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49 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

High Definition

Linseisen, Elisa
High Definition
Dieses Buch zoomt in informationsreiche und pixeldichte Welten in HD. Digitalbildliche Hochauflösung ist hier ein Potenzial, das es ermöglicht, mit und an Bildern Wirklichkeit zu erforschen und zu befragen. Dokumentarfilme, Videokunstarbeiten, Galaxiefotografien, Blockbuster, Pressebilder und Netflix-Serien bestellen diese visuelle Kultur in HD und zeigen auf, dass Bilder und Wirklichkeit nicht in fixierten Rahmen sitzen, sondern im Prozess we...

CHF 71.00

There is no Software, there are just Services

Kaldrack, Irina / Leeker, Martina
There is no Software, there are just Services
Is software dead? Services like Google, Dropbox, Adobe Creative Cloud, or Social Media apps are all-pervasive in our digital media landscape. This marks the (re)emergence of the service paradigm that challenges traditional business and license models as well as modes of media creation and use. The short essays in this edited collection discuss how services shift the notion of software, the cultural technique of programming, conditions of labor...

CHF 22.50


Degeling, Martin / Othmer, Julius / Weich, Andreas
Profile haben Konjunktur. Seit der Verbreitung von Social Networking Sites sind sie alltäglicher Ort der Selbstdarstellung. Doch die Praktiken und Techniken der Profilierung sind keineswegs neu. Schon lange beschreiben Profile potentielle StraftäterInnen. Nun bestimmen sie auch die potentielle Kreditwürdigkeit.Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Profil und Profilierung nehmen die Beiträge aus Medienwissenschaft, Soziologie, Geschichtswissenschaft und In...

CHF 17.90

The Political Structure of UK Broadcasting 1949-1999

Elstein, David
The Political Structure of UK Broadcasting 1949-1999
In 1999 David Elstein delivered a lecture series examining the evolvement of UK broadcasting policy from 1949 to 1999. His sharp analysis is a valuable contribution to the post-war development of the British broadcasting system and unfolds many topical issues in current media policy debates. For many years, David Elstein has been one of the most rigorous and controversial commentators on British broadcasting. These lectures contain historical ...

CHF 26.90

The Cyborg

Caronia, Antonio
The Cyborg
Born on the pages of science fiction comics in the 1920s and 30s, the cyborg lives in popular imagination. As hero of the cyberpunk epic, in its brief but intense history, the cyborg has followed and anticipated the rapport and conflict between man and machine.In the post-Fordist era of digital networked media the cyborg unfolds itself in the dissemination of multiple bodies: on the Internet, in the shift of individual identity, in the new col...

CHF 22.50

Diversity of Play

Fuchs, Mathias
Diversity of Play
The early days when digital games were new, harmless and niche are long gone. Today's games can simulate battlefields, predict disaster, and crash markets. We are faced with a diversity of play and the ubiquity of games, making them not only a popular medium, but the leading medium of contemporary society. Based on the keynote lectures held at DiGRA2015, Diversity of Play provides a critical view on the current state of digital games from the...

CHF 21.90

Format Matters

Jancovic, Marek / Volmar, Axel / Schneider, Alexandra
Format Matters
From TIFF files to TED talks, from book sizes to blues stations - the term "format" circulates in a staggering array of contexts and applies to entirely dissimilar objects and practices. How can such a pliable notion meaningfully function as an instrument of classification in so many industries and scientific communities?Comprising a wide range of case studies on the standards, practices, and politics of formats from scholars of photography, f...

CHF 40.50

Beyond the Flow

Walkowski, Niels-Oliver
Beyond the Flow
In the wake of the so-called digital revolution numerous attempts have been made to rethink and redesign what scholarly publications can or should be. Beyond the Flow examines the technologies as well as narratives driving this unfolding transformation. However, facing challenges such as the serial crisis, knowledge burying or sudoku research the discourses and practices of scholarly publishing today are mainly shaped by confusion, heterogenei...

CHF 40.50

Ökologien der Erde

Friedrich, Alexander / Löffler, Petra / Sprenger, Florian
Ökologien der Erde
Ökologien der Erde bestimmen die Gegenwart. Dabei gewinnt die in den 1970er Jahren von James Lovelock gemeinsam mit Lynn Margulis entwickelte Gaia-Theorie heute neue Erklärungskraft. Wenn Gaia bei Bruno Latour sogar zum allgemeinen Modell der Welterklärung im 21. Jahrhundert wird, gilt es, nach der Plausibilität zu fragen, die die Rede von Gaia aktuell entwickelt. Die vier Beiträge des Bandes geben hierauf eine Antwort, indem sie die metaphoro...

CHF 17.90

Non-Knowledge and Digital Cultures

Bernard, Andreas / Koch, Matthias / Leeker, Martina
Non-Knowledge and Digital Cultures
Making available massive amounts of data that are generated, distributed, and modeled, digital media provide us with the possibility of abundant information and knowledge. This possibility has been attracting various scenarios in which technology either eliminates non-knowledge or plants it deep within contemporary cultures through the universal power and opacity of algorithms. This volume comprises contributions from media studies, literary s...

