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Selected Papers/Ausgewählte Schriften

Goldstein, K. / Gurwitsch, Aron / Haudek, R. W. / Goldstein-Haudek, E. M.
Selected Papers/Ausgewählte Schriften
Kurt Goldstein starb am 19. September 1965. Bis kurz vor seinem Tode arbeitete er an dem Plan, eine Auswahl seiner wichtigsten ktir­ zeren Sehriften zu ver6ffentliehen, ein verbindender Text sollte die ungebrochene Entwieklung seiner Ideen von ihren anfangIiehen Keimen bis zur spateren vollen Entfaltung darlegen. Der Plan kam nieht mehr zur Vollendung, aber die vorliegende Zusammenstellung der flir Kurt Goldstein's Lebenswerk bedeutsamsten Auf...

CHF 236.00

The European Pentarchy and the Congress of Verona, 1822

Nichols, I. C.
The European Pentarchy and the Congress of Verona, 1822
For one reason or another. modem historians have neglected the Congress of Verona. some because they thought the field already had been thoroughly plowed. while others doubted that enough material could be found for more than an article or two on the subject. Indeed. not a single book-length monograph of this international assembly has ever been published in any language. This study. therefore. attempts to fill the gap by (1) explaining the ge...

CHF 69.00

The Mind and the Brain

Ornstein, J. H.
The Mind and the Brain
2 no predictions or experimental findings based on the Identity Theory differ from those based on mind-brain Parallelism or Epiphenomenal­ ism, i.e., Dualism in general. The Identity Theory, therefore, must stand or fall on its reputed conceptual advantages over Dualism. Then the conceptual issues at stake in the mind-brain problem are discussed. The kernel of truth present in the Identity Theory is shown to be obscured by all the talk about r...

CHF 69.00

New Concepts in Echocardiography

Bom, N.
New Concepts in Echocardiography
Present day cardiology is in great need of non invasive, non toxic, and inexpensive devices which permit the delineation and visualization of normal and abnormal intracardiac structures, the calculation of intra­ cardiac volumes and study of contractility of the cardiac muscle. All of these may become within our reach if the principles outlined in this book and the preliminary clinical experience can be validated in general cardiac practise. T...

CHF 69.00

Social Sciences in Management

Sethi, N. K.
Social Sciences in Management
The study of environment in the administrative management con­ text is of a relatively recent vintage. It owes much to the comparative emphasis upon the applications of social disciplines within the organ­ ization's framework. It derives much from the modem perspectives of a total managerial strategy unrestricted by the limited internal firm situations. Basically, environmental studies have contributed to the incorporation of an extra-business...

CHF 69.00

The Vale of Tears (Emek Habacha)

Hacohen, J.
The Vale of Tears (Emek Habacha)
There were several compelling reasons which prompted me to undertake the work of translating and commenting upon the Vale of Tears by Joseph of all, those of Hacohen, the sixteenth century physician and historian. First us who have been teaching in the area of the Middle Ages have noticed over the past several years a distinct upsurge of interest in the field. Consequently, a number of Medieval Institutes, non-denominational in character and a...

CHF 69.00

An Idealistic Pragmatism

Mahowald, M. B.
An Idealistic Pragmatism
When I first became acquainted with the thought of the American philoso­ pher Josiah Royce, two factors particularly intrigued me. The first was Royce's claim that the notion of community was his main metaphysical tenet, the second was his close association with the two American pragmatists, Charles Sanders Peirce and William James. Regarding the first factor, I was struck by the fact that a philosopher who died in 1916 should emphasize a topi...

CHF 69.00

Peirce¿s Epistemology

Davis, W. H.
Peirce¿s Epistemology
This work is an essay in Peirce's epistemology, with about an equal emphasis on the "epistemology" as on the "Peirce's." In other words our intention has not been to write exclusively a piece of Peirce scholarshiJ>­ hence, the reader will find no elaborate tying in of Peirce's epistemology to other portions of his thought, no great emphasis on the chronology of his thought, etc. Peirce scholarship is a painstaking business. His mind was Labyri...

