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71 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Turbulent Fluxes Through the Sea Surface, Wave Dynamics, ...

Favre, A.
Turbulent Fluxes Through the Sea Surface, Wave Dynamics, and Prediction
A primary aim of the NATO Science Committee since its estab­ lishment in 1958 has been to· further international scientific co­ operation among scientists from the member countries of the Alliance. Almost all fields of basic science have received sub­ stantial support for the purposes of enhancing exchange of inform­ ation, providing opportunities for advanced instruction and collaborative research. Up to 1977, more than 10, 000 fellowships ha...

CHF 130.00

Neue Untersuchungen mit Gamma-Hydroxibuttersäure

Frey, R.
Neue Untersuchungen mit Gamma-Hydroxibuttersäure
Ziel der Grundlagenforschung in der Anaesthesie ist es, Narkoti­ ka zu entwickeln, deren Toxizitat minimal ist, die keine zentra­ le Depression der Atmung bewirken und die frei von Nebenwirkun­ gen auf die inneren Organe sind. Es ist zu erwarten, daB diese WUnsche des Klinikers am besten von Substanzen erfUllt werden, die aus korpereigenen Stoffen abgeleitet sind oder diesen sogar entsprechen. Ein interessantes parenteral wirkendes Anaesthetik...

CHF 134.00

Internal Ear Angioarchitectonic of Serpents

Lüdicke, M.
Internal Ear Angioarchitectonic of Serpents
Serpents lack an external ear, a tympanic membrane, a tympanic cavity, and a Eusta­ chain tube. These negative but very significant characteristics are seen phylogenetically, especially in connection with the reduction of the eye (Le., Nopsca, 1923, N.B., today Pachyophis is grouped together with the Simoliophidae, furthermore Mahendra, 1938, Walls, 1940, 1942, Bellairs and Underwood, 1951). Other authors mention these cha­ racteristics in con...

CHF 134.00

Fortbildung 3

Schuster, H. P. / Lauer, H. / Schönborn, H.
Fortbildung 3
Der Kreislaufschock ist in allen Bereichen der Notfall- und Intensivme­ dizin ein häufiges und bedeutungsvolles Ereignis. Überwachung, Pflege und Behandlung des Schockpatienten stellen an Krankenschwestern, Pfleger und Ärzte hohe Anforderungen, die nur gemeinsam und auf der Basis fundierter pathophysiologischer und klinischer Kenntnisse gelei­ stet werden können. Nur auf diesem Wege sind für den Patienten die größtmöglichsten Chancen auf einen...

CHF 65.00

Paraguay and the Triple Alliance

Warren, Harris Gaylord
Paraguay and the Triple Alliance
In the War of the Triple Alliance-the most terrible conflict in South American history-Paraguay was almost annihilated by the armed forces of Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay. The chaotic postwar decade began with the Allied occupation of Asuncion, which lasted seven years, and was marked by Brazilian-Argentine rivalry and interference in Paraguayan affairs and by the efforts of Paraguay's governments to revive their stricken land, efforts often...

CHF 57.90

Greek Realities

Hooper, Finley
Greek Realities
The enormous amount of material in this fine history of Greek civilization is controlled by Hooper's nearly perfect taste. What is meaningful to modern readers, and what has been wrongly accentuated and romanticized by past and present historians, is always clearly indicated in the evenest of tones and a seemingly casual manner: Hooper on the Greeks reads like Gibbon with a mute in his horn. Naturally enough, the central period of Greek histor...

CHF 52.90

Amusing the Million

Kasson, John F.
Amusing the Million
Coney Island: the name still resonates with a sense of racy Brooklyn excitement, the echo of beach-front popular entertainment before World War I. "Amusing the Million" examines the historical context in which Coney Island made its reputation as an amusement park and shows how America's changing social and economic conditions formed the basis of a new mass culture. Exploring it afresh in this way, John Kasson shows Coney Island no longer as th...

CHF 31.90

Differentiation of Real Functions

Bruckner, A. M.
Differentiation of Real Functions
Preliminaries.- Darboux functions.- Darboux functions in the first class of Baire.- Continuity and approximate continuity of derivatives.- The extreme derivates of a function.- Reconstruction of the primitive.- The Zahorski classes.- The problem of characterizing derivatives.- Derivatives a.e. and generalizations.- Transformations via homeomorphisms.- Generalized derivatives.- Monotonicity.- Stationary and determining sets.- Behavior of typica...

