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23 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Flechtenkartierung Und Die Beziehung Zur Immissionsbelast...

Heidt, V.
Flechtenkartierung Und Die Beziehung Zur Immissionsbelastung Des Südlichen Münsterlandes
The present study attempts to deduce the levels of air-pollution from its effects on epiphytic lichens in the Miinsterland caused by the emission source of the Ruhrgebiet adjacent in the South to the investigated area. For the collection and determination of the values the author has used the lAP-method developed by De Sloover & Le Blanc (I968). A distribution map has been constructed by examin­ ing the lichen flora of 117 sites located all ov...

CHF 65.00

Physics and Philosophy

Margenau, H.
Physics and Philosophy
This book is intended for people interested in physics and its philosophy. for those who regard physics as an essential component of modern culture rather than merely a tool for industry or war. Indeed this volume is addressed to those students, teachers and research workers who enjoy learning, teaching or doing physics, and are in the habit of pausing once in a while to ponder over key physical concepts and hypotheses and to wonder whether re...

CHF 134.00

References no. 15368¿18420 / ABD-ZUT

Catský, J. / Sesták, Zdenek
References no. 15368¿18420 / ABD-ZUT
The bibl iography includes papers in al I fields of photosynthesis research - from stu­ dies of model biochemical and biophysical systems of the photosynthesis mechanism to primary production studied by the so-cal led growth analysis. In addition to papers devoted entirely to photosynthesis, papers on other topics are included if they con­ tain data on photosynthetic activity, photorespiration, chloroplast structure, chlo­ rophyl I and caroten...

CHF 69.00

Der Tiergeographische Beitrag Zur Ökologischen Landschaft...

Jungbluth, J H
Der Tiergeographische Beitrag Zur Ökologischen Landschaftsforschung
Die okologische Landschaftsforschung ist bestrebt, die Landschaft in ihrer Totali­ tat (Alexander von HUMBOLDT: "Charakter einer Erdgegend", siehe SCHMITHUSEN 1976) zu erfassen. Neben der Elementaranalyse bedient sie sich hierbei der Komplexanalyse (NEEF 1965). Fur sich oder insgesamt werden die einzelnen Partialkomplexe analysiert und letztlich der Synthese zugefUhrt, die zur Erkenntnis der "Individualitat eines Gebietes" (TH. KRAUS &: E. MEY...

CHF 65.00

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Molecular Biology

Pullman, A.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Molecular Biology
The 11th Jeruaalem SympOlium continued the tradition of the pIe __ t and excitiDs meetiDp wbich 0DCe a year &ather, dlJtingni, bed ICientiltl, the wodd's most renowned experts in a specific field of quantum chemistry and biochemistry. in the impressive IUrroundinp of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. We wiah to thank aU those who made this meetiDg pOllible and contributed to its IUcceSS: the Baron Edmond de Rothschild whOle contin...

CHF 173.00

Flowering Trees in Subtropical Gardens

Kunkel, G.
Flowering Trees in Subtropical Gardens
In 1969 volume I of 'Arboles Ex6ticos' appeared in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, published in Spanish by the Island Council (Cabildo Insular). Volume II was to have dealt with a further 100 or so Dicotyledons, and volume III to have closed the cycle with Gymnosperms and the tree-like Monocotyledons. Neither of the latter having been published it was suggested that a totally revised and enlarged version of the first book be prepared for Dr. W. Ju...

CHF 130.00

Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Orbital...

Bleeker, G M
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Orbital Disorders Amsterdam, September 5-7, 1977
We have compiled a series of over 300 consecutive clses of unilateral exoph­ thalmos with definitive diagnosis of the causes of disease process and an adequate follow-up period. Orbital and periorbital tumors constitute 34% of this series, inflammatory diseases including thyroid disorders 50%, arteriovenous abnormalities 4%, and miscellaneous disorders 12%. All patients were thoroughly evaluated clinically and with appropriate diagnostic tests...

CHF 130.00

Electrodiagnosis, Toxic Agents and Vision

François, J. / De Rouck, A.
Electrodiagnosis, Toxic Agents and Vision
We have registered the ERG in 26 chronic uraemics treated with periodic haemodialysis, nearly always finding a subnormal b-wave. In 11 chronic uraemics treated only with dietetic-conservative therapy, the electroretino­ gram resulted only slightly reduced and with a voltage clearly superior to that of the previous group. REFERENCES Agzamova, H.S. Tonographic values in patients with chronic renal insufficiency. Of tal. Zh. 20: 32-34 (1975). Ber...

CHF 130.00

The Foundations of Aesthetics

Ossowski, S.
The Foundations of Aesthetics
This translation was made from the third edition of The Foundations of Aesthetics as prepared by the author (I ed. 1933. II ed. 1949. III ed. 1957. IV ed. in Works 1966). Some parts of the text were deleted from this translation such as references to examples which could not be understood by non-Polish readers (e.g. reminiscences about famous theatrical interpretations. theatrical productions dating back many years or references to literary ch...

CHF 130.00

On the Nature of Rivers

Rzóska, J.
On the Nature of Rivers
Origin and Aims of this essay It was not by choice but by the misfortunes or fortunes of the last war, that I became involved with rivers. In December 1946 I obtained a lecturing post at the then Gordon Memorial College at Khartoum and the Principal of the college brought me to confluence of the two Niles and urged me to 'do something' on the biology of the river. I was very reluctant, my experience was limited to lakes in Poland up to 1939, a...

CHF 69.00

Approaches to Natural Language

Hintikka, Jaakko / Moravcsik, J. M. E. / Suppes, Patrick
Approaches to Natural Language
The papers and comments published in the present volume represent the proceedings of a research workshop on the grammar and semantics of natural languages held at Stanford University in the fall of 1970. The workshop met first for three days in September and then for a period of two days in November for extended discussion and analysis. The workshop was sponsored by the Committee on Basic Research in Education, which has been funded by the Uni...

CHF 134.00

The Pythia¿s Drunken Song

Dibble, J. A.
The Pythia¿s Drunken Song
I. The Historical Background of Sartor Resartus.- 1. The Kantian Compromise.- 2. Kant, Fichte, and the Dilemma of Idealism.- II. Sartor Resartus and the Historicity of Idealism.- 1. The Style of Dogmatic Idealism.- 2. Carlyle¿s ¿British Reader¿ and the Structure of Sartor Resartus.- III. Carlyle and Hegel.- List of Texts Cited.

CHF 69.00