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Zur Kasse

6 Ergebnisse.

18 Etüden

Burgmüller, Friedrich / Twelsiek, Monika
18 Etüden
Die 18 Etüden op. 109 nehmen durch ihren melodischen und klanglichen Reiz den Spieler unmittelbar für sich ein. Burgmüller gelingt es hier, technische Probleme mit einem ansprechenden musikalischen Einfall zu verknüpfen. Die Fantasie des Spielers wird durch die Titelgebung und durch den musikalischen Anreiz, den jedes einzelne Stück bietet, angeregt. Ein Zyklus mittelschwerer Stücke, der viel zu wenig bekannt ist.Schwierigkeitsgrad: 3

CHF 21.50

The Chemical Formulary, Volume 24

Bennett, H.
The Chemical Formulary, Volume 24
There is hardly any technical library in the world in which the volumes of the Chemical Formulary (Volumes 1-34) do not occupy a prominent place. Chemists both experienced and beginner, continually refer to them. It does not duplicate any of the formulas included in previous volumes, but lists a wide array of modern and salable products from all branches of the chemical industries. An excellent reference for formulation problems. -CONTENTS - I...

CHF 132.00

Time, Work, and Culture in the Middle Ages

Le Goff, Jacques (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris) / Goldhammer, Arthur
Time, Work, and Culture in the Middle Ages
Jacques Le Goff is a prominent figure in the tradition of French medieval scholarship, profoundly influenced by the "Annales" school, notably, Bloch, Febvre, and Braudel, and by the ethnographers and anthropologists Mauss, Dumezil, and Levi-Strauss. In building his argument for "another Middle Ages" ("un autre moyen age"), Le Goff documents the emergence of the collective "mentalite "from many sources with scholarship both imaginative and exact.

CHF 59.50

On History

Braudel, Fernand / Matthews, Sarah
On History
A translation of Fernand Braudel's "Ecrits sur l'histoire", published in 1969. The main themes of the work include: the importance of a "rapprochement" between history and the social sciences, the inseparability of study of past and present, and the dubious value of the narrative techniques.

CHF 46.90