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23 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Fire Safety Science

Cox, G. / Langford, B.
Fire Safety Science
This text is taken from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Fire Safety Science, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 8-12 July 1991.

CHF 770.00

Beyond Deterrence

Miall, Hugh / Ramsbotham, Oliver
Beyond Deterrence
The collapse of communism in Eastern Europe, the unification of Germany, the withdrawal of Soviet troops, the possible disintegration of the Soviet Union, disengagement of the United States and creation of a federal Europe - all this has changed the security context in Europe and stimulated a Europe-wide debate about the future. Deep questions about the nature of security itself have been raised. This book will add fuel to the debate.

CHF 142.00

A Moveable Shore

Patton, Peter C. / Kent, James M.
A Moveable Shore
In these pages you will find a vivid description of the 1938 hurricane and why we should plan for similarly destructive storms, an introduction to the geologic forces that formed our coast and continue to shape it today, and a review of regulatory mechanisms that control how our coast is managed. Here you will find the background to both understand how our coast will change in our lifetimes and constructive ways to live with those changes.

CHF 139.00

Three Kentucky Tragedies

Taylor, Richard
Three Kentucky Tragedies
Here are three tragedies from early Kentucky history: the defeat of a small army of Kentuckians by Indians at Blue Licks in 1782, the murder of a slave by two of Thomas Jefferson's nephews in western Kentucky in 1807, and the bizarre Beauchamp-Sharp murder in Frankfort in 1825. Taylor mixes history with good storytelling and a look at how human shortcomings sometimes lead to ruin.

CHF 11.90

Die Magdeburgische Hochzeit

Le Fort, Gertrud von
Die Magdeburgische Hochzeit
Gertrud von le Fort, geboren am 11. Oktober I876 in Minden in Westfalen, ist am 1. November 197I in Oberstdorf im Allgäu gestorben.In großen Bildern schildert Gertrud von le Fort die tragische Lage der Stadt Magdeburg im Dreißigjährigen Krieg.Mit geschichtlichen Ereignissen ist das Schicksal der jungen Erdmuth Plögen und ihres glaubensstarken treuen Bräutigams Willigis Ahlemann verknüpft.In Tilly aber, dem Vollstrecker des kaiserlichen Willens...

CHF 21.50


Koelz, Hans R. / Scalfaro, Piero / Blum, Andre L. / Bertolini, M.
Der Dyspepsiealmanach bietet zusammen mit dem dazugeh|rigen Video, aber auchallein eine einfache und gleichzeitig wissenschaftlich fundierte Einf}hrung in die Problematik der funktionellen Dyspepsien. Anhand der verschiedenen Dyspepsietypen werden die Fragen des klinischen Alltags praxisnah demonstriert. Das Wesentliche ist in schematischen ]bersichten und Graphiken zusammengefa~t.

CHF 71.00

Technische Mechanik für Ingenieure

Berger, Joachim
Technische Mechanik für Ingenieure
Dieses Buch ist der erste Band zur Technischen Mechanik (Statik, Festigkeitslehre, Dynamik).Ausgehend von einer mathematischen Einleitung (Vektoren, Matrizen, Tensoren) wird über die vier Axiome der Mechanik der Grundstein für die technischen Berechnungen gelegt. Alle Formeln und Verfahren zur Lösung von statisch bestimmten Problemen werden an ausführlichen Skizzen möglichst allgemeingültig und anschaulich entwickelt und durch anwendungsbezoge...

CHF 65.00

Orderly Chaos

Trungpa, Chogyam
Orderly Chaos
According to the mandala principle, a prominent feature of tantric Buddhism, all phenomena are part of one reality. Whether good or bad, happy or sad, clear or obscure, everything is interrelated and reflects a single totality. As Ch?gyam Trungpa explains in this book, from the perspective of the mandala principle, existence is orderly chaos. There is chaos and confusion because everything happens by itself, without any external ordering princ...

CHF 25.90

Beyond Deterrence

Miall, Hugh / Ramsbotham, Oliver
Beyond Deterrence
The collapse of communism in Eastern Europe, the unification of Germany, the withdrawal of Soviet troops, the possible disintegration of the Soviet Union, disengagement of the United States and creation of a federal Europe - all this has changed the security context in Europe and stimulated a Europe-wide debate about the future. Deep questions about the nature of security itself have been raised. This book will add fuel to the debate.

CHF 142.00

Consumption and Class

Burrows, Roger / Marsh, Catherine
Consumption and Class
An edited collection exploring divisions and changes within and between the spheres of consumption and production. Topics include: the relationship between consumption and production, the social construction of consumers, housing and social class mobility, health provision, the role of the 'service class', and access to higher education. Peter Saunders' work provides the initial stimulus for many of the papers, but all go beyond his narrow con...

CHF 201.00

2 Kings

Long, Burke O.
2 Kings
Long views 1-2 Kings as a substantially unified written work of historiography, produced during the Babylonian exile. Hence he begins his detailed form-critical commentary on 2 Kings where he left off in his volume on 1 Kings. Following the series format, Long discusses the text of 2 Kings unit by unit and integrates his form-critical work with a discussion of the book's literary art (e.g., style, metaphor, imagery) to expose "the narrative ge...

CHF 46.50

The Renaissance in National Context

Porter, Roy / Teich, Mikulas
The Renaissance in National Context
The Renaissance in National Context" aims to dispel the commonly held view that the great efflorescence of art, learning and culture in the period from around 1350 to 1550 was solely or even primarily an Italian phenomenon. A team of distinguished scholars addresses the development of art, literacy and humanism across the length and breadth of Europe--from Rome to the Netherlands, from Poland to France. The book demonstrates that the revival o...

CHF 59.50

Loving Nature

Nash, James A.
Loving Nature
Ecological Integrity and Christian ResponsibilityThe ecological crisis is a serious challenge to Christian theology and ethics, because the crisis is rooted partly in flawed convictions about the rights and powers of humankind in relation to the rest of the natural world.

CHF 39.90

The Last German

Granger, Bill
The Last German
When East German Stasi terrorist Kurt Heinemann plans to steal a supersecret Japanese code machine and use it to maneuver the Japanese, Russians, and Americans into a global conflict, Devereaux, the November Man, must stop him.

CHF 44.90

The Black Stallion and Flame

Farley, Walter
The Black Stallion and Flame
While flying to a race, Alec Ramsay and the Black's plane crash-lands in the stormy Caribbean. Chance brings the Black to the hidden island home of the giant red stallion, Flame. Such a small island can only support one alpha male. But before the two can fight-a fight that can only result in the death of one-a new danger appears. Together, can the stallions defeat the deadly foe which threatens the lives of the entire herd of wild horses?

CHF 11.90

Physik der Sitten und des Rechts

Durkheim, Emile / Müller, Hans-Peter / Bischoff, Michael / Müller, Hans-Peter
Physik der Sitten und des Rechts
Die Physik der Sitten und des Rechts ist ein Schlüsseltext zum Verständnis von Emile Durkheims Werk. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Vorlesungsreihe, die Durkheim zwischen 1890 und 1900 zweimal in Bordeaux, zwischen 1902 und 1915 mehrfach in Paris unter verschiedenen Bezeichnungen gehalten hat. »Die Physik der Sitten und des Rechts hat zum Gegenstand ihrer Untersuchung die moralischen und juristischen Tatsachen«. Der Kern des Programms umfaßt de...

CHF 24.90