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12 Ergebnisse.


Phlippen, Peter-W. / Kugeler, Kurt
Wer sich kompetent über Themen wie Energieverknappung, Kernenergie, Brennstoffkreisläufe, rationelle Energienutzung oder Wind- und Sonnenenergie informieren will, dem bietet dieses Lehrbuch die besten Voraussetzungen. Es verdeutlicht die komplexen Systeme der Energiewirtschaft praxisnah und auf dem neuesten Stand, so daß der Leser die Zusammenhänge verstehen und eigene Schlußfolgerungen ziehen kann.

CHF 65.00

Who Prospers

Harrison, Lawrence
Who Prospers
What lies behind America's economic and social decline? Can racism explain the ghetto tragedy if two-thirds of America's blacks have made it into the middle class? Why have Chinese, Japanese, and Kore

CHF 26.90

Kommentar zum Umwelthaftungsgesetz

Paschke, Marian
Kommentar zum Umwelthaftungsgesetz
Am 1. Januar 1991 ist das UmwHG in Kraft getreten. Es ist ein Reformwerk, das die rechtliche Drdnung des zivilen Haftungsrechts auf neue Rechtsgrundlagen stellt, an die wiederum weitreichende umweltpolitische Hoffnungen und Erwar­ tungen geknupft werden. Db das Gesetz entsprechende Einschatzungen rechtfer­ tigt, hangt wesentlich yom Verstandnis der Regelungsinhalte abo Der vorgelegte Kommentar will dazu einen Beitrag leisten. Er wird in einer ...

CHF 71.00

The New Politics Of Poverty

Mead, Lawrence
The New Politics Of Poverty
A controversial look at how American politics has transformed the "new" poverty into a demoralization of the poor that has alienated them from the working majority, written by a workfare programs advocate and author of Beyond Entitlement. Two hardcover printings sold.

CHF 25.90

Narrative and Representation in the Poetry of Wallace Ste...

Schwarz, D.
Narrative and Representation in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens
In this study Daniel R. Schwarz argues that the narrative and representational aspects of Stevens's poetry have been neglected in favour of readings that stress his word play and rhetoricity. Schwarz shows how Stevens's concept of representation is deeply influenced by modern painters such as Picasso and Duchamp. He shows that Stevens's poetry needs to be understood in terms of a number of major contexts: the American tradition of Emerson and ...

CHF 203.00

A Defoe Companion

Hammond, J.
A Defoe Companion
Defoe occupies a central place in the history of English literature. As the author of Robinson Crusoe and Moll Flanders he can claim to be the creator of the first novels in English, and he was one of the earliest practitioners of the 'desert island' myth which has had such an influence on the human imagination. In A Journal of the Plague Year and A Tour through the Whole Island of Great Britain he forged a distinctive documentary style which ...

CHF 74.00

A Defoe Companion

Hammond, J.
A Defoe Companion
Defoe occupies a central place in the history of English literature. As the author of Robinson Crusoe and Moll Flanders he can claim to be the creator of the first novels in English, and he was one of the earliest practitioners of the 'desert island' myth which has had such an influence on the human imagination. In A Journal of the Plague Year and A Tour through the Whole Island of Great Britain he forged a distinctive documentary style which ...

CHF 69.00