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19 Ergebnisse.

American Music Librarianship

Bradley, Carol June / June Bradley, Carol
American Music Librarianship
American Music Librarianship is a biographical and historical review of the musical situation in American libraries from its roots in the late 19th century to the 1980s. Beginning with the period from 1854-55 when the Boston Public Library began to buy music for its collections, Bradley tracks the development of the Music Division in the Library of Congress under the guidance of chief librarian Oscar Senneck. The opening section examines the p...

CHF 113.00

Die Principal-Agent-Theorie aus informationsökonomischer ...

Kiener, Stefan
Die Principal-Agent-Theorie aus informationsökonomischer Sicht
Im Rahmen der Institutionellen Mikroökonomie hat die Agency-Theorie in jüngster Zeit einen hohen Stellenwert erlangt. Die normative, auch als Principal-Agent-Theorie bezeichnete Ausrichtung, die Gegenstand dieses Buches ist, hat sich das Studium der Optimierung von Delegationsbeziehungen zum Ziel gesetzt. In diesem Buch erfolgt eine Einordnung von Literaturvorschlägen zur Optimierung von Delegationsbeziehungen im Rahmen der Principal-Agent-The...

CHF 89.00

Ethical Decision Making in Everyday Work Situations

Guy, Mary
Ethical Decision Making in Everyday Work Situations
This book takes a new approach to ethics by focusing on the kinds of dilemmas that confront people almost daily on the job. Guy presents the ten core values that surround ethical dilemmas, demonstrating the way in that personnel can sensitize themselves to the values involved in a problem and reach a solution which maximizes the important values. The author's unique contribution is to meld philosophy with everyday decision-making, offering the...

CHF 153.00

Homelessness in the United States

Momeni, Jamshid A.
Homelessness in the United States
The main theme of this volume is the problem of obtaining and interpreting accurate statistical data relating to homelessness and the homeless in the USA. The essays focus on such particular facets of the problem as drug abuse, homeless children, food supply, housing policies and employment.

CHF 68.00

Homelessness in the United States

Momeni, Jamshid A.
Homelessness in the United States
The main theme of this volume is the problem of obtaining and interpreting accurate statistical data relating to homelessness and the homeless in the USA. The essays focus on such particular facets of the problem as drug abuse, homeless children, food supply, housing policies and employment.

CHF 132.00

Pattern Thinking

Coward, L. Andrew
Pattern Thinking
Develops a system model for the human brain based on a new physiologically based theory of learning and memory. The author designs an electronic model called the cascaded pattern extraction hierarchy to explain the functioning of the brain.

CHF 106.00


Encarnacao, Jose L. / Rembold, Ulrich / Lockemann, Peter C.
Die Unternehmensführung ist heute auf umfassende, aber korrekte, vor allem strukturierte, vom Außendienstmitarbeiter unbeeinflußte Informationen über den Wirkungsgrad des Außendienstes und über das Marktgeschehen angewiesen. Das Forschungszentrum Informatik an der Universität Karlsruhe und die Fraunhofer-Arbeitsgruppe Graphische Datenverarbeitung, Darmstadt, bearbeiten deshalb ein gemeinsames Projekt AUDIUS zur Unterstützung des Außendienstes ...

CHF 71.00

Aktuelle Pankreaschirurgie

Saeger, Hans D. / Trede, Michael
Aktuelle Pankreaschirurgie
34 namhafte Autoren, darunter Pathologen, Radiologen, Endoskopiker und Chirurgen aus Großbritannien, Österreich, Polen, den USA, der DDR und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland beschreiben die derzeitige Problemstellung der Chirurgie des Pankreas. Das Buch faßt den Inhalt eines im Oktober in Mannheim abgehaltenen Internationalen Symposiums über aktuelle Pankreaschirurgie zusammen. Es ist in 2 Hauptabschnitte gegliedert: Pankreaskarzinom und chronis...

CHF 71.00

Health of Black Americans from Post-Reconstruction to Int...

