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24 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Schaum's Outline of Calculus

Ayres, Frank / Mendelson, Elliott
Schaum's Outline of Calculus
If you want top grades and thorough understanding of calculus, this powerful study tool is the best tutor you can have! It takes you step-by-step through differentiation and integration and gives you more than 1100 practice problems, with fully worked solutions at the back. Solve them at your own pace, and check the step-by-step solution if you need prompting. Famous for their clarity, wealth of examples-and lack of boring detail-Schaum's Outl...

CHF 21.50

ASM Handbook, Volume 1

Steiner, Rudolf
ASM Handbook, Volume 1
This handbook is the best single-volume reference work on the properties and selection of ferrous metals and alloys. It features contributions from more than 200 technical experts.

CHF 505.00

Das verratene Meer

Henze, Hans Werner
Das verratene Meer
Wörtlich übersetzt ist das Libretto ein "kleines Buch", ein "Büchlein". Doch nicht irgendein Büchlein. Seit es Opern gibt, gibt es die Textbücher dazu. Oft erzählen die Universalsprache Musik und der Ausdruck der Darsteller die Geschichte, auch wenn man die Worte nicht versteht. Trotzdem ist ein Libretto sehr hilfreich für das Verständnis der Details. Gerade dann, und das fast immer, wenn die Oper in der Originalsprache aufgeführt wird. In den...

CHF 11.90

Jahresabschluß und Information

Volk, Gerrit
Jahresabschluß und Information
Durch das Ende 1985 verabschiedete Bilanzrichtlinien-Gesetz haben sich die Anforderungen an den Jahresabschluß der Kapitalgesellschaften grundlegend geändert. Erstmals werden alle Kapitalgesellschaften rechtsformunabhängig gleich behandelt. Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der ökonomischen Analyse dieser Änderungen und setzt sich mit der Informationsfunktion des Jahresabschlusses nach neuem Recht aus Sicht der Jahresabschlußadressaten auseinand...

CHF 71.00

Sex Offenders

Schorsch, Eberhard / Galedary, Gerlinde / Hauch, Margret / Haag, Antje / Lohse, Hartwig / Wiebel, Jane / Todd, Tom
Sex Offenders
Since to date there is no record of systematic experience in treating sex offenders by psychotherapy, this book fills a gap in the literature. It is especially important at a time when the courts have also called for the treatment - instead of merely the punishment - of these delinquents. For the first time a report of not only individual cases, but also of a methodical study of a large patient group is available. By combining copious case stu...

CHF 134.00

Histological Typing of Oesophageal and Gastric Tumours

Watanabe, Hidenobu / Sobin, Leslie H. / Jass, Jeremy R.
Histological Typing of Oesophageal and Gastric Tumours
This classification is based primarily on the microscopic characteris­ tics of tumours. It is therefore concemed with the identification of cell types and histological pattems as seen by conventional light mi­ croscopy. In general, time-honoured terms have been retained. Syn­ onyms are listed only if they have been widely used, or if they are considered to be important for understanding the disease process. In such cases the preferred term is ...

CHF 134.00

Nicaragua's Other Revolution

Dodson, Michael / O'Shaughnessy, Laura Nuzzi
Nicaragua's Other Revolution
The 1979 rebellion in Nicaragua was the first in modern Latin America to be carried out with the active participation and support of Christians. Like all revolutions, the Nicaraguan Revolution has provoked controversy and hostility, and the Christian presence has been a focal point in the debate. In this work Michael Dodson and Laura Nuzzi O'Shaughnessy offer a detailed study of the religious sources of the revolution set against the backgound...

CHF 72.00

Asymptotic and Computational Analysis

Wong, R.
Asymptotic and Computational Analysis
Papers presented at the International Symposium on Asymptotic and Computational Analysis, held June 1989, Winnipeg, Man., sponsored by the Dept. of Applied Mathematics, University of Manitoba and the Canadian Applied Mathematics Society.

CHF 446.00

Singularly Perturbed and Weakly Coupled Linear Control Sy...

Gajic, Zoran / Shen, Xuemin / Petkovski, Djordjija
Singularly Perturbed and Weakly Coupled Linear Control Systems
This book provides a comprehensive view of current developments in the theory of recursive reduced-order methods for singularly perturbed and weakly coupled linear control systems. The recursive methods offer several advantages: high accuracy can easily be achieved at low cost, parallel processing can be used, results are obtained under mild assumptions, and software and hardware implementation of the control algorithms is highly simplified. T...

CHF 69.00

The Secret Eye

Thomas, Ella Gertrude Clanton
The Secret Eye
This journal is unique among the personal records left by women of the Civil War generation. This abridgment, edited by Thomas's great-granddaughter, focuses on the Civil War years and postwar period, showing how the economic hardships of the time affected Thomas and her family and illuminating experiences that Thomas shared with thousands of women.

CHF 77.00

Frank O`Connor at Work

Steinman, Michael
Frank O`Connor at Work
Although Frank O'Connor's short stories have never lacked admirers, his painstaking creative method has received little critical attention. This book is the first full-length study of that arduous process, sometimes lasting for a decade, from a skeletal idea or anecdote through a succession of revisions to wholly realized fiction. It includes much previously unknown and unpublished material, providing new insights into "First Confession, " "Ju...

CHF 29.90

Women and Law in Classical Greece

Sealey, Raphael
Women and Law in Classical Greece
Based on a sophisticated reading of legal evidence, this book offers a balanced assessment of the status of women in classical Greece. Raphael Sealey analyzes the rights of women in marriage, in the control of property, and in questions of inheritance.

CHF 71.00

The Anatomy of Judgment

Regal, Philip J.
The Anatomy of Judgment
Ranges from the history of Western philosophy to concepts of rationality in non-Western countries, to offer new perspectives on the workings of individual judgment and the social responsibility it entails.

CHF 99.00

Breaking with Communism

Hessen, Robert
Breaking with Communism
This volume, chiefly Wolfe's letters from 1939 with unpublished speeches and writings from the Hoover Archives, illuminates his struggle to uncover the truth about the history of Soviet Russia and his anguish over his earlier allegiances not only to Lenin but to Karl Marx as well. When intellectuals in Eastern Europe and China are going through the same soul-searching process, this book is especially timely.

CHF 26.50