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13 Ergebnisse.

Theories of the Theatre

Carlson, Marvin A.
Theories of the Theatre
Beginning with Aristotle and the Greeks and ending with semiotics and post-structuralism, Theories of the Theatre is the first comprehensive survey of Western dramatic theory. In this expanded edition the author has updated the book and added a new...

CHF 43.50


Maurer, K. / Frölich, L. / Ihl, R.
Die Zunahme der mittleren Lebenserwartung des Menschen in den hochindustrialisierten L{ndern f}hrte zu einer unverh{ltnism{~ig ausgepr{gten ]berpopulation an alten Menschen. Dadurch bedingt kommt es in immer st{rkerem Ausma~e zur Zunahme von Hirnleistungsst|rungen im Alter, die es zu diagnostizieren und therapieren gilt. Das vorliegende Buch hilft beim diagnostischen Proze~ der Einordung der Demenzen und unterbreitetVorschl{ge, den Schw...

CHF 65.00

Learning Disabilities and Brain Function

Gaddes, William H. / Edgell, Dorothy
Learning Disabilities and Brain Function
The present edition of this book is a revision and expansion of the first two editions which appeared in 1980 and 1985, and in German translation in 1991. More than half of the present volume includes new material, and what has been retained from the former editions has been largely rewritten and updated with new research findings. A completely new chapter has been added on "Attention Deficit Disorder. " The author of the earlier editions (W.H...

CHF 134.00


Nayler, Winifred G.
Those who choose to increase their knowledge still further by reading ... will discover an exciting new world. " NOEL WHITTAKER, in "Making Money Made Simple" 1989. The development of calcium antagonists has recently been described as representing "one of the major advances in cardiovascular thera­ peutics of the latter half of the twentieth century" (Braunwald, 1990). However, although the development of these drugs started in the mid­ ninete...

CHF 134.00


Hehl, Friedrich W / Meyer, Hartmut / Winkelmann, Volker
REDUCE ist ein Kompaktkurs }ber die Anwendung dieses Computer-Algebra-Systems. REDUCE ist an den deutschen Universt{ten weit verbreitet und dient zum symbolischen Rechnen mit dem Computer, wie es fr}her nur mit Papier und Bleistift unter Zuhilfenahme eines Handbuchs der Mathematik m|glich war. Studenten der Informatik, Mathematik, Physik, Chemie, der Ingenieurwissenschaften u.a. erhalten hier das grundlegende R}stzeug, das ihnen sp{ter...

CHF 71.00

Money and the Modern Mind

Poggi, Gianfranco
Money and the Modern Mind
A major representative of the German sociological tradition, Georg Simmel (1858-1918) has influenced social thinkers ranging from the Chicago School to Walter Benjamin. His magnum opus, "The Philosophy of Money, " published in 1900, is nevertheless a difficult book that has daunted many would-be readers. Gianfranco Poggi makes this important work accessible to a broader range of scholars and students, offering a compact and systematically orga...

CHF 90.00

Understanding Vygotsky

Van der Veer, Rene (University of Leiden and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) / Valsiner, Jaan (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Understanding Vygotsky
This book presents the most comprehensive introduction to the life and ideas of Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934) yet written. As a key to understanding one of the most potent influences on developmental theories this century, Van der Veer and Valsiner explore Vygotsky's ideas in the contexts of Russian psychology and the politics of the inter-war years.

CHF 59.90