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13 Ergebnisse.

Family Psychology II

L'Abate, Luciano
Family Psychology II
This second collection of writings covers the main topics that define the newly created specialty of family psychology. Family therapy is limited to a single approach devoted to the treatment of families in trouble, family psychology encompasses the entire range of family functioning, from optimal to pathological.

CHF 40.90

The Measurement of Appearance

Hunter, Richard S. (Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc., Reston, VA) / Harold, Richard W. (Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc., Reston, VA)
The Measurement of Appearance
This second edition of a unique text/reference identifies the appearance attributes of objects and the methods available for measuring them, bringing together much material not previously organized for ready reference. The primary premise here is that object appearance'' involves not only color, but such attributes as gloss, luster, and translucency. The first part of the book, concerned with nature of appearance, draws from the fields of phys...

CHF 439.00

Beiträge zur Wohlfahrtsökonomie

Ebert, Udo
Beiträge zur Wohlfahrtsökonomie
Das Wirtschaftsgeschehen wird durch die Tatsache gepragt, daB die Entschei­ dungen der am okonomischen ProzeB beteiligten Wirtschaftssubjekte voneinan­ der und von den vorhandenen Rahmenbedingungen abhangen. In diesem in­ terdependenten System zieht jede Variation (etwa in den den Entscheidungen zugrundeliegenden Bedingungen) sehr komplexe Anpassungsprozesse und damit weitere Veranderungen nach sich. Davon ist dann letztlich jedes einzelne Wir...

CHF 77.00

Arbeitswissenschaftliche Arbeitsgestaltung

Schmidt, Walter
Arbeitswissenschaftliche Arbeitsgestaltung
In diesem Buch sind die durch die rasche technologische Entwicklung der letzten Jahre hervorgerufenen neuen Tendenzen in der Arbeitswissenschaft einbezogen. Im Hinblick auf die CIM-Fabrik wird die besondere Bedeutung der Durchlaufzeit, die Just-in-Time-Fertigungsphilosophie, die Auswirkungen der neuen Technologien auf die Arbeitsorganisation und die Qualifikation der Mitarbeiter angesprochen. Breiten Raum nimmt die am Menschen orientierte Arbe...

CHF 71.00

Econometric Analysis of Discrete Choice

Börsch-Supan, Axel
Econometric Analysis of Discrete Choice
This book is a treatise on empirical microeconomics: it describes the econometric theory of qualitative choice models and the empirical practice of modeling consumer demand for a heterogeneous commodity, housing. Accordingly, the book has two parts. The first part gives a self-contained survey of discrete choice models with emphasis on nested and related multinomial logit models. The second part concentrates on three sUbstantive questions abou...

CHF 69.00

Generalized Analytic Functions on Riemann Surfaces

Rodin, Yuri L.
Generalized Analytic Functions on Riemann Surfaces
The dolbeault and Riemann-roch theorems.- Linear integral equations connected with generalized analytic functions.- The Riemann boundary problem.- Nonlinear aspects of generalized analytic function theory.- Some generalizations and applications.

CHF 36.50

K-Theory, Arithmetic and Geometry

Manin, Yurij I.
K-Theory, Arithmetic and Geometry
This volume of research papers is an outgrowth of the Manin Seminar at Moscow University, devoted to K-theory, homological algebra and algebraic geometry. The main topics discussed include additive K-theory, cyclic cohomology, mixed Hodge structures, theory of Virasoro and Neveu-Schwarz algebras.

CHF 55.50

Invariant Theory

Koh, Sebastian S.
Invariant Theory
This volume of expository papers is the outgrowth of a conference in combinatorics and invariant theory. In recent years, newly developed techniques from algebraic geometry and combinatorics have been applied with great success to some of the outstanding problems of invariant theory, moving it back to the forefront of mathematical research once again. This collection of papers centers on constructive aspects of invariant theory and opens with ...

CHF 36.50