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1964 Ergebnisse - Zeige 241 von 260.

Paradoxes of Pakistan: A Glimpse

Belmekki, Belkacem / Naumann, Michel
Paradoxes of Pakistan: A Glimpse
For many people, Pakistan is a rogue state, but for those who think of it as Pakistani citizens do, it is the place where they are confronted with dangers and issues to which they answer with incredible courage and dignity. This volume, a reflection on Pakistan's history from a compassionate insider's perspective, pays homage to the many Pakistanis who face with a generous and open heart the problems created by a complex geopolitical context, ...

CHF 34.50

Stand-up Comedy in Africa

Nwankw¿, Izuu
Stand-up Comedy in Africa
African cultural productions of humour have increased even in the face of myriad economic foibles and social upheavals. For instance, from the 1990s, stand-up comedy emerged across the continent and has maintained a pervasive presence since then. Its specificities are related to contemporary economic and political contexts and are also drawn from its pre-colonial history, that of joking forms and relationships, and orality. Izuu Nwankw¿'s fasc...

CHF 52.50

The 2002 Dubrovka and 2004 Beslan Hostage Crises

Dunlop, John B
The 2002 Dubrovka and 2004 Beslan Hostage Crises
This volume contains by far the most complete reports available in English concerning two major terrorist incidents in Russia: the October 2002 seizure of a Moscow theater at Dubrovka and the September 2004 taking of a large school in Beslan in southern Russia. The issues examined are as follows:- the backgrounds of the Muslim extremists who carried out these acts including the de facto leaders of the terrorist assaults, ethnic Chechen Ruslan ...

CHF 34.50

Nation-Building in Serbien und Kroatien

Altevolmer, Burkhard
Nation-Building in Serbien und Kroatien
Im späten 18. Jahrhundert tauchte zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte das Phänomen des Nationalismus auf. In Europa gab es bald keine Region mehr, die von den verheerenden Folgen nationalistischer Ideologie verschont blieb, keine Herrschaft, die es sich leisten konnte, den "Willen der Nation", Rousseaus volonté général, zu ignorieren. Der Nationalstaat wurde zur scheinbar natürlichen politischen Organisationsform. Erst in der heutigen Zeit zeigen...

CHF 27.90

Rette deine Seele

Kleinert, Peter
Rette deine Seele
Was hilft es dem Menschen, wenn er die ganze Welt gewinnt, aber Schaden leidet an seiner Seele?" (Matth. 16, 26) Wird diese Ansicht auch heute noch weithin geteilt? Es mehren sich Stimmen, die behaupten: Unzeitgemäß und unwissenschaftlich sei diese Beschwörungsformel. Weiß nicht jedes Kind: Das Gehirn, das der Transhumanist mit seinen elektronischen Schaltkreisen so recht ertüchtigen will, macht die Seele? Sie sei hinfällig wie jedes Ding, wir...

CHF 30.50

Moving beyond Islamist Extremism

Allchorn, William
Moving beyond Islamist Extremism
Traditionally, far-right terrorism has been the black swan of terrorism studies-receiving less attention than Jihadi extremism. In this book, William Allchorn takes a deep dive into multiple geographical locales and the online space of far-right movements, uncovering the crisis narratives that are animating violent far-right extremist milieus and presenting solutions on what we can do to stop them. Using eight country case studies and the resu...

CHF 40.50

Experiencing Europeanization in the Black Sea and South C...

Reisner, Oliver Türke¿-K¿l¿ç
Experiencing Europeanization in the Black Sea and South Caucasus
The book series European Studies in the Caucasus offers innovative perspectives on regional studies of the Caucasus. By embracing the South Caucasus as well as Turkey and Russia, it moves away from a traditional viewpoint of European Studies that considers the countries of the region as objects of Europeanization. This second volume demonstrates this by looking into forms of inter-regionalism in the Black Sea-South Caucasus area in fields of e...

CHF 52.50

From the Fires of War: Ukraine¿s Azov Movement and the Gl...

Colborne, Michael
From the Fires of War: Ukraine¿s Azov Movement and the Global Far Right
From its roots in revolution and war, Ukraine's Azov movement has grown from a militia of fringe far-right figures and football hooligans fending off Russian-backed forces into a multipronged social movement that has become the envy of the global far right. In this first English-language book on the Azov movement, Michael Colborne explains how Azov came to be and continues to exploit Ukraine's fractured social and political situation-including...

CHF 40.50

A Disaster Guide from TV and Cinema: Preparing for the Gl...

Newiak, Denis
A Disaster Guide from TV and Cinema: Preparing for the Global Blackout
Dead phones, chaos in hospitals, looming nuclear meltdowns: For years, experts all over the world have been warning of a widespread power blackout-and the devastating consequences for society as a whole. However, just as before the Covid-19 pandemic, politicians and the public are hardly aware of the far-reaching risks: A blackout would catch us almost completely unprepared.As for other (supposedly improbable) disruptive events, disaster movie...

