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46 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Faraday to Einstein: Constructing Meaning in Scientific T...

Nersessian, N. J.
Faraday to Einstein: Constructing Meaning in Scientific Theories
Einstein often expressed the sentiment that "the eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility, " and that science is the means through which we comprehend it. However, nearly every­ one - including scientists - agrees that the concepts of modem physics are quite incomprehensible: They are both unintelligible to the educated lay-person and to the scientific community itself, where there is much dispute over the interpretation of even (...

CHF 188.00

Methodology, Metaphysics and the History of Science

Wartofsky, Marx W. / Cohen, Robert S.
Methodology, Metaphysics and the History of Science
This selection of papers that were presented (or nearly so!) to the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science during the seventies fairly re­ presents some of the most disturbing issues of scientific knowledge in these years. To the distant observer, it may seem that the defense of rational standards, objective reference, methodical self-correction, even the distin­ guishing of the foolish from the sensible and the truth-seeking from the...

CHF 236.00

EURASIP Directory 1983

Gerbrands, Jan J.
EURASIP Directory 1983
A great number of scientists in European research institutions is involved in one or more aspects of the multidisciplinary field of signal processing. This book contains concise descriptions of the activities and interests of 379 signal proces­ sing laboratories from 17 European countries. Its purpose is twofold: to facilitate communications between institutions and individual scientists within the signal pro­ cessing community - and to give a...

CHF 188.00

Foundations: Logic, Language, and Mathematics

Leblanc, Hugues / Orenstein, A. / Mendelson, Elliott
Foundations: Logic, Language, and Mathematics
The more traditional approaches to the history and philosophy of science and technology continue as well, and probably will continue as long as there are skillful practitioners such as Carl Hempel, Ernest Nagel, and th~ir students. Finally, there are still other approaches that address some of the technical problems arising when we try to provide an account of belief and of rational choice. - These include efforts to provide logical frameworks...

CHF 134.00

Approximation Theory and Spline Functions

Singh, S. P. / Watson, B. / Burry, J. H. W.
Approximation Theory and Spline Functions
A NATO Advanced Study Institute on Approximation Theory and Spline Functions was held at Memorial University of Newfoundland during August 22-September 2, 1983. This volume consists of the Proceedings of that Institute. These Proceedings include the main invited talks and contributed papers given during the Institute. The aim of these lectures was to bring together Mathematicians, Physicists and Engineers working in the field. The lectures cov...

CHF 236.00

Statistical Extremes and Applications

Tiago de Oliveira, J.
Statistical Extremes and Applications
The first references to statistical extremes may perhaps be found in the Genesis (The Bible, vol. I): the largest age of Methu'selah and the concrete applications faced by Noah-- the long rain, the large flood, the structural safety of the ark --. But as the pre-history of the area can be considered to last to the first quarter of our century, we can say that Statistical Extremes emer­ ged in the last half-century. It began with the paper by D...

CHF 355.00

Is Science Progressive?

Niiniluoto, I.
Is Science Progressive?
This collection brings together several essays which have been written between the years 197 5 and 1983. During that period I have been occupied with the attempt to find a satisfactory explicate for the notion of tnithlike­ ness or verisimilitude. The technical results of this search have partly appeared elsewhere, and I am also working on a systematic presentation of them in a companion volume to this book: Truthlikeness (forthcoming hopefull...

CHF 188.00

Nineteen Eighty-Four: Science Between Utopia and Dystopia

Nowotny, H. / Mendelsohn, E.
Nineteen Eighty-Four: Science Between Utopia and Dystopia
Just fifty years ago Julian Huxley, the biologist grandson of Thomas Henry Huxley, published a book which easily could be seen to represent the prevail­ ing outlook among young scientists of the day: If I were a Dictator (1934). The outlook is optimistic, the tone playfully rational, the intent clear - allow science a free hand and through rational planning it could bring order out of the surrounding social chaos. He complained, however: At th...

