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Raum · Zeit · Materie

Weyl, Hermann / Ehlers, Jürgen / Ehlers, Jürgen
Raum · Zeit · Materie
Das Studium von Hermann Weyls Raum . Zeit . Materie ist auch heute noch lohnenswert. Als erste systematische Gesamtdarstellung der speziellen und allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie einschließlich der zugehörigen Mathematik setzt es sich gründlich mit den historischen Wurzeln auseinander. Die Betonung des Begriffs des linearen Zusammenhangs unabhängig von der Metrik kommt der heutigen Auffassung und den Verallgemeinerungen in den Eichtheorien entg...

CHF 96.00

The NIV Harmony of the Gospels

Gundry, Stanley N.
The NIV Harmony of the Gospels
A harmony of the gospels provides an important means for studying the four gospels at one time. Though it could never completely replace the four gospels studied individually, it is an indispensable tool for gaining a well-rounded overview of Jesus' life in all its facets.

CHF 34.50

The Southern Central Andes

Bahlburg, Heinrich / Giese, Peter / Breitkreuz, Christian
The Southern Central Andes
This volume gives an overview of the geotectonic evolution of the Central Andes. The contributions cover the whole spectrum of geoscientific research: geology, petrology, geochemistry, geophysics and geomorphology. They deal with the period from late Precambrium up to the youngest phenomena in the Quaternary. The book is of value for regional geologists as well as for scientists interested in orogenic processes related to active continental ma...

CHF 69.00

Ethics and Regulation of Clinical Research

Levine, Robert J.
Ethics and Regulation of Clinical Research
The use of human subjects in medical and scientific research has given rise to troubling ethical questions. How should human subjects be selected for experiments? What should they be told about the research in which they are involved? How can their privacy be protected? When is it permissible to deceive them? How do we deal with subjects such as children, fetuses, and the mentally infirm, for whom informed consent is impossible? In this book, ...

CHF 59.50

Testmustergenerierung und Fehlersimulation in digitalen S...

Schulz, Michael H.
Testmustergenerierung und Fehlersimulation in digitalen Schaltungen mit hoher Komplexität
Das Buch behandelt die beiden wichtigsten Aufgabenstellungen im Rahmen des wirtschaftlich und wissenschaftlich äußerst bedeutenden Gebietes der Testvorbereitung: die automatische Testmustergenerierung und die Fehlersimulation. Alle im Buch beschriebenen Methoden und Verfahren zielen zum einen auf die Minimierung des dazu erforderlichen Rechenzeitaufwandes und zum anderen auf die Bewältigung möglichst großer Schaltungskomplexitäten. Besonderer ...

CHF 71.00

Sequential Binary Investment Decisions

Jammernegg, Werner
Sequential Binary Investment Decisions
This book describes some models from the theory of investment which are mainly characterized by three features. Firstly, the decision-maker acts in a dynamic environment. Secondly, the distributions of the random variables are only incompletely known at the beginning of the planning process. This is termed as decision-making under conditions of uncer­ tainty. Thirdly, in large parts of the work we restrict the analysis to binary decision model...

CHF 134.00

Bounded Rational Behavior in Experimental Games and Markets

Tietz, Reinhard / Selten, Reinhard / Albers, Wulf
Bounded Rational Behavior in Experimental Games and Markets
Modeling Bounded Rational Behavior in Experimental Games and Markets" was the general theme of the Fourth Conference on Experimental Economics, held from September 21 to 25, 1986 at the Zentrum fUr Interdisziplinare Forschung in Bielefeld, Germany. This volume contains the papers presented at this conference in a revised and condensed form. The discussed topics concern experimental economics in general, unilateral and bilateral decisions, auct...

CHF 134.00

Combining Fuzzy Imprecision with Probabilistic Uncertaint...

Fedrizzi, Mario
Combining Fuzzy Imprecision with Probabilistic Uncertainty in Decision Making
In the literature of decision analysis it is traditional to rely on the tools provided by probability theory to deal with problems in which uncertainty plays a substantive role. In recent years, however, it has become increasingly clear that uncertainty is a mul­ tifaceted concept in which some of the important facets do not lend themselves to analysis by probability-based methods. One such facet is that of fuzzy imprecision, which is associat...

CHF 134.00

Fundamentals of Production Theory

Färe, Rolf
Fundamentals of Production Theory
This graduate text develops production theory from a set of reasonable axioms. The theory is presented both in a primal and dual as well as in an indirect (constrained) framework. The basic model leads to a set of efficiency measures which can be readily employed in empirical work. A first draft of the text was used to teach students at Vanderbilt University. The text includes a variety of exercise problems.

CHF 69.00

Estimation of Simultaneous Equation Models with Error Com...

Krishnakumar, Jayalakshmi
Estimation of Simultaneous Equation Models with Error Components Structure
Economists can rarely perform controlled experiments to generate data. Existing information in the form of real-life observations simply has to be utilized in the best possible way. Given this, it is advantageous to make use of the increasing availability and accessibility of combinations of time-series and cross-sectional data in the estimation of economic models. But such data call for a new methodology of estimation and hence for the develo...

CHF 69.00

The Positive Muon as a Probe in Free Radical Chemistry

Roduner, Emil
The Positive Muon as a Probe in Free Radical Chemistry
The work presented here is a result of an extended collaboration with a number of coworkers and guests. Particularly, I would like to thank Dr. P. Burkhard and Dr. W. Strub for their careful work performed for their Ph. D. thesis and Dr. M. Heming for his brilliant ideas and his dedication. Very fruitful and stimulating were collaborations with our guests, i. e. with G. A. Brinkman and P. W. F. Louwrier from NIKHEF-K in Amsterdam, B. C. Webste...

CHF 69.00

The Muse Learns to Write

Havelock, Eric A.
The Muse Learns to Write
Reflections on Orality and Literacy from Antiquity to the Present.The intention of this book is to present a unified picture of a crisis that occurred in the history of human communication, when Greek orality transformed itself into Greek literacy.

CHF 31.90

Dictionary of Gerontology

Harris, Diana K.
Dictionary of Gerontology
As the preface indicates, this sorely needed tool is more than a dictionary. In addition to defining terms specific to gerontology ('circuit breakers, ' 'Detroit syndrome') and multidisciplinary terms ('suicide, ' 'cholesterol') pertinent to gerontology, in alphabetic order, it provides one to four references for each term...Highly recommended for upper-division and graduate collections. Choice Because of the different disciplines that geronto...

CHF 99.00

Political Business Cycles

Willett, Thomas D.
Political Business Cycles
The "political business cycle", according to economist William Nordhaus, creates a situation in which political and bureaucratic incentives create artificial economic booms just before elections, with consequent and deleterious side effects after the ballots are counted. This work examines the issue of whether federal governmental structure inevitably leaves the U.S. economy exposed to unhealthy political influences.

CHF 185.00

The Shaping of America

Meinig, D. W.
The Shaping of America
Meinig here focuses on colonial America, examining how an immense diversity of ethnic and religious groups - Europeans, Africans, American Indians - ultimately created a set of distinct regional societies.

CHF 75.00

Semi-Classical Analysis for the Schrödinger Operator and ...

Helffer, Bernard
Semi-Classical Analysis for the Schrödinger Operator and Applications
This introduction to semi-classical analysis is an extension of a course given by the author at the University of Nankai. It presents for some of the standard cases presented in quantum mechanics books a rigorous study of the tunneling effect, as an introduction to recent research work. The book may be read by a graduate student familiar with the classic book of Reed-Simon, and for some chapters basic notions in differential geometry. The math...

CHF 36.50