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14 Ergebnisse.

Allies in Healing

Davis, Laura
Allies in Healing
Filled with information, support, and guidance, here is the eagerly awaited book that answers the most important questions asked by partners of survivors of child sexual abuse. Laura Davis, the coauthor of the bestselling The Courage to Heal and author of The Courage to Heal Workbook, offers practical advice, encouragement and much-needed support.

CHF 22.50

7. Österreichische Artificial-Intelligence-Tagung / Seven...

Kaindl, Hermann
7. Österreichische Artificial-Intelligence-Tagung / Seventh Austrian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Die 7. \sterreichische Artificial-Intelligence-Tagung fand vom 24.-27. September 1991 an der Technischen Universit{t Wien statt. Sie hat aufgrund der starken Beteiligung aus dem Ausland einen ausgepr{gt internationalen Charakter, weshalb auch der vorliegende Tagungsband zweisprachig herausgegeben wurde. Die behandelten Themen aus dem Gebiet der K}nstlichen Intelligenz (KI) werden repr{sentiert durch sechzehn begutachtete Beitr{ge sowie ...

CHF 71.00

Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechensystemen

Lehmann, Fritz / Lehmann, Axel
Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechensystemen
Tagungsband der 6. GI/ITG-Fachtagung "Messung, Modellierung und Bewertung von Rechensystemen. Tagungsinhalt ist der Austausch neuer Ideen und Erfahrungen bei der quantitativen Untersuchung von Rechensystemen und Netzen. Dabei werden einerseits das volle methodische Spektrum (Me~instrumentierung/Messung, Modellbildung/simulative und mathematische Modellanalyse, Bewertung und Synthese) in leistungsorientierter bzw. leistungs/zuverl{ssigk...

CHF 71.00

Multivariate Modelle

Minder, Christoph E. / Seeber, Gilg U. H.
Multivariate Modelle
Der vorliegende Band besch{ftigt sich mit nicht standardm{~ig verwendeten multivariaten Methoden in der Statistik. Die Darstellung erfolgt anhand von Beispielen aus der Praxis, im Gegensatz zu den meisten Lehrb}chern, die von der mathematischen Theorie herkommen. In der Praxis auftretende Schwierigkeiten werden diskutiert. Neu ist die Betrachtung der Methoden als abh{ngig von den Eigenschaften der Daten, wobei die Autoren gro~en Wert au...

CHF 71.00

Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems

Hohl, Wolfgang / Dal Cin, Mario
Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems
In den Proceedings zur 5. Internationalen GI/ITG/GMA-Tagung }ber Fehlerorientierte Rechensysteme in N}rnberg standen Tests, Diagnose und Fehlerbehandlung als Leitthemen im Mittelpunkt. Allerdings wurden auch die Themen Zuverl{ssigkeit, Verf}gbarkeit und Sicherheit in Hard- und Softwaresystemen behandelt. Der Tagungsband gibt mit eingeladenen und eingereichten Beitr{gen, die von einem internationalen Programmausschu~ sorgf{ltig ausgew{hl...

CHF 134.00

Balanced Silverman Games on General Discrete Sets

Leopold-Wildburger, Ulrike / Heuer, Gerald A.
Balanced Silverman Games on General Discrete Sets
A Silverman game is a two-person zero-sum game defined in terms of two sets S I and S II of positive numbers, and two parameters, the threshold T > 1 and the penalty v > 0. Players I and II independently choose numbers from S I and S II, respectively. The higher number wins 1, unless it is at least T times as large as the other, in which case it loses v. Equal numbers tie. Such a game might be used to model various bidding or spending situatio...

CHF 69.00

International Trotskyism, 1929-1985

Alexander, Robert J.
International Trotskyism, 1929-1985
In a work of encyclopedic scope, International Trotskyism, 1929-1985 is sure to become the definitive reference work on a movement that has had a significant impact on the political culture of countries in every part of the world for more than half a century.Renowned scholar Robert J. Alexander has amassed, from disparate sources, an unprecedented amount of primary and secondary material to provide a documentary history of the origins, develop...

CHF 285.00

France and the Mass Media

Hewitt, Nicholas / Rigby, Brian
France and the Mass Media
In this volume specialists from Britain and France adopt a fresh approach to the study of French culture since 1945 by focusing on the mass media and on a whole range of popular cultural forms. As well as introducing English-speaking readers to such new fields as French radio, television, science fiction and popular song, this volume also highlights how the French themselves responded to the growing importance of the mass media in postwar France.

CHF 142.00

An Oscar Wilde Chronology

Page, Norman
An Oscar Wilde Chronology
Providing details of Wilde's life and work in an easily accessible profile, this biography makes use of surviving letters, notebooks, diaries and documents, as well as other researched biographies. Other author's in the series include Pope, Byron, Dickens, Kipling, and Tennyson.

CHF 142.00

Uncertainty in Knowledge Bases

Bouchon-Meunier, Bernadette / Zadeh, Lotfi A. / Yager, Ronald R.
Uncertainty in Knowledge Bases
The management and processing of uncertain information has shown itself to be a crucial issue in the development of intelligent systems, beginning withits appearance in the such systems as Mycin and Prospector. The papers in this volume reflect the current range of interests or researchers in thefield. Currently, the major approaches to uncertainty include fuzzy set theory, probabilistic methods, mathematical theory of evidence, non-st...

CHF 134.00

Computer Science Logic

Börger, Egon / Schönfeld, Wolfgang / Richter, Michael M. / Kleine Büning, Hans
Computer Science Logic
The workshop Computer Science Logic '90 was held at the Max-Planck-Haus in Heidelberg, Germany, October 1-5, 1990. It was the fourth in a series of worskhops, following CSL '89 at the University of Kaiserslautern (see LNCS 440), CSL '88 at the University of Duisberg (see LNCS 385), and CSL '87 at the University of Karlsruhe (see LNCS 329). This volume contains 24 papers, chosen by means of a review procedure from the 35 papers presented...

CHF 69.00

Graph Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science

Ehrig, Hartmut / Rozenberg, Grzegorz / Kreowski, Hans-Jörg
Graph Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science
This volume contains papers selected from the contributions to the 4th International Workshop on Graph Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science. It is intended to provide a rich source of information on the stateof the art and newest trends to researchers active in the area and for scientists who would like to know more about graph grammars. The topics of the papers range from foundations through algorithmic and implemental as...

CHF 134.00

Recent Trends in Data Type Specification

Ehrig, Hartmut / Reichel, Horst / Orejas, Fernando / Jantke, Klaus P.
Recent Trends in Data Type Specification
The algebraic specification of abstract data types is now a well establishedresearch topic in computer science. This area influences both applications and theoretical foundations of methodologies which support the design and formal development of reliable software. The Seventh Workshop on Specification of Abstract Data Types took place in Wusterhausen/Dosse, April17-20, 1990, and was organized in cooperation with the ESPRIT Basic Resear...

CHF 69.00