategische Bombenkrieg

García, Juan Vázquez
Der strategische Bombenkrieg
1940 hatten die Briten nur eine Möglichkeit zum Gegenschlag: Eine Bomberoffensive gegen Deutschland. Die Anfänge waren wenig ermutigend. Das änderte sich erst mit der Einführung kampfstarker Viermotorer wie "Stirling", "Halifax" und vor allem der legendären "Lancaster". Ungelöst blieb für den ganzen Krieg aber das Problem der Zielerkennung und des treffsicheren Bombenwurfes bei Nacht. So verfiel man auf die heißumstrittenen Flächenbombardement...

CHF 28.90

Demokratie und Führerschaft

Nelson, Leonard
Demokratie und Führerschaft
Leonard Nelson (1882-1927) war ein deutscher Philosoph, der sich hauptsächlich mit Logik und Ethik beschäftigte. Nach seinem Studium in Heidelberg, Berlin und Göttingen wurde Nelson durch Unterstützung von David Hilbert 1919 zum außerordentlichen Professor berufen. Nelson gründete früh Diskussionsrunden ("Neue Fries'sche Schule"), die philosophische Fragen erörterten Namensgeber hierfür war der Kantianer Jakob Friedrich Fries. Später rief Nels...

CHF 51.50

Die Klassische Schweinepest beim Schwarzwild

Tischer, Annika
Die Klassische Schweinepest beim Schwarzwild
Die Klassische Schweinepest gehört zu den wirtschaftlich bedeutsamsten Tierseuchen und kann unter natürlichen Bedingungen sowohl Haus- als auch Wildschweine befallen. Vor allem in Staaten mit einer intensiven Schweineproduktion stellt sie ein Problem dar. Mit der steten Zunahme der Schwarzwilddichte in weiten Teilen Europas ist in den letzten Jahren die Frage nach der Rolle des Schwarzwildes als Virusreservoir und -überträger mehr und mehr ins...

CHF 80.00

The Finnish Competition State

Pelkonen, Antti
The Finnish Competition State
During the 1990s and early 2000s, Finland underwent a profound restructuring that saw it change from a country deep in recession to a global model of the knowledge economy. At the same time, the Helsinki region transformed itself into one of the most competitive regions in Europe. This book examines policy changes related to these transformations, by analysing major shifts in state policies, urban strategies and university activity. At the lev...

CHF 107.00

Globalization Discourse as an Instrument of Policymaking

Luckhurst, Jonathan
Globalization Discourse as an Instrument of Policymaking
This book demonstrates the effects of globalization discourse on the British Labour governments of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. It also provides important lessons for contemporary policymakers, in the wake of a world recession that was totally avoidable but encouraged by the prescriptions of globalization discourse. The recent economic crisis has undermined core claims from the latter, both by underlining its flaws and also because internation...

CHF 107.00

Anthropogenic Tropical Forests in the 21st Century

Hashim, Nor Rasidah
Anthropogenic Tropical Forests in the 21st Century
Lately, anthropogenic secondary forests have entered the global conservation debates due to unprecedented rates of tropical deforestation. In places where a cash economy has been dominant for many decades, socioeconomic factors greatly affect this forest type. This book explores several related questions about the relationships between anthropogenic disturbance and the regeneration and the utilization of floodplain secondary forests in Peninsu...

CHF 66.00

An Autobiography of the Creative Writing Experience

Robinson, Shelley
An Autobiography of the Creative Writing Experience
This book is a self-analysis of Shelley Robinson'sown act of creative writing. In a (modified) think-aloud protocol, Robinson metacognitively reflects upon her own act of writing, working in three rhetorical forms of writing: 1) a poem(imaginative), 2) a journal entry (expressive), and 3) an article(transactional). During this research, she expands the concept ofmetacognition to become "meta-processing" in order to bettercommunicate her reflex...

CHF 80.00

Business-State Relations And Development

Negm, Yasmine
Business-State Relations And Development
In the late 1980s, the concept of embedded autonomy became central to the literature of economic development in East Asia. Rapid economic growth in South Korea, Taiwan and Japan was attributed to the state role in development (Johnson 1982, Wade 1990, Evans 1985). The state embedded itself in the social networks of the entrepreneurs. This model of the developmental state credit that the success in East Asia to the state's structure and role in...

CHF 80.00

A comparative study of masculine and Feminine Styles of L...

Gebremichael, Fitsum
A comparative study of masculine and Feminine Styles of Leadership
The book addresses the theme of masculine and feminine styles of leadership in the primary schools. Emphasis is given due to a recent paradigm shift of the trend as a growing rise in the involvment of female leaders in the different leadership positions of the schools. The research results have manifested that the female leaders are exhibited employing face to face mode in their school communication and promote individualized and collegial wor...

CHF 80.00

Perception of Teachers on Educational Reforms in Ghana

Wilson, Kofi Bentum
Perception of Teachers on Educational Reforms in Ghana
There is a great need for education reform for a country to succeed in the field of politics, social, economic and cultural changes, as well as scientific and technological changes and transformations. Education the world over has undergone several reforms in one way or the other. The reasons for the reforms are varied and it these range from technological to economic among others. Reforms in Education come with its own challenges and implicat...

CHF 66.00

Transnational Lives: Professional Indian women in Durban

Transnational Lives: Professional Indian women in Durban
The study details the transnational migrations of a sample of professional Indian women from Durban, KwaZulu Natal within the context of their historical transition from indentureship to transnationalism, and their changing social identities. The study problematizes migration research in South Africa based on the inadequacy of national databases, specifically with regard to the invisibility of racial, gendered and occupational data pertinent t...

CHF 107.00


Haseeb, Dr. M. Farooq / Dr Bilqees FM, Prof / Khatoon N, Dr
The liver tissue damage in the catfish was observed. Lobular arrangement and central veins were obscured. Atrophy of liver tissue with large spaces in between was obvious. Portal tract areas were congested, hepatocyte cord arrangement and shape was disturbed. Section of nematode larvae apparently viable was present in liver tissue. Proliferation of the bile duct in portal tract area was obvious resulting into bile duct hyperplasia. Liver tissu...

CHF 80.00

Responsible watchdogs?

Skjerdal, Terje
Responsible watchdogs?
The social and political transition that came with the fall of apartheid in South Africa had tremendous significance for the media. The media were actively engaged in the discussion of what role they should serve in the newfound democracy. This book is the result of a research project that scrutinzed more than 100 articles that appeared in the South African press in the post-apartheid years 1996-99. Two main discourses were identified: the wat...

CHF 66.00

Financial Markets in Vietnam's Transition Economy

Vuong, Quan-Hoang
Financial Markets in Vietnam's Transition Economy
In 1986, Vietnam initiated its extensive economic reform program, known as Doi Moi, which saved the country - then in a devastating economic crisis - from a collapse. The introduction of market system has brought back substantial changes in both people's life and the national economy. Market mechanism, commercial institutions, private properties and capital goods ownership, free trade... have since come into existence. Gradually, financial mar...

CHF 107.00