CHF 188.00

Beyond the Neighborhood Unit

Baer, William C. / Banerjee, Tridib
Beyond the Neighborhood Unit
Much of the research on which this book is based was funded almost a decade ago by separate grants from two different agencies of the U. S. Public Health Service, of the then still consolidated Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The first grant was from the Bureau of Community Environmental Management (Public Health Service Research Grant J-RO J EM 0049-02), and the second from the Center for Studies of Metropolitan Problems of the ...

CHF 188.00

Geodetic Features of the Ocean Surface and Their Implicat...

Apel, J. R. / Seeber, G.
Geodetic Features of the Ocean Surface and Their Implications
This volume contains most of the papers which were presented at the Interdisciplinary Symposium No. 4 "Geodetic Features of the Ocean Surface and their Implications" during the XVIII. General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) in Hamburg, August 1983. The symposium was jointly sponsored by the International Associ­ ation of Geodesy (lAG) and the International Association for the Physi­ cal Sciences of the Ocea...

CHF 188.00

Theory of Legal Science

Peczenik, Aleksander / Roermund, G. C. van / Lindahl, L.
Theory of Legal Science
This book presents papers read at the Conference on Legal Theory and Philosophy of Science, held at Lund, December 11-14, 1983. The main idea of the conference was to arti­ culate, to test, and to apply scientific rationality with regard to the domain of law and legal reasoning. Although. very different views were presented, the general impres­ sion is that this idea may have some future, as it yielded many surprising and stimulating discussio...

CHF 236.00

Epistemic Analysis

Ziff, Paul
Epistemic Analysis
THIS ESSAY was begun a long time ago, in 1962, when I spent a year in Rome on a Guggenheim Fellowship. That twenty one years were required to complete it is owing both to the character of the theory presented and to my peculiar habits of mind. The theory presented is a coherence theory of knowledge: the con­ ception of coherence is here dominant and pervasive. But considera­ tions of coherence dictate an attention to details. The fact of the m...

CHF 134.00

The Enigma of Probability and Physics

Mayants, L.
The Enigma of Probability and Physics
Lazar Mayants is a recent Russian emigre noted for his work in theoretical physics. He was previously a professor at several universities of the Soviet Union and a distinguished member of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R, where he worked for about 30 years. In this book he presents a unique, extremely detailed, and embracive version of a subject that has suffered for a long time from numerous internal imperfections. His approach is new a...

CHF 236.00

Nineteen Eighty-Four: Science Between Utopia and Dystopia

Nowotny, H. / Mendelsohn, E.
Nineteen Eighty-Four: Science Between Utopia and Dystopia
Just fifty years ago Julian Huxley, the biologist grandson of Thomas Henry Huxley, published a book which easily could be seen to represent the prevail­ ing outlook among young scientists of the day: If I were a Dictator (1934). The outlook is optimistic, the tone playfully rational, the intent clear - allow science a free hand and through rational planning it could bring order out of the surrounding social chaos. He complained, however: At th...

CHF 188.00

A Theory of Social Action

Tuomela, R.
A Theory of Social Action
It is somewhat surprising to find out how little serious theorizing there is in philosophy (and in social psychology as well as sociology) on the nature of social actions or joint act. hons in the sense of actions performed together by several agents. Actions performed by single agents have been extensively discussed both in philosophy and in psycho~ogy. There is, ac­ cordingly, a booming field called action theory in philosophy but it has so ...

CHF 236.00

Diagnosis and Management of Endocrine-Related Tumors

Santen, Richard J / Manni, Andrea
Diagnosis and Management of Endocrine-Related Tumors
Patients with a variety of tumors present to the physician because of clinical manifestations of hormones secreted in excess. This phenomenon attracted the investigative interest of such pioneers as Harvey Cushing who recognized that pituitary tumors may cause acromegaly and Charles Mayo who associated hyper­ tension with adrenal medullary neoplasms. Current int~rest in endocrine-related tumors has intensified because of the explosive developm...

CHF 251.00