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127 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

The Mongwande Snake Cult

Moen, Sveinung Johnson
The Mongwande Snake Cult
In this book Sveinung Johnson Moen presents a very fascinating subject, a snake cult among the Mongwande people in the northern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Going beyond a mere anthropological description, he brings the subject in relation to the snake concept in Scripture and reflects on the opportunities and fallacies of missionary ministry. Even though his experiences go back to the 1950s (that is the end of the colonial period...

CHF 31.50

Die Ernte Ist Gross, Aber Es Sind Nur Wenige Arbeiter - F...

Moosheer, Richard / Mauerhofer, Jonathan / Soltau, Kai
Die Ernte Ist Gross, Aber Es Sind Nur Wenige Arbeiter - Festschrift
2004 wurde in Österreich die Evangelikale Akademie (EVAK) ins Leben gerufen. Zehn Jahre später wird eine Festschrift veröffentlicht, die einen kleinen Einblick in die Arbeit der Akademie geben soll. Am Anfang steht ein kurzer Rückblick auf die vergangenen zehn Jahre und die Würdigung eines Mitbegründers der EVAK. Anschließend wird auf die für Österreich typische Situation der Teilzeitpastoren mit Migrationshintergrund eingegangen und die Rolle...

CHF 19.50

The Heart of Church and Mission

Knell, Bryan
The Heart of Church and Mission
This book brings together a passion for the church and a passion for global mission. It looks at the heart of the UK church, asking whether and how it beats for mission and explores the passion of the mission community, and asks how it involves the local church. You might be forgiven for expecting that the heart of church and the heart of mission would be interwoven and closely linked together, but that has not been the case. Two significant h...

CHF 17.50

Wie lehre ich die Bibel, damit Menschen Gott begegnen?

Page, Andrew
Wie lehre ich die Bibel, damit Menschen Gott begegnen?
Andrew Page glaubt, dass Bibellehre ein übernatürliches Ereignis sein kann. Andrew besuchte die London School of Theology und lebte zwanzig Jahre lang als Missionar in Österreich. Dort hat er für die ÖSM (Österreichische Studentenmission) und als Pastor in Innsbruck gearbeitet. Er sagt: "Zwei Feinde christlicher Gemeinden sind Bibellehre, die ohne viel biblischen Inhalt auskommt, und Bibellehre, die mehr eine Vorlesung als ein Ereignis ist." W...

CHF 14.50

How to Teach the Bible so that People Meet God

Page, Andrew
How to Teach the Bible so that People Meet God
Andrew Page believes that Bible teaching can be a supernatural event. A graduate of London School of Theology, Andrew was a missionary in Austria for 20 years, working with the Austrian Christian student movement (IFES) and later pastoring a church in Innsbruck. He says "Two enemies of Christian churches are Bible teaching with little biblical content and Bible teaching which is more a lecture than an event." If you agree with this, How to Tea...

CHF 20.50

Het Marcus Experiment

Page, Andrew
Het Marcus Experiment
Als je op zoek bent naar een nieuwe kijk op Marcus' Evangelie en ernaar verlangt dat het Evangelie jou helpt in het aanbidden en ervaren van Jezus, is Het Marcus Experiment het boek voor jou. In Het Marcus Experiment laat Andrew Page je zien hoe je makkelijk het evangelie kunt onthouden en legt hij uit hoe mediteren op de gebeurtenissen in het Evangelie zijn relatie met Jezus heeft verandert. Denk je eens in wat dit kan betekenen voor jou in h...

CHF 23.50

Warum es gut ist, Christ zu werden

Graf-Stuhlhofer, Franz
Warum es gut ist, Christ zu werden
Warum sollte ich mich mit dem christlichen Glauben befassen?" Weil Du selbst davon profitierst, wenn Du zum Glauben an Jesus kommst. Es gibt auch eine umfangreichere, nicht ganz einfache Antwort: Es geht bei diesem Glauben um die Beziehung zu Gott, und Beziehungen sind nicht immer einfach. Da gibt es manchmal Durststrecken und enttäuschte Erwartungen. Aber meine Zuneigungzu Gott kann sich gerade dann bewähren, wenn einer meiner Wünsche von Got...

CHF 8.50

Engaging with Muslims in Europe

De Ruiter, Bert
Engaging with Muslims in Europe
In Europe one finds Christian communities and Muslim communities living in close proximity to each other. Muslims and Christians pass each other in the streets, stand next to each other waiting for the bus or metro, live next to one another in streets, share apartment buildings with each other, study in the same universities, have their lunches in the same business canteens, shop in the same shopping centres. Nevertheless, they are essentially...

