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55 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 55.


Aggleton, Peter / Davies, Peter / Hart, Graham
Some 12 years into the epidemic, with an effective preventive vaccine or therapy against HIV disease still to be found, this book reflects on the contributions of social and behavioural research to the development of interventions for prevention. After over a decade's work documenting HIV and AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviour, social researchers have begun to focus more clearly on perceptions of sexual safety and risk, and the fa...

CHF 239.00

Nietzsche's French Legacy

Schrift, Alan
Nietzsche's French Legacy
More than any other figure, Friedrich Nietzsche is cited as the philosopher who anticipates and previews the philosophical themes that have dominated French theory since structuralism. Informed by the latest developments in both contemporary French philosophy and Nietzsche scholarship, Alan Schrift's "Nietzsche's French Legacy provides a detailed examination and analysis of the way the French have appropriated Nietzsche in developing their own...

CHF 64.00

A Brief History of Systems Approaches in Counseling and P...

Bauserman, Joseph / Rule, Warren
A Brief History of Systems Approaches in Counseling and Psychotherapy
Clinical epistemology has been a very prominent topic with the emergence of systems theory as a widely studied approach to understanding human behavior. With systemic perspectives have come therapy approaches which promise more immediate change than the dynamic therapies begun by the writings and clinical practice of Sigmund Freud. Some view systems and psychodynamic perspectives paradigms as exclusive of one another and even competitive. In t...

CHF 88.00

Der Weg zum reifen Selbst

Feldenkrais, Moshe / Schröder, Bringfried / Sieben, Irene / Schleip, Robert
Der Weg zum reifen Selbst
1943/44 - mitten im Zweiten Weltkrieg: In einem abgelegenen Ort in Schottland hat die britische Regierung einen kleinen Kreis von als besonders wertvoll erachteten Wissenschaftlern in Sicherheit gebracht, unter ihnen Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. Seine Vorträge führen zu heißen Diskussionen. Er propagiert einen neuen Ansatz, das menschliche Gehirn anzuregen und weiterzuentwickeln, und zwar durch geradezu lächerlich-einfache und unscheinbare Bodenübun...

CHF 43.90


Aggleton, Peter / Davies, Peter / Hart, Graham
Some 12 years into the epidemic, with an effective preventive vaccine or therapy against HIV disease still to be found, this book reflects on the contributions of social and behavioural research to the development of interventions for prevention. After over a decade's work documenting HIV and AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviour, social researchers have begun to focus more clearly on perceptions of sexual safety and risk, and the fa...

CHF 77.00

The Myth of Political Correctness

Wilson, John K
The Myth of Political Correctness
John Wilson shows in copious and devastating detail that, as obnoxious as Political Correctness of the Left has sometimes been, the Political Correctness of the Right is far more pervasive, virulent, and well-funded--as well as virtually unpublicized."--Gerald Graff, author of "Beyond the Culture Wars

CHF 37.90

Evangelistic Preaching That Connects

Loscalzo, Craig A.
Evangelistic Preaching That Connects
Craig Loscalzo shows how to develop and deliver evangelistic sermons that will appeal to today's audiences. The book includes a rationale for evangelistic preaching, sample sermons, and lots of practical helps for preachers, teachers, and students.

CHF 38.90

Cooking with Children

Cunningham, Marion
Cooking with Children
Marion Cunningham, today's Fannie Farmer, who has inspired a whole generation to find pleasure again in good American home cooking, now in this remarkable book teaches children (along with their mentors) how to cook. She takes them through fifteen basic lessons, showing them how to master essential techniques and to produce, all on their own, thirty-five favorite dishes. Starting with a vegetable soup, kids learn how to peel and chop vegetable...

CHF 35.90

Vernunft und Lebenspraxis

Rentsch, Thomas / Demmerling, Christoph / Gabriel, Gottfried
Vernunft und Lebenspraxis
Die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Vernunft und Lebenspraxis bestimmt die Philosophie seit ihren Anfängen. Die im vorliegenden Band enthaltenen Beiträge gehen dieser Frage mit unterschiedlichen Akzentsetzungen nach. Sie diskutieren zum einen, ob und inwieweit diejenige Rationalität, die sich in wissenschaftlichen Theorien verkörpert, selber unserer alltagsweltlichen Praxis entstammt, zum anderen fragen sie nach den Vernunftanteilen innerhalb so...

CHF 31.50

Briefwechsel mit Anton Kippenberg 1906–1926

Rilke, Rainer Maria / Kippenberg, Anton / Scharffenberg, Renate / Schnack, Ingeborg / Schnack, Ingeborg
Briefwechsel mit Anton Kippenberg 1906–1926
Der erstmals vollständig und ungekürzt vorliegende Briefwechsel Rainer Maria Rilkes mit seinem Verleger Anton Kippenberg - bisher lagen nur Briefe Rilkes vor - ist innerhalb der langen Reihe der seit den »Gesammelten Briefen« edierten Korrespondenzen Rilkes das aufschlußreichste Dokument seines Schaffens als Autor, Übersetzer und Verlagsberater sowie der Editionsgeschichte seiner Werke. Er ist zugleich das Dokument einer Freundschaft und ein D...

CHF 113.00