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10 Ergebnisse.


Bruce, Robert V.
Not simply a story of a year from our past but a dramatic account of a social and political uprising that became a crisis in the course of American development.

CHF 33.90

Relationen und Graphen

Ströhlein, Thomas / Schmidt, Gunther
Relationen und Graphen
Dieses Buch gibt eine neuartige systematische Darstellung der Diskreten Mathematik, sie orientiert sich an Methoden der Relationenalgebra. Ähnlich wie man es sonst nur für die weit entwickelte Analysis im kontinuierlichen Fall und die Matrizenrechnung gewohnt ist, stellt dieses Buch auch für die Behandlung diskreter Probleme geeignete Techniken und Hilfsmittel sowie eine einheitliche Theorie bereit. Die einzelnen Kapitel beginnen jeweils mit a...

CHF 71.00

Therapieverläufe bei Drogenabhängigen

Feuerlein, Wilhelm / Wille, Rolf / Bühringer, Gerhard
Therapieverläufe bei Drogenabhängigen
Das Buch enthält die Vorträge des 7. Wissenschaftlichen Symposiums der Deutschen Hauptstelle gegen die Suchtgefahren. Erstes Ziel dieser Tagung war eine Bestandsaufnahme über Studien zu Verlauf und Ergebnissen der Therapie von Drogenabhängigkeit im internationalen Vergleich. Durch das zweite Ziel der Tagung, nämlich die Ableitung einer Lehrmeinung aus den vorliegenden Forschungsergebnissen im Sinne praxisrelevanter Regeln für die Therapie, wur...

CHF 65.00

Estimating and Choosing

Matheron, Georges / Hasofer, A. M.
Estimating and Choosing
Ever since the beginning of modern probability theory in the seventeenth century there has been a continuous debate over the meaning and applicability of the concept of probability. This book presents a coherent and well thoughtout framework for the use of probabilistic models to describe unique phenomena in a purely objective way. Although Estimating and Choosing was written with geostatistical applications in mind, the approach is of general...

CHF 69.00

Essays in European History

Burton, June
Essays in European History
This volume appears as the product of efforts made by the executive committee of the European History Section of the Southern Historical Association over a period of several years to enhance the prestige of the organization and the quality of the program of the annual meetings. Essays include: Psychoanalyzing the Psychoanalyst: Writing the Freud Biography, Peter Gay, Allied Psychological Interpretations of Germans and Nazis During and After Wo...

CHF 81.00

Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence

Nossum, Rolf T.
Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence
This book gives an in-depth treatment of the latest results in a selection of core topics of AI. Its aim is to make available to students and practitioners active in AI those results in a form suitable for people who are already informed about the basics of AI. The treatment is in tutorial form, and the material originates from the series of Advanced Courses in AI that are regularly offered by the European Coordinating Committee for AI. The to...

CHF 69.00

Non-Monotonic Reasoning

Reinfrank, Michael / Sandewall, Erik / Ginsberg, Matthew L. / Kleer, Johan De
Non-Monotonic Reasoning
This volume contains revised and extended versions of the papers presented at the Second International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning, held in Grassau (FRG), June 13-15, 1988. The workshop brought together researchers with different backgrounds, including non-monotonic logic, logic programming, truth maintenance and philosophy. Their papers contain substantial advances to the logical foundations of non-monotonic reasoning, its computation...

CHF 49.50