CHF 20.50


Käser, Lothar
Animismus ist, sehr vereinfacht gesagt, eine Form von Religion. Vieles deutet darauf hin, dass Animismus schon vor vielen tausend Jahren, am Beginn der Altsteinzeit, die Basis des religiösen Verhaltens der damals lebenden Menschen bildete. In der Gegenwart finden wir animistische Formen von Religion immer noch weit verbreitet in den vorwiegend von mündlicher Tradition bestimmten, schriftlosen Gesellschaften der Wildbeuter (Jäger und Sammler), ...

CHF 35.90

The Concept of Man in Non-Western Cultures

Badenberg, Robert
The Concept of Man in Non-Western Cultures
Handbook to Lothar Käser's Textbook "Animism - A Cognitive Approach". If we want to understand the animistic cognitive system we must focus particularly on its concept of man. Access to it can only be achieved by proceeding systematically. A basic prerequisite for this is a knowledge of the language spoken by the people whose culture is shaped by such an animistic system of thought. Incidentally acquired knowledge is not enough to give the out...

CHF 25.90

Foreign Cultures

Käser, Lothar
Foreign Cultures
In recent decades foreign cultures have not just loomed large for Europeans seeking holiday destinations. Since the 1960s increasing numbers of professionals such as teachers, doctors, agronomists, and other professional workers and missionaries from Europe and America have been partnering local churches in Africa, Asia and Latin America whose fellowships are often very differently organised. When preparing these specialists, development agenc...

CHF 46.90

Paul in Conflict with the Veil

Schirrmacher, Thomas
Paul in Conflict with the Veil
Thomas Schirrmacher argues that from the biblical teaching that man is the head of woman (1 Cor 11:3) the Corinthians had drawn the false conclusions that in prayer a woman must be veiled (11:4-6) and a man is forbidden to be veiled (11:7), and that the wife exists for the husband but not the husband for the wife (11:8-9). Paul, however, rejected these conclusions and showed in 11:10-16 why the veiling of women did not belong to God's commandm...

CHF 30.50

Pearls in the Quran

Beutler, Kurt
Pearls in the Quran
Christ" and "Quran" - these don't seem to fit together. and yet the Quran says a great deal about Jesus, the Bible, and Christians. This book tries to build bridges. The reader will chuckle at the original ideas and interpretations of some Quranic verses, and it becomes clear that this book was not written by an academic. These thoughts evolved throughout the course of many years of discussions with Muslims friends.Love and forgiveness are emp...

CHF 10.50

The 5 Habits of Deeply Contented People

Page, Andrew
The 5 Habits of Deeply Contented People
Have you found contentment? Most people are looking for it. If you're not, it may be because you've given up... If you are searching or want to start your search again, The 5 Habits of Deeply Contented People is the book for you. The Bible says that everyone is made in God's image. Andrew Page says there are 5 habits which express that image of God in us. He says "If we can work out what these habits mean in practice for us as individuals, we ...

CHF 11.90

Yearbook on the Science of Bible Translation

Johnstad, Gunnar / Werner, Eberhard
Yearbook on the Science of Bible Translation
This Yearbook represents a compilation of presentations given at the 15th Bible Translation Forum held at the Fjellhaug Internasjonale Høgskole in Oslo, Norway, from 15th-16th May 2019, followed by a common celebration of the National holiday on 17th May. The focus of this yearbook is on theological, linguistic and translational, as well as missiological, questions.In the first part, on theological questions, we learn from Ass. Prof. Knut Kåre...

CHF 27.90

Hope for Europe

Schirrmacher, Thomas
Hope for Europe
Europe has changed, not only because of the refugee flows of 2015, but first and foremost because of a fundamental political change of climate. The hopes that many had associated with a united and free Europe have given way to fears and insecurity, which in many cases have opened the door to populism and nationalism right up into the heart of government. Instead of hope, pessimism prevails inmany cases today, and fear shapes the social climate...

CHF 11.90

Dreams in the Omkoi Karen Christian Context

Bär, Hans Christoph
Dreams in the Omkoi Karen Christian Context
The present volume is dealing with the subject of dreams in an animistic culture, concentrating on the Karen people from Northern Thailand. The author has been a missionary in the area for many years. As he learned their language he could make an emic approach to their culture, so that instead of looking for Western-European concepts of dreaming he started strictly from the vocabulary the Karen use in this field of their respective local knowl...

CHF 27.90

Evangelism in Europe

Wiher, Hannes
Evangelism in Europe
To think Europe represents a challenge. A challenge that may seem foolish to take up, but which corresponds to a reality. Some great personalities accepted this challenge, just after World War II. It was really necessary to do something! As regards missiology, it took more than a half century to confront the task. It is time to meet our responsibilities. The gravity and extreme complexity of this challenge call for a deep awareness of the situ...

CHF 37.50