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14 Ergebnisse.

Right Hemisphere and Verbal Communication

Joanette, Yves / Hannequin, Didier / Goulet, Pierre
Right Hemisphere and Verbal Communication
This book provides a critical review of the questions as well as the data pertaining to the contribution of the right "non-dominant" hemisphere to verbal communication. Three main sources of observation are reviewed: experiments with normal subjects, with split-brain subjects, and with brain-damaged subjects. The first three chapters present (1) a historical introduction, (2) a critical review of the advantages and limits of the different meth...

CHF 134.00

Feminism and Science

Tuana, Nancy
Feminism and Science
..". thoughtful critiques of the myriad issues between women andscience." -- Belles Lettres"Outstanding collection ofessays that raise the fundamental questions of gender in what we have been taughtare objective sciences." -- WATERwheel..". all of thearticles are well written, informative, and convincing. Admirable editorial workmakes this anthology unusually helpful for scholars and students... Highlyrecommended... " -- ChoiceQuestioning the ...

CHF 44.90

Peace, War, and Trade Along the Great Wall

Jagchid, Sechin / Symons, Van Jay
Peace, War, and Trade Along the Great Wall
In 1577, during a great court debate over the formulation of china'spolicy toward its nomadic neighbors, the Ming scholar-official Feng Feng-shihobserved: "When there are markets and tribute, there is no war." For two millennia, tension between nomad and chinese along China's northern frontier threatened toerupt into war, and for two millennia, the essential element determining whetherpeace or war existed was trade. This fascinating book tells...

CHF 89.00

A Calculus for Factorial Arrangements

Mukerjee, Rahul / Gupta, Sudhir
A Calculus for Factorial Arrangements
Factorial designs were introduced and popularized by Fisher (1935). Among the early authors, Yates (1937) considered both symmetric and asymmetric factorial designs. Bose and Kishen (1940) and Bose (1947) developed a mathematical theory for symmetric priIi't&-powered factorials while Nair and Roo (1941, 1942, 1948) introduced and explored balanced confounded designs for the asymmetric case. Since then, over the last four decades, there has bee...

CHF 69.00

Decomp: An Implementation of Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition ...

Sundarraj, Rangaraja P. / Ho, James K.
Decomp: An Implementation of Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition for Linear Programming
For linear optimization models that can be formulated as linear programs with the block-angular structure, i.e. independent subproblems with coupling constraints, the Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition principle provides an elegant framework of solution algorithms as well as economic interpretation. This monograph is the complete documentation of DECOMP: a robust implementation of the Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition method in FORTRAN. The code can serve ...

CHF 69.00

Decomposition and Invariance of Measures, and Statistical...

Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole E / Eriksen, Poul S. / Blaesild, Preben
Decomposition and Invariance of Measures, and Statistical Transformation Models
The present set of notes grew out of our interest in the study of statistical transformation models, in particular exponential transfor­ mation models. The latter class comprises as special cases all fully tractable models for mUltivariate normal observations. The theory of decomposition and invariance of measures provides essential tools for the study of transformation models. While the major aspects of that theory are treated in a number of ...

CHF 168.00

Technology and Power

Kipnis, David
Technology and Power
There is a dark side to human nature that is nurtured by the control of power. In an earlier book, The Powerholders, I I described several psychological principles that appear to govern the behavior of people who control and use social power. In particular, I examined how the successful use of power transformed, for the worse, the values and behavior of the influencing agent. My interest in the relation between technology and power grew out of...

CHF 69.00

Perspectives on Nonviolence

Kool, V. K.
Perspectives on Nonviolence
Paddock has referred to societies as "anti-violent" that Inhibit the expressIon of aggresSion. In his book Violence and Aggression, KE. Moyer nas made a brief but interesting comparison of several violent and nonviolent cultures. Whereas studies of violence have ranged from genetic, cultural to Situation effects, and have been pursued through empirical and nonempirical methods over the past several decades, nonviolence did not become a favorit...

CHF 134.00

New Religions and the Theological Imagination in America

Bednarowski, Mary Farrell
New Religions and the Theological Imagination in America
Bednarowski is especially good at elucidating the theological daring ofthese new American religions.... (She) demonstrates in a very few pages how...theology and group adherence made the individual count, a configurationsimultaneously American, un-American, and important." -- JonButler"The cultural confrontation with these new religions'is very real and usually very misinformed. Bednarowski has gone to great lengths todispel the ignorance." --...

CHF 24.90

The Power of Consciousness and the Force of Circumstances...

Busch, Thomas W.
The Power of Consciousness and the Force of Circumstances in Sartre's Philosophy
Displaying a masterful grasp of the texts, the author shows howotherness forces itself upon the existentialist Sartre, gradually constraining himto modify his understanding of consciousness as omnipotent. The issue is Sartre'sdiscovery of the social and its conceptual assimilation into his individualistic, consciousness-oriented philosophy." -- Thomas R.Flynn"This very successful and accessible scholarly simultaneously a succinct and...

CHF 38.50

Disciplemakers' Handbook

Fryling, Alice
Disciplemakers' Handbook
This comprehensive introduction to disciplemaking includes chapters on beginning a friendship, modeling the Christian life, and recognizing change and growth in others.

CHF 40.50