CHF 69.00

Augenbewegungsstörungen / Disorders of Ocular Motility

Kommerell, G.
Augenbewegungsstörungen / Disorders of Ocular Motility
G. Kommerell Univ. -Augenklinik. Freiburg Sehr verehrte Damen und Herren, Aufgabe dieses Symposions solI es sein, die aktuellen Probleme der Okulomotorik aus der Sicht verschiedener Fachgebiete zu behandeln. Es ist nicht unser Anliegen, das heutige Wissen auf dem Gebiet der Neurophysiologie und Klinik der Augenbewe­ gungssti:irungen'in Ubersichtsreferaten mi:iglichst vollstiindig zusammenzufassen, son­ dern es geht uns darum, neue Befunde und ...

CHF 71.00

Frederic Remington and the West

Vorpahl, Ben Merchant
Frederic Remington and the West
Frederic Remington and the West sheds new light on the remarkably complicated and much misunderstood career of Frederic Remington. This study of the complex relationship between Remington and the American West focuses on the artist's imagination and how it expressed itself. Ben Merchant Vorpahl takes into account all the dimensions of Remington's extensive work-from journalism to fiction, sculpture, and painting. He traces the events of Reming...

CHF 50.90

Genetic Determinants of Pulmonary Disease

Litwin, S D
Genetic Determinants of Pulmonary Disease
This book provides a current and integrated approach to the subject of genetic determinants of pulmonary disease with emphasis on physiologic derangements and genetic mechanisms. It describes the epidemiologic-genetic approach to chronic pulmonary disease.

CHF 342.00

Forays Into Swedish Poetry

Gustafsson, Lars
Forays Into Swedish Poetry
When poet/critic Lars Gustafsson was the editor of Bonniers Litterära Magasin, he was bombarded with the question, "What makes a good poem?" Forays into Swedish Poetry is his answer.The fifteen poems in this volume range across the history of Swedish poetry from the 1640s, at the beginning of the Period of Great Power, to the late twentieth century. Poets as diverse as Skogekär Bergbo, Erik Johan Stagnelius, August Strindberg, and Vilhelm Ekel...

CHF 35.90

The Trumpet and Trombone

Bate, Philip
The Trumpet and Trombone
The instruments' historical development is explained in detail, followed by a description of valve systems, materials, and manufacturing techniques. Their capabilities and place in the orchestra--baroque, classical, modern, and jazz--are equally fully considered, and information is given about celebrated players. Apart from numerous photographs there are some sixty-six line drawings in the text.

CHF 29.90

Early Paleolithic in South and East Asia

Ikawa-Smith, Fumiko
Early Paleolithic in South and East Asia
Frontmatter -- General Editor's Preface -- Foreword / BORDES, FRANÇOIS -- Introduction: The Early Paleolithic Tradition of East Asia / IKAWA-SMITH, FUMIKO -- PART ONE Insular Southeast Asia -- New Finds of Lower and Middle Pleistocene Hominines From Indonesia and an Examination of Their Antiquity / JAKOB, TEUKU -- Lithic Industries of Pithecanthropus erectus of Java / KOENIGSWALD, G. H. R. VON -- The Patjitan Culture: A Preliminary Report on N...

CHF 143.00

Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1978

Winkowski, J.
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1978
The connection between modal logic and algorithmic logics.- The algebraic semantics of recursive program schemes.- Finding the correctness proof of a concurrent program.- An algebra for parallelism based on petri nets.- Data types as functions.- Synthesis of communicating behaviour.- Programming languages as mathematical objects.- Writing and verifying sequential files updating programs.- On the completeness of query languages for relational d...

CHF 69.00

The Structure of Attractors in Dynamical Systems

Markley, N. G. / Perrizo, W. / Martin, J. C.
The Structure of Attractors in Dynamical Systems
Finitistic coding for shifts of finite type.- Periodic points and lefschetz numbers.- Entropy and the fundamental group.- Isolated invariant sets of parameterized systems of differential equations.- A transition from hopf bifurcation to chaos: Computer experiments with maps on R2.- Transverse heteroclinic orbits in the Anisotropic Kepler Problem.- A note on a distallity theorem of C.C. Moore.- Chain transitivity and the domain of influence of ...

CHF 69.00