CHF 134.00

Quantitation in Cardiology

Snellen, H a / Hemker, H C / Hugenholtz, P G / Bemmel, J H van
Quantitation in Cardiology
This book comprises the essential records from a Boerhaave course given in June 1971 for specialists in cardiology and other fields of internal medicine interested in the subject of quantitation in cardiology. It is evident that in the wide field of medicine, and particularly in cardiology, there is a growing need for exact and detailed information in conjunction with existing diag­ nostic methods. This is apparent in the greater precision in ...

CHF 130.00

The Moon

Runcorn, S K / Urey, H C
The Moon
The IAU Symposium No. 47 The Moon was held in the School of Physics of the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, from 22 to 26 March 1971. The Meet­ ing was sponsored by Commission 17 and co-sponsored by URSI. The Symposium was supported financially by the IAU. The Scientific Organizing Committee included Prof. S. K. Runcorn, Chairman (University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne), Prof. H. Alfven (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm), Prof. G...

CHF 130.00

Religion and Human Autonomy

de Brabander, R F
Religion and Human Autonomy
For most of its career philosophy of religion has been a controversial dis­ cipline: it has usually ended up becoming a substitute for what it set out to explain. Born out of the religious scepticism of the late seventeenth century it remained for many years what it was to Hume and Lessing: an instrument for criticizing rather than for interpreting faith. Gradually the hostility subsided, but not the tendency to reduce. Nearly each one of the ...

CHF 130.00

Hegel on the Soul

Greene, N.
Hegel on the Soul
The present study seeks to treat in depth a relatively restricted portion of Hegel's thought but one that has not yet received intensive treatment by Hegel scholars in English. In the Hegelian system of philosophical sciences, the Anthropology directly follows the Philosophy of Nature and forms the first of the three sciences of Subjective Spirit: 1 Anthropo­ logy, Phenomenology, and Psychology. The section on Subjective Spirit is then followe...

CHF 116.00

Complementary Notions

Parke, D. V.
Complementary Notions
This volume grew out of work on Berkeley which was presented in a dissertation several years ago. Though now much revised and greatly expanded. particularly in respect of the theory of concepts, a good part of the present text rests on this earlier foundation. I therefore gladly take this opportunity to express my appreciation to my teachers both at Indiana University and at McGill, and especially to Professor Newton Stallknecht who directed m...

CHF 69.00

Action: An Analysis of the Concept

Rayfield, D.
Action: An Analysis of the Concept
During the past decade, there has been considerable interest among philosophers in providing a philosophically satisfactory and helpful ana­ lysis of a particular type of human behavior called action. As I see it, this interest is a renewal of the efforts of Aristotle, in Ethica Nicomachea, to provide an analysis of voluntary action. Because of this, and because Aristotle's distinctions regarding voluntriety are fundamentally correct, what fol...

CHF 69.00

¿Active and Passive Potency¿ in Thomistic Angelology

Kainz, H. P.
¿Active and Passive Potency¿ in Thomistic Angelology
A. "SEPARATE SUBSTANCES" AND lOR" ANGELS"? It is interesting to note that, in an expressly theological treatise such as the Summa theologiae, St. Thomas generally uses the term "angel", in preference to "separate substance", while in works with a less explicit theological intent - e. g. the Summa contra gentiles and the De substantiis separatis 1 - he generally prefers the term "separate substance". But at any rate there is little doubt that t...

CHF 69.00

Brain Drain / Auszug des Geistes / Exode des Cerveaux

Beyer, G.
Brain Drain / Auszug des Geistes / Exode des Cerveaux
In 1967 S. Dedijer and L. Svennigson published their famous bibliography Brain Drain and Brain Gain, (Lund, 1968, index of authors, countries and regions). It contained 415 items from 40 countries and appeared at a time when the debate about the ad­ vantages and disadvantages of the brain drain was at its most intense. But the brain drain is still not a thing of the past - certain­ ly not for Europe. The European countries and those of the res...

CHF 69.00

Fears and Hopes for European Urbanization

Tvrdý, M. / Malmberg, T.
Fears and Hopes for European Urbanization
Urbanization is a process taking place in our society, which is changing from a predominantly rural and agrarian society into a predominantly urban and industrial one. This is a transformation which is not just taking place in certain areas, it is not merely a concentration of houses and of people and of activities, but what is perhaps much more important: it is also a change in the way of life. Although there are regional differences, which e...

CHF 69.00