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14 Ergebnisse.

Creating Investor Demand for Company Stock

Altman, Richard
Creating Investor Demand for Company Stock
This volume focuses on smoothing the road to success for the emerging small, publicly held company through an equity valuation strategy. The author provides a `how-to' guide for achieving an efficient market value for a publicly held company's securities, one that clearly reflects the future earnings power of the company's underlying assets. The volume focuses on three broad areas: investor's perceptions of the company's future earning power, ...

CHF 134.00

No Longer Disabled

Mezey, Susan
No Longer Disabled
This book focuses on the Reagan administration's broad attempt from 1980 to 1984 to strike thousands of Social Security disability recipients from government rolls. . . . [Mezey] enriches her study with a brief history of federal disability policy and provides a review of contending arguments over public policy and judicial activism. Of particular interest is the legal battle over the medical criteria used for determining desability and the SS...

CHF 132.00

The Management of Corporate Business Units

Deck, Steven / Nevaer, Louis
The Management of Corporate Business Units
The authors examine the reasons for the problems currently afflicting corporate America, particularly the loss of global competitive advantage, and review the track record of traditional strategic planning and portfolio management. The problems of recent years, they demonstrate, have been caused when managers neglect to consider the current economic environment when developing strategic plans. They go on to offer a systematic approach to addre...

CHF 132.00

Blacks in Classical Music

Gray, John
Blacks in Classical Music
The first in a projected series of idiom-specific bibliographies in black music, this work treats classical music. It is a comprehensive index to newspaper and periodical indexes, biographical dictionaries, bibliographies, dissertations and theses, music collections, and published discographies...Scholars, researchers, students, and reference librarians will find that this guide makes searching easier, bibliographers will welcome its detailed ...

CHF 101.00

Abhängigkeit und Befreiung

Luban-Plozza, Boris
Abhängigkeit und Befreiung
Das Buch enth{lt die anl{~lich des 15. Internationalen Balint-Treffens 1987 in Ascona gehaltenen Vortr{ge. Die Themen behandeln u.a. die Alkoholabh{ngigkeit, den Umgang mit ihr aus der Sicht von Betroffenen und Therapeuten, die Situation abh{ngiger Jugendlicher, die Bedeutung der Selbsthilfegruppen, Auswege und L|sungen aus der Abh{ngig- keit. DasBuch vermittelt dem Arzt die Grundlagen f}r den Umgang mit alkoholabh{ngigenPatienten und z...

CHF 71.00

The Spinorial Chessboard

Trautman, Andrzej / Budinich, Paolo
The Spinorial Chessboard
Spinor theory is an important tool in mathematical physics in particular in the context of conformal field theory and string theory. These lecture notes present a new way to introduce spinors by exploiting their intimate relationship to Clifford algebras. The presentation is detailed and mathematically rigorous. Not only students but also researchers will welcome this book for the clarity of its style and for the straightforward way it applies...

CHF 134.00

Die Sterilisation geistig Behinderter

Graf-Baumann, Toni / Hiersche, Günter
Die Sterilisation geistig Behinderter
Die Sterilisation geistig Behinderter wird in einer rechtlichen Grauzone praktiziert. Es herrscht Rechtsunsicherheit über die Zulässigkeit und die Grenzen dieses Eingriffs. In diesem Buch wird das Thema interdisziplinär von Medizinern verschiedener Fachrichtungen, Juristen und in der Behindertenarbeit Tätigen dargestellt. Die Beiträge und insbesondere die Empfehlungen sollen dazu beitragen, der erheblichen und gerade auf diesem Gebiet nicht hi...

CHF 71.00

Autonomie und Gerechtigkeit

Reiter-Theil, Stella
Autonomie und Gerechtigkeit
Der Bitte von Frau Stella Reiter-Theil, fUr dieses Buch ein Vorwort zu schreiben, komme ich gerne nacho In den 40 lahren, in denen ich Psychotherapie prakti­ ziere und lehre, bin ich selbst immer wieder auf ethische Fragen gestoBen und habe erkannt, wie wichtig gerade die "Ethik" fUr dieses Arbeitsgebiet ist. Beson­ ders deutlich wurde mir dies, als ich in den sechziger lahren begann, mit Paar­ und Familientherapie zu experimentieren. Solange ...

CHF 77.00

Interactive Corporate Compliance

Sigler, Jay A. / Murphy, Joseph E.
Interactive Corporate Compliance
[Interactive Corporate Compliance] is a creative contribution to the generally moribund business regulation literature. It makes compelling reading. American Business Journal, Winter 1990 This book describes a new approach to business-government interactions while giving business and government officials a new set of practical proposals for change. Throughout U.S. history, the relationship between business and government has fluctuated constan...

CHF 132.00