CHF 27.90

Journal of Romanian Studies

Radu, Raluca Coman
Journal of Romanian Studies
The biannual, peer-reviewed Journal of Romanian Studies, jointly developed by The Society for Romanian Studies and ibidem Press, examines critical issues in Romanian studies, linking work in that field to wider theoretical debates and issues of current relevance, and serving as a forum for junior and senior scholars. The journal also presents articles that connect Romania and Moldova comparatively with other states and their ethnic majorities ...

CHF 45.50


Weselbach, Jean
Eine Reflexzonenmassage? Nein, eine Reflexionszonenmassage! Klar, Sie müssen mit beiden Füßen fest auf dem Boden der Wirklichkeit stehen, aber was wollen Sie mit Ihrem Kopf - gar durch die Wand? Er, der Kopf - von Natur aus dem Himmel immer schon ein Stück näher -, ist das Organ des Über-, Auf- und Durchblicks. Lassen Sie Ihr Geistzentrum anwehen von Gedanken und Reflexionen, die Sie abheben lassen bzw. Ihr Leben in Bewegung bringen, "himmelwä...

CHF 24.90

Helsinki Revisited

Maresca, John
Helsinki Revisited
The Helsinki Final Act of the 1975 Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) set the rules for legitimate changes in national frontiers: They must be accomplished by peaceful means and agreement. Together with the Charter of Paris for a New Europe of 1990, the Helsinki Accords paved the way for a peaceful coexistence of the West and the Eastern Bloc. The Paris conference ended the Cold War, issuing a "Joint Declaration of Twenty...

CHF 34.50

In Statu Nascendi

Pietrzak, Piotr
In Statu Nascendi
In Statu Nascendi is a peer-reviewed journal that aspires to be a world-class scholarly platform encompassing original academic research dedicated to the circle of Political Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Theory of International Relations, Foreign Policy, and the political Decision-making process. The journal investigates specific issues through a socio-cultural, philosophical, and anthropological approach to raise a new type of civic awareness...

CHF 57.50

Au carrefour de langues et de cultures: Mehrsprachigkeit ...

Koch, Corinna Rückl
Au carrefour de langues et de cultures: Mehrsprachigkeit und Mehrkulturalität im Französischunterricht
Aktuelle Entwicklungen der geographischen und medialen Durchmischung führen zu hybriden Konstrukten und lassen gesellschaftliche und individuelle Mehrsprachigkeit immer mehr zu (europäischen) Schlüsselmerkmalen werden. Mehrsprachige und plurikulturelle Kompetenz im Fremdsprachenunterricht zu fördern, ist somit unabdingbar, um Lernende auf ein kompetentes Handeln in vielfältigen Kommunikationssituationen vorzubereiten. Der vorliegende Band widm...

CHF 46.50

The Global Ape: Between Extinction and Transcendence

Corjescu, Dan
The Global Ape: Between Extinction and Transcendence
What is Man? What is his nature? Where is he going? These are but some of the questions this book is trying to find answers to. They are questions that will take us on a fascinating intellectual journey encompassing politics, history, sociology, philosophy, religion, and science. Along the way you will encounter many great thinkers such as Aristotle and Nietzsche (to name but two) as well as be confronted by some of humanity's most sublime ach...

CHF 46.50

The Still Good Times

Meyer, Fred H.
The Still Good Times
Ever since I left the land that was my home, wherever I have traveled and lived, I have been asked the same question: How could a Hitler happen, in the land of poets and scientists and thinkers, the land of music and arts, the land of plenty, the land of orderliness and efficiency, of cleanliness and dependability, the very land of humaneness? Born in Hannover in 1905 as a German Jew, Fred Harry Meyer (1905-1969) and his new Christian bride fl...

CHF 23.90

On the Idea of Humanitarian Intervention

Pietrzak, Piotr
On the Idea of Humanitarian Intervention
This study launches a systematic inquiry into the nature of the concept of humanitarian intervention, focusing on its primary function of the protection of the endangered civilian populations who find themselves at the grave risk of genocide. This is strengthened by a recollection of selected historical examples of similar events and the responses to them by the international community, empowered by our modern understanding of the principle of...

CHF 65.00

Geopolitical Rivalries in the ¿Common Neighborhood¿

Huseynov, Vasif
Geopolitical Rivalries in the ¿Common Neighborhood¿
This timely book analyses 'soft power' in the light of neoclassical realist premises as part of the foreign policy toolkit of great powers to expand their sphere of influence. Vasif Huseynov argues that if nuclear armed great powers compete against the same type of powers to expand or sustain their sphere of influence over a populated region, they use soft power as a major expansive instrument while military power remains a tool to defend them...

CHF 52.50

Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte

Luks, Leonid / Dehnert, Gunter / Lobkowicz, Nikolaus / Rybakow, Alexei / Umland, Andreas / Tsoi, Marina
Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte
Der Schöpfungstraum vom "Neuen Menschen" ist ... einer der erfolgreichsten Exportartikel der frühsowjetischen Spielart (des) Utopismus...Das Heilsversprechen der Inkarnation als Neuer Mensch vermochte es mehr als alle marxistische Ideologie, Energien freizusetzen. Dies lag vor allem daran, dass es neben einer vordergründig kollektiven auch eine individuelle Erlösungsutopie barg, in der die seit dem Ausgang des 19. Jahrhunderts virulenten Erneu...

CHF 45.90