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14 Ergebnisse.

Terrorism and the State

Perdue, William
Terrorism and the State
Terrorism and the State is a volume on the political economy of terrorism. Emphasizing the role of ideological systems in the definition of political violence, this book is theoretical, historical, and critical. It first presents and refutes the two most commonly expressed definitions of terrorism: the absolutist view, a simplistic picture of international deviance on the part of fanatics, and the liberal relativistic view, one man's terrorist...

CHF 120.00

Black Novelist as White Racist

Young, Joseph
Black Novelist as White Racist
In exceptionally close analyses of six novels by black writer Oscar Micheaux (1884-1948?) beginning with The Conquest, written in 1913, The Forged Note (1915), The Homesteader (1917), The Wind from Nowhere (1941), The Case of Mrs. Wingate (1945), and The Story of Dorothy Stanfield (1946), Young traces the development of Micheaux's racial theories and of his stance as apologist for American imperialism. Young argues that these novels are exampl...

CHF 106.00

World's End

Boyle, T.C. / Richter, Werner
World's End
Geister der Vergangenheit suchen Walter Van Brunt an seinem 22. Geburtstag heim, und die Gedenktafel, gegen die er dann in der Nacht, betrunken und bekifft, mit seinem Motorrad rast, verweist auf ein Ereignis, das weit zurückliegt - und das auch mit Walter zu tun hat. Fortan macht er sich auf die Suche nach seinem verstorbenen Vater: Truman Van Brunt hat 20 Jahre zuvor, bei den berüchtigten Unruhen von Peterskill, der Gegenseite in die Hände g...

CHF 34.50

Wirkung hochenergetischer Strahlung auf Halbleiterbauelem...

Bräunig, Dietrich
Wirkung hochenergetischer Strahlung auf Halbleiterbauelemente
Mit dem rasch wachsenden Integrationsgrad mikroelektronischer Schaltungen steigt der mögliche Schaden durch hochenergetische Strahlung, insbesondere im Einsatzbereich von Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik, aber auch bei Kernreaktoren, in der Materialforschung und in der medizinischen Diagnostik und Therapie. Das Buch liefert eine fundierte Einführung, die von den physikalischen Grundlagen der Wechselwirkung von Strahlung mit Materie, über die Erkläru...

CHF 102.00

Military Personnel Measurement

Rampton, Glenn M. / Wiskoff, Martin F.
Military Personnel Measurement
This volume documents military advances in personnel measurement technology and practices. The military is the unquestionable forerunner of this technology. Until now some of this knowledge has not been easily accessible to the scientific community at large. This book highlights advances in enlisted personnel screening and selection from World War I to the present. It foresees the future era of testing, through the use of Item Response Theory,...

CHF 132.00

Contemporary German Youth and Their Elders

Watts, Meredith W. / Fischer, Arthur / Fuchs, Werner
Contemporary German Youth and Their Elders
Systematic research on the changing experience and social and political characteristics of German youth has been carried out in the Federal Republic of Germany on an ongoing basis since the early 1950s. Until now, however, the results of these long-term studies have not been made available in English. Six volumes of this research--including new analyses prepared especially for this book--are distilled in the present work, which offers a compre...

CHF 132.00

Fundamental Anatomy for Operative General Surgery

Snooks, S. J. / Wood, R. F. M.
Fundamental Anatomy for Operative General Surgery
Safe surgery is founded upon careful dissection and clear identification of vital structures. Knowledge of the appropriate anatomy and anatomical relations is therefore essential, not only during surgical training, but as the cornerstone of surgical practice. The aim of this book is to describe the essential anatomical basis of a range of common procedures in general and vascular surgery. The large-format multi-volume texts on operative surger...

CHF 69.00

Occupation and Class Consciousness in America

Eichar, Douglas M.
Occupation and Class Consciousness in America
Eichar assesses the impact of occupation on working class consciousness and political orientation in terms of the content of work experience. He uses "job characteristic theory" to clarify the relationship between occupation and class to test whether certain job characteristics influence the class consciousness and political orientation of workers.

CHF 106.00

Labor and Industrial Relations Journals and Serials

Vocino, Michael C. / Cameron, Lucille
Labor and Industrial Relations Journals and Serials
Labor and industrial relations have attracted widespread interest in recent years. Yet in spite of the growing interest in the subject, labor relations continue to be grouped under such fields as economics, history, law, political science, psychology, and sociology making critical examination of the subject quite complex. The purpose of this book is to make this research easier by bringing together a vast array of logically arranged bibliograp...

CHF 99.00

The Devil's Advocates

Whissen, Thomas R.
The Devil's Advocates
It is a feat to demystify decadence genially while dealing with unsavory material usually presented complicitously. But Whissen achieves even more. He is not looking at counterculture literature but at mainstream literature in which the reader either senses something decadent in the writer's attitude or identifies some rhetorical device associated with the decadence...He focuses chiefly on authors who have been studied from other perspectives ...

CHF 106.00

Without Locks and Bars

Grissom, Grant / Dubnov, William
Without Locks and Bars
A pioneering contribution to the field of juvenile corrections and organizational development, this volume documents the organizational change process which transformed Glen Mills Schools, America's oldest juvenile correctional institution, from a physically deteriorating, ineffective institution into one of the most successful residential programs for delinquents in the nation. Of particular interest to practitioners, policymakers, researcher...

CHF 93.00

Grants for Nonprofit Organizations

Gilpatrick, Eleanor
Grants for Nonprofit Organizations
Written especially for professionals in nonprofit organizations, this is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to finding funds for programs and writing effective grant proposals. The author bases her work on 10 years of experience in successful funding and teaching in the nonprofit sector. She takes the reader through every phase of the funding and grant writing process. Notable for its comprehensive coverage and practical hands-on orientation ...

CHF 132.00