Rice, Mitchell F. / Jones, Woodrow
Health of Black Americans from Post-Reconstruction to Integration, 1871-1960
This comprehensive annotated bibliography, the first of its kind, provides lengthy entries on articles dealing with black health published during three time periods from post reconstruction to 1960. The compilers', Mitchell F. Rice and Woodrow Jones, Jr., introduction reviews the literature that composes the bibliography and discusses trends in the mortality, morbidity, and health care utilization behaviors of blacks from slavery to the mid-20...

CHF 99.00

Stadt Bamberg V

Gutbier, Reinhard / Breuer, Tilman
Stadt Bamberg V
Die Kunstdenkmäler von Bayern, herausgegeben vom Bayerischen Landesamt für Denkmalpflege, beschreiben vollständig die profanen und kirchlichen Kunstwerke in den verschiedenen Stadt- und Landkreisen Bayerns. Ältere Bände sind teilweise durch einen Reprint lieferbar. Die "Kunstdenkmäler" werden ergänzt durch die "Denkmäler in Bayern", der vollständigen Liste aller Baudenkmäler und archäologischen Geländedenkmäler Bayerns nach dem Denkmalschutzge...

CHF 173.00

Stars, Stripes, and Italian Tricolor

Wollemborg, Leo J.
Stars, Stripes, and Italian Tricolor
A review and analysis of relations between the United States and Italy since the early postwar years, using a wide variety of source material. The author argues that the roots of Italian democracy have proved to be less fragile than most observers thought.

CHF 133.00

American Mass-Market Magazines

Nourie, Alan / Nourie, Barbara
American Mass-Market Magazines
More than 100 general magazines with circulation over 100, 000, some still publishing and many memories from earlier this century, are described in two- or three-page profiles. . . . A chronology placing the periodicals on a time line provides an interesting, at-a-glance look at magazines' history. Most of the important magazines are included, except for some sports and women's magazines slated for future companion collections." Library Journals

CHF 119.00

Hormones and Nutrition in Obesity and Cachexia

Müller, Manfred J. / Siedentopp, Uwe / Burger, Alfred G. / Danforth, Elliot
Hormones and Nutrition in Obesity and Cachexia
International experts are brought together in this book to give basic as well as clinical data on obesity and cachexia, and an integrated picture of the regulation of intermediary metabolism in both situations. The data provide evidence that tissue catabolism and anabolism are regulated by similar mechanisms, which again are the target of different hormonal and metabolic factors. This joint discussion of the similarities evident in both areas ...

CHF 168.00

Sherlock Holmes Among the Pirates

Redmond, Donald Aitcheson
Sherlock Holmes Among the Pirates
A case-study of the publishing history of Conan-Doyle's works in America, where lack of copyright facilities gave rise to a number of pirate editions between 1890 and 1930. The origins and relationship between these editions is set out and their textual accuracy and idiosyncracies considered.

CHF 132.00

International Encyclopedia of Foundations

Kiger, Joseph
International Encyclopedia of Foundations
An encyclopedia containing information on the history and operation of major foundations located outside the United States. The book lists foundations in 31 countries and provides information on founding, purpose, activities, financing, governance and location.

CHF 118.00

Edward Everett

Reid, Ronald F.
Edward Everett
If Edward Everett is remembered at all today, it is as the orator who gave the other speech at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on November 19, 1863. Ironically, Everett's oration, which was given wide coverage in contemporary newspapers, was recognized as both epideictic and argumentative. Everett defended the Union cause, whereas Lincoln's speech was strictly ceremonial. A second irony that attends Everett's oratorical career is that his countrymen ...

CHF 118.00

Ethical Decision Making in Everyday Work Situations

Guy, Mary
Ethical Decision Making in Everyday Work Situations
This book takes a new approach to ethics by focusing on the kinds of dilemmas that confront people almost daily on the job. The author's unique contribution is to meld philosophy with everyday decisionmaking, offering the reader a common sense approach to making ethical decisions. Mary Guy introduces ten core values which surround ethical dilemmas, demonstrating the way in which personnel can sensitize themselves to the values involved in a pr...

CHF 53.50