CHF 16.90

Unterwachen und Schlafen

Andreas, Michael / Kasprowicz, Dawid / Rieger, Stefan
Unterwachen und Schlafen
Anthropophile Medien durchdringen zunehmend unsere lebensweltliche Realität, sei es im Ambient Assisted Living, als Pflegeassistenzsysteme, in den Arbeitsszenarien einer Industrie 4.0, als behagliche Interfaces des Affective Computing oder als Lifetracker der Quantified-Self-Bewegung. Verbunden ist damit der Einzug menschlicher Befindlichkeiten, Werte und sozialer Routinen in das Design medialer Agencies. Über 40 Jahre nach dem Erscheinen von ...

CHF 27.90

Von Open Access zu Open Science

Heise, Christian
Von Open Access zu Open Science
Mit der Digitalisierung geht der Ruf nach freiem Zugang zu wissenschaftlichen Forschungsergebnissen und einer Öffnung des Forschungsprozesses einher. Open Access und Open Science sind die Leitbegriffe dieses Transformationsprozesses, der von den einen euphorisch begrüßt und von den anderen heftig abgelehnt wird. Auf der Grundlage einer quantitativen Erhebung und eines reflexiven Experiments gibt das Buch Einblick in die aktuellen Debatten über...

CHF 34.50

Interventions in Digital Cultures

Caygill, Howard / Leeker, Martina / Schulze, Tobias
Interventions in Digital Cultures
How to intervene? Interventions are in vogue in digital cultures as forms of critique or political actions into public spheres. By engaging in social, political, and economic contexts, interventions attempt to interrupt and change situations-often with artistic means. This volume maps methods of interventions under the specific conditions of the digital. How are interventions shaped by these conditions? And how can they contribute to altering ...

CHF 17.90

Medien verstehen

Schröter, Jens / Heilmann, Till A.
Medien verstehen
Medien in ihrer historischen und technischen Vielfalt zu verstehen, das war das Versprechen, das Marshall McLuhan vor über fünfzig Jahren mit Understanding Media gegeben hatte. Unsere digital veränderte Gegenwart erfordert, das Buch heute erneut zu lesen und vor dem Hintergrund aktueller technischer Entwicklungen zu hinterfragen. Gegenstand des Sammelbandes sind u. a. McLuhans Idee von Medien als "Umwelten", seine eigenwillige Sprache und Argu...

CHF 30.50

Interferences and Events

Warnke, Martin / Dippel, Anne
Interferences and Events
Computer simulations are omnipresent media in today's knowledge production. For scientific endeavors such as the detection of gravitational waves and the exploration of subatomic worlds, simulations are essential, however, the epistemic status of computer simulations is rather controversial as they are neither just theory nor just experiment. Therefore, computer simulations have challenged well-established insights and common scientific practi...

CHF 30.50

Ecology of Affect

Angerer, Marie-Luise
Ecology of Affect
The way we conceive the human today is particularly affected by the shifts in media technology during the 20th century. Affect emerges as the new liminal concept that renders the body compatible in novel ways with the technology and politics of media. By ways of a relational reorganization the organic end technological life is condensed in a new, intense way to an ecology of affects.

CHF 16.90


Angerer, Marie-Luise
Das Denken des Humanen wird in besonderer Weise von den medientechnologischen Verschiebungen des 20. Jahrhunderts berührt. Affekt wird hier zu einem neuen Schwellenbegriff, der den Körper medientechnisch und politisch auf neue Weise anschlussfähig macht. In einer relationalen Neu-Organisation verdichtet sich das organische und technische Leben auf neue, intensive Weise zu einer Ökologie des Affektiven.

CHF 16.90

Symptoms of the Planetary Condition

Bunz, Mercedes / Kaiser, Birgit Mara / Thiele, Kathrin
Symptoms of the Planetary Condition
This book explores the future of critique in view of our planetary condition. How are we to intervene in contemporary constellations of finance capitalism, climate change and neoliberalism? Think we must! To get to the symptoms, the book's 38 terms ranging from affect and affirmation to world and work provide the reader with a critical toolbox to be continued. Negativity, judgment and opposition as modes of critique have run out of steam. Crit...

CHF 40.50

Alleys of Your Mind

Pasquinelli, Matteo
Alleys of Your Mind
What does thinking mean in the age of Artificial Intelligence? How is big-scale computation transforming the way our brains function? This collection discusses these pressing questions by looking beyond instrumental rationality. Exploring recent developments as well as examples from the history of cybernetics, the book uncovers the positive role played by errors and traumas in the construction of our contemporary technological minds. With t...

CHF 34.50

Digital Activism in Asia Reader

Chattapadhyay, Sumandro / Shah, Nishant / Sneha, Puthiya Purayil
Digital Activism in Asia Reader
The digital turn might as well be marked as an Asian turn. From flash-mobs in Taiwan to feminist mobilisations in India, from hybrid media strategies of Syrian activists to cultural protests in Thailand, we see the emergence of political acts that transform the citizen from being a beneficiary of change to becoming an agent of change. In co-shaping these changes, what the digital shall be used for, and what its consequences will be, are both u...

CHF 28.90