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27 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Musik in der Orientierungsstufe

Bader, Leo
Musik in der Orientierungsstufe
Das Schülerarbeitsheft ist für den Unterricht des 5. und 6. Schuljahres an Gesamt-, Haupt-, Realschulen und Gymnasien konzipiert und als zusätzliches Arbeitsmittel zu den herkömmlichen Musiklehrbüchern zu verwenden. Die zahlreichen Teilziele und zielorientierten Tätigkeiten, Übungen und Aufgaben sind ein Angebot, aus dem der Lehrer individuell auswählen kann.

CHF 17.50

Meine Freunde

Bove, Emmanuel / Handke, Peter
Meine Freunde
In seinem Roman schildert Bove einen Abschnitt aus dem Leben des Victor Baton, eines Kriegsinvaliden, der mit seiner niedrigen Rente im Paris zwanziger Jahre lebt und sich nichts sehnsüchtiger wünscht, als einen Freund zu haben, um seiner Einsamkeit zu entrinnen. Die Versuche, die Baton in dieser Richtung, unternimmt, scheitern jedoch alle: am Ende lebt er, nachdem ihm sein Dachzimmer gekündigt wurde, in einem heruntergekommenen Hotel.

CHF 24.90

Identification of Seismic Sources -- Earthquake or Underg...

Husebye, Eystein S / Mykkelveit, S.
Identification of Seismic Sources -- Earthquake or Underground Explosion
The subject of this NATO Advanced Study Institute was seismic monitoring under a nuclear test ban - an application of scienti­ fic knowledge and modern technology for a political purpose. The international political objective of a comprehensive nuclear test ban provided in turn the motivation for our technical and scientific discussions. In order to obtain a historical perspec­ tive on the progress of the work towards a comprehensive test-ban ...

CHF 376.00

Emission and Scattering Techniques

Day, Peter R
Emission and Scattering Techniques
Centrally important to the progress of inorganic chemistry is the application of new physical techniques for determining crystal and molecular structures. Electronic structure, too, can now be explored by a large variety of spectros­ copic techniques, most of them of quite recent origin. Realizing how essential it was to bring together experts in the techniques themselves and those who might use them for their own chemical purposes, Professor ...

CHF 130.00

Biological Magnetic Resonance Volume 3

Berliner, Lawrence J / Reuben, Jacques
Biological Magnetic Resonance Volume 3
We are proud to present Volume 3 of Biological Magnetic Resonance, a series that has met with praise from the scientific community. This volume covers the new applications of various multiple irradia­ tion techniques to the NMR of biomolecules, the chapter of Keller and Wuthrich describes much of the technique and its applications to hemo­ proteins. The ESR of some hemoproteins in the single crystal is described by Chien and Dickinson, who als...

CHF 129.00

Third International Conference on Myopia Copenhagen, Augu...

Fledelius, H C / Alsbirk, P H / Goldschmidt, E.
Third International Conference on Myopia Copenhagen, August 24-27, 1980
Considering the high incidence of myopia - and its inherent morbidit- it may wonder that the item is dealt with only sporadically in recent literature, and almost never at international conferences. However, there was a First International Conference on Myopia in New York 1964, and the Second was held in Yokohama 1978, affiliated to the XXIII World Congress of Ophthalmology. Here it was attempted to set out­ lines for future myopia research, a...

CHF 130.00

Urban Simulation: Models for Public Policy Analysis

Whithed, M H / Sarly, R M
Urban Simulation: Models for Public Policy Analysis
Recognizing that "our present processes of urban community development programs were wasteful and destructive and that our existing urban development programs were contributing to that waste and destruction", l the U. S. Congress enacted the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1970 with the stated objective "the development of a national urban growth policy". The most inno­ 2 vative portion of this legislation was Title VII of this Act which ...

CHF 130.00

Theoretical Advances in Behavior Genetics

Royce, Joseph R / Mos, Leendert P
Theoretical Advances in Behavior Genetics
The intention of this paper is to review the evidence support­ ing the major thesis that a knowledge of genetic architecture within a species gives clues to the evolution of behavior. To this end, a study of some of the origins of this idea, both within genetics and psychology, will be embarked upon, together with a review of the experimental evidence supportive of it. This review will concentrate on behavioral phenotypes, though not to the ex...

CHF 130.00

Values, Technology and Work

Mumford, E.
Values, Technology and Work
This book describes the experiences of four organizations who tried to introduce new computer systems in a humanistic manner so that human as well as business gains would be derived from the introduction of technology. All four paid a great deal of attention to identifying efficiency and job satisfaction needs and to design­ ing the technical system and its surrounding organizational context in such a way that these needs could be effectively ...

CHF 130.00

Scientific Materialism

Bunge, M.
Scientific Materialism
The word 'materialism' is ambiguous: it designates a moral doc­ trine as well as a philosophy and, indeed, an entire world view. Moral materialism is identical with hedonism, or the doctrine that humans should pursue only their own pleasure. Philosophical ma­ terialismis the view that the real worId is composed exclusively of material things. The two doctrines are logically independent: hedonism is consistent with immaterialism, and materialis...

CHF 188.00

Cholesterol Autoxidation

Smith, Leland L.
Cholesterol Autoxidation
Most components of the biosphere are continuously ex­ posed to oxygen from the atmosphere. Accordingly, the inex­ orable deterioration of all organic compounds by the slow attack of oxygen must occur. Despite this eventuality, a definitive treatment of oxygen-dependent decomposition of any single important natural product has not heretofore been made. The instant monograph attempts to provide a complete description of the autoxidation of one s...

CHF 236.00