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18 Ergebnisse.

Chirurgisches Forum ¿74

Junghanns, H.
Chirurgisches Forum ¿74
Zum dritten Mal liegt hiermit der Sonderband des Chirurgischen Forums für experimentelle und klinische Forschung vor, dessen Auswahl (77 von 185 Einsendungen) der Forum-Kommission der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie (Zusammensetzung Heft 3/1973 der Mitteilungen) zu danken ist. Wie bisher ist die Drucklegung wieder vor der Tagung fertiggestellt worden, um die Diskussion beim Kongreß im interessierten Kreise zu fördern. Damit die ebenfalls ...

CHF 71.00

Der Steppenwolf

Hesse, Hermann / Böhmer, Gunter
Der Steppenwolf
»Harry Haller ist in das kulturlose und unmenschliche Inferno unserer prunkenden und lärmenden Gegenwart vorgedrungen und steht mit seinem Begriff von Menschenwert... einsam außerhalb der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft. Seine Sehnsucht kennt eine unerreichbare Wirklichkeit: seine Verzweiflung treibt ihn zuweilen in die erreichbare andere zurück. Lust und Enttäuschung ihres Daseins führen in seinem Herzen und Hirn einen Kampf, an dem die Zivilisatio...

CHF 14.50

Perspectives in Primary Education

Borghi, L.
Perspectives in Primary Education
PURPOSE OF THE STUDY Primary education in Europe, as in the United States and other conti­ nents, is passing through a period of profound change, affecting some of the fundamental educational aims at primary school level and teaching structure, content and methods. The purpose of this study is to sketch a broad picture of the Euro­ pean educational scene which may be brought about by the impact of innovation in industrialised countries. We are...

CHF 69.00

Methodological and Historical Essays in the Natural and S...

Wartofsky, Marx W. / Cohen, Robert S.
Methodological and Historical Essays in the Natural and Social Sciences
Modem philosophy of science has turned out to be a Pandora's box. Once opened, the puzzling monsters appeared: not only was the neat structure of classical physics radically changed, but a variety of broader questions were let loose, bearing on the nature of scientific inquiry and of human knowledge in general. Philosophy of science could not help becoming epistemological and historical, and could no longer avoid metaphysical questions, even w...

CHF 69.00

Methodological and Historical Essays in the Natural and S...

Cohen, Robert S / Wartofsky, Marx W
Methodological and Historical Essays in the Natural and Social Sciences
Modem philosophy of science has turned out to be a Pandora's box. Once opened, the puzzling monsters appeared: not only was the neat structure of classical physics radically changed, but a variety of broader questions were let loose, bearing on the nature of scientific inquiry and of human knowledge in general. Philosophy of science could not help becoming epistemological and historical, and could no longer avoid metaphysical questions, even w...

CHF 130.00

Chemical Spectroscopy and Photochemistry in the Vacuum-Ul...

Sandorfy, Camille / Ausloos, Pierre / Robin, M B
Chemical Spectroscopy and Photochemistry in the Vacuum-Ultraviolet
It is probably safe to predict that the future of chemistry is linked to the excited states of molecules and to other short lived species, ions and free radicals. Molecules have only one ground state but many excited states. However large the scope of normal, ground state chemistry might be, above and beyond it lies the world of excited states, each one having its own chemis­ try. The electronic transitions leading to the excited states, eithe...

CHF 130.00

Africa and International Organization

Brooks, H. C. / El-Ayouty, Y.
Africa and International Organization
As an emerging Continent, with a rich past, dynamic present and promising future, Africa has an important role to play in the develop­ ment of international organization. Well before Africa Year, 1960, when several African States attained their independence and their rightful place in the community of nations, the various movements for unity and co-operation strove towards the creation of regional international organization. Now more than ever...

CHF 69.00

Die Wirklichkeit Des Unverständlichen

Hofer, G. / Broekman, J. M.
Die Wirklichkeit Des Unverständlichen
Das vorliegencle Buch - cine (, abe cler Freuncle Hemmo Miiller-Suurs und entstanden in der Auseinandersetzung mit seinem Denken - solI, ohne spezielle klinische Kenntnisse vorauszusetzen, einen Eindruck von den weitreichendcn interfakultativen Beziehungen der Psycho­ pathologie vermitteln. So verweisen die ersten Beitrage auf die Bedeutung und auf Verste­ hensprobleme des Einzelfalls in der somatologischen und in der psy­ chologischen Medizin...

CHF 71.00

An Introduction to Nonlinear Optics

Baldwin, George C.
An Introduction to Nonlinear Optics
Many years spent in an industrial engineering laboratory have convinced me that there is ever-increasing need to present recent and current research in forms which can be easily assimilated by engineers, technical managers, and others concerned with applications and the development of new tech­ nology. There is a forbidding gap between the typical research paper, addressed by specialists to other specialists, and the popular-level account addr...

CHF 69.00

Hebrew Union College Annual Volume 45

Hebrew Union College Press
Hebrew Union College Annual Volume 45
This annual is the flagship journal of Hebrew Union College Press and the primary face of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion to the academic world. From its inception in 1924, its goal has been to cultivate Jewish learning and facilitate the dissemination of cutting-edge scholarship across the spectrum of Jewish Studies.

CHF 65.00

Supernovae and Supernova Remnants

Cosmovici, C B
Supernovae and Supernova Remnants
This conference is a tribute to those astronomers who pioneered the investigation of this subject such a short time ago and who carried it through to its present state. (H. Arp, Concluding Remarks of the Conference) A previous conference, covering mainly the observational aspects of Supernovae, was held at the Haute Provence Observatory in September 1963. In the following ten years this field of research has considerably increased, it seemed, ...

CHF 173.00

God and Evil

McCloskey, H. S.
God and Evil
I. The Problem Stated: The Need for a Solution.- On the Need for Solutions to the Problem of Evil.- II. Evils: Past, Present and Future.- III. Ethical Presuppositions of the Problem of Evil.- The Theistic Theory.- Subjectivist, Non-Cognitivist Theories.- Other Attitude Theories.- The Privation Account of Evil.- Assessing the Privation Theory.- Evil as Unreal.- Conclusion.- IV. The Nature and Attributes of God.- God¿s Attributes as Literally As...

CHF 134.00

Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View

Kant, Immanuel
Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View
In a footnote to the Preface of his A nthropology Kant gives, if not altogether accurately, the historical background for the publication of this work. The A nthropology is, in effect, his manual for a course of lectures which he gave "for some thirty years, " in the winter semesters at the University of Konigsberg. In 1797, when old age forced him to discontinue the course and he felt that his manual would not compete with the lectures themse...

CHF 134.00

Chemistry in Non-Aqueous Solvents

Trémillon, B. / Corcoran, N.
Chemistry in Non-Aqueous Solvents
Arising no doubt from its pre-eminence as a natural liquid, water has always been considered by chemists as the original solvent in which very varied chemical reactions can take place, both for preparational and for analytical purposes. This explains the very long-standing interest shown in the study of aqueous solutions. In this con­ nection, it must be stressed that the theory of Arrhenius and Ostwald (1887-1894) on electrolytic dissociation...

CHF 134.00