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60 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.


Messerle, G.
Der vorliegende Band tiber Zahlbereichserweiterungen ist im Rahmen der Reihe "Mathe­ matik flirdie Lehrerausbildung" (ML) zu sehen. Die schulrelevanten Ubergange von den nattirlichen Zahlen zu den positiven rationalen Zahlen, den ganzen ZaWen und schlieB­ lich zu den rationalen ZaWen werden dem ktinftigen Lehrer an Grund-, Haupt-und Realschulen in geschlossener und an der Schulwirklichkeit orientierter Form leicht zuganglich dargestellt. Auch ...

CHF 52.50

China's Modern Economy in Historical Perspective

Perkins, Dwight H
China's Modern Economy in Historical Perspective
Why did it take China more than a century after its defeat in the first Opium War to begin acquiring the fruits of modern technology? To what extent did the rapid economic developments after 1949 depend on features unique to China and to Chinese history and on the socialist reorganization of society? This book deals with these questions.

CHF 112.00

Who Saw Him Die?

Gates, T.
Who Saw Him Die?
An obsessive, psychopathic Scotland Yard detective and a likable but murderous master criminal square off in this fast moving psychological thriller.|1 woman, 3 men

CHF 27.50

Nichteuklidische Elementargeometrie

Nichteuklidische Elementargeometrie
Die von fachkundiger Seite schon seit längerem geäußerte Befürchtung, daß der Anteil der Geometrie am Mathematikunterricht verhängnisvoll abnehme, und damit jene Diszi­ plin vernachlässigt werde, deren "anschauliche Evidenz" gerade flir die Didaktik un­ entbehrlich ist, findet zunehmend Beachtung. Die Gründe für diese Entwicklung sind sicher vielschichtig. Nur zum T eil trägt die Zielvorstellung einer völligen Algebraisierung der Geometrie (im...

CHF 52.50

Otherwise Engaged

Gray, Simon
Otherwise Engaged
Isolated university professor Simon Hench, completely and selfishly otherwise engaged in listening to a new recording "Parsifal" is continually interrupted by students, friends, lovers and life.|2 women, 5 men

CHF 26.90

Rivalität zwischen Engeln und Menschen

Schäfer, Peter
Rivalität zwischen Engeln und Menschen
Die vorliegende Untersuchung geht davon aus, daß abstrakte Kategorien wie die des "reinen Gottesbegriffes", der "Transzendenz Gottes" oder der "Vermeidung von Anthropomorphismen" von außen an die rabbinischen Texte herangetragen werden und nicht geeignet sind, diese zu erhellen. Denkformen, unter denen eine bestimmte Vorstellung zu subsumieren und von denen her sie zu interpretieren ist, können sich nur aus der rabbinischen Literatur selbst e...

CHF 148.00

Christianity, Judaism and Other Greco-Roman Cults

Neusner, Jacob
Christianity, Judaism and Other Greco-Roman Cults
The editor hopes that these papers, on themes of interest to Morton Smith, will contribute to the critical discussion of some problems of concern to him. Since Smith is one of the great scholarly masters of this generation, it is through scholarship, and not through encomia, that the editor and his colleagues choose to pay their tribute. The facts about the man, his writings, his critical judgment, intelligence, erudition and wit, his labor as...

CHF 205.00

A Complete Concordance to Flavius Josephus

Rengstorf, Karl Heinrich
A Complete Concordance to Flavius Josephus
This superbly prepared and elegantly published concordance is a major reference tool designed for the international community...' J.H. Charlesworth, "Religious Studies Review, 1980. '..".]berrragende Bedeutung...' Traugott Holtz, "Theologische Literaturzeitung, 1978. '..".extraordinarily high standard of completenes...' Tessa Rajak, "Journal of Jewish Studies, 1977. '..".the immense and varied value of the work.' J. Neville Birdsall. '..".rend...

CHF 1426.00

Advances in the Zoology of Tapeworms, 1950-1970

Wardle, Robert A.
Advances in the Zoology of Tapeworms, 1950-1970
Advances In The Zoology of Tapeworms, 1950-1970 was first published in 1974. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions.This volume is a sequel to the comprehensive study by Professors Robert A. Wardle and James A. McLeod, The Zoology of Tapeworms, published by the University of Minnesota Press in 1...

CHF 97.00

Die Bistümer der Kirchenprovinz Köln. Das Erzbistum Köln ...

Wisplinghoff, Erich
Die Bistümer der Kirchenprovinz Köln. Das Erzbistum Köln II. Die Benediktinerabtei Siegburg
Mit der GERMANIA SACRA werden Handbücher zur Geschichte der alten deutschen Reichskirche (bis 1803/6 ) geschaffen. Das gesamte verfügbare gedruckte und ungedruckte Quellenmaterial sowie die Literatur der deutschen Bistümer, Domkapitel, Kollegiat- und Pfarrkirchen, Klöster und sonstigen kirchlichen Institutionen wird hier aufgearbeitet. Die Gliederung erfolgt nach den Bistümern und Erzbistümern. Die Handbücher sind im wesentlichen einheitlich ...

CHF 209.00

Sources in British Political History, 1900-1951

Cook, C. / Jones, P. / Sinclair, J. / Weeks, Jeffrey
Sources in British Political History, 1900-1951
From 1970 to 1977 a major project to uncover source material for students of contemporary British history and politics was undertaken at the British Library of Political and Economic Science. Fiananced by the Social Science Research Council, and under the direction of Dr Chris Cook, this project has attempted a unique and systematic operation to locate, and then to make readily available, those archives that provide the indispensable source ma...

CHF 201.00

John Jones Pettus, Mississippi Fire-Eater

DuBay, Robert W.
John Jones Pettus, Mississippi Fire-Eater
John Jones Pettus, Mississippi Fire-Eater: His Life and Times, 1813-1867 By Robert W. Dubay The life of John Jones Pettus, governor of Mississippi from 1859 to 1863 and champion of the secessionist movement, provides a parallel to the slowly changing pattern of southern politics from 1840 to the end of the Civil War. A small slave-holding planter and lawyer, Pettus served respectively in the Mississippi House of Representatives and Senate. Thr...

CHF 45.50

Society and Culture in Early Modern France

Davis, Natalie Zemon
Society and Culture in Early Modern France
These essays, three of them previously unpublished, explore the competing claims of innovation and tradition among the lower orders in sixteenth-century France. The result is a wide-ranging view of the lives and values of men and women (artisans, tradesmen, the poor) who, because they left little or nothing in writing, have hitherto had little attention from scholars. The first three essays consider the social, vocational, and sexual context o...

CHF 180.00

Society and Culture in Early Modern France

Davis, Natalie Zemon
Society and Culture in Early Modern France
These essays, three of them previously unpublished, explore the competing claims of innovation and tradition among the lower orders in sixteenth-century France. The result is a wide-ranging view of the lives and values of men and women (artisans, tradesmen, the poor) who, because they left little or nothing in writing, have hitherto had little attention from scholars. The first three essays consider the social, vocational, and sexual context o...

CHF 46.90

The Revelation of John

Barclay, William
The Revelation of John
In this and its companion volume, Dr. Barclay makes the most difficult book in the Bible easier to understand. In his introduction he examines areas such as the characterstics of apocalyptic literature and the nature of Caesar worship, John was, as Dr. Barclay shows, "soaked and saturated" in the Old Testament, and most of the imagery he employs is drawn from that source. Dr. Barclay does more than clarify the meaning of the imagery. His comme...

CHF 44.50