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58 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 58.

Random Summation

Gnedenko, Boris V / Korolev, Victor Yu
Random Summation
This book provides an introduction to the asymptotic theory of random summation. It describes solving problems in hardware and software reliability, engineering, finance, insurance, computer science, physics and biology. The authors focus on transfer theorems, the classes of limit laws, and convergence of distributions of sums for a number of random variables. Special sections deal with doubling with repair, rarefaction of renewal processes, l...

CHF 308.00

Mysticism and Vocation

Horne, James R
Mysticism and Vocation
We tend to think that a person who is both reasonable and moral can have a good life. What constitutes a life that is not only good but superlative, or even "marvellous" or "holy"? Those who have such lives are called sages, heroes or saints, and their lives can display great integrity as well as integration with a transformative "Spiritual Presence." Does it follow that saints are perfect people? Is there a common vision that impels them to s...

CHF 44.90

The Executive Architect

Harrigan, John E / Neel, Paul R
The Executive Architect
This book helps bridge the gap between the artist and the executive. It demonstrates that unlimited opportunities await the architect who looks beyond the everyday aspects of professional practice and learns as much as possible about the client's world.

CHF 156.00

Ethnic Minorities in the Modern Nation State

Rex, J.
Ethnic Minorities in the Modern Nation State
The author deals with the problem in political theory of how modern nation states must be structured in order to realise the two separate goals of equality of opportunity and the recognition of cultural diversity between groups. Subsequent chapters argue against a number of West European critics for a society of this type and the concept of multiculturalism is developed as it is applied in other contexts in Eastern Europe and North America.

CHF 142.00

Ben Jonson: Authority: Criticism

Dutton, R.
Ben Jonson: Authority: Criticism
Ben Jonson: Authority: Criticism is the first book-length study of Jonson's literary criticism, and examines the ways that criticism defines his unprecedented role as a professional author. Each chapter explores a different facet: 'The Lone Wolf' looks at Jonson's role in creating a critical discourse to respond to a new literary market-place, 'Poet and Critic' explores the relationship between his 'creative' and 'critical' writing, 'Poet and ...

CHF 142.00

Money in Motion

Deleplace, Ghislain / Nell, Edward J
Money in Motion
In analyzing money, contemporary economics has focused its attention on money's function as a store of value, neglecting its role as medium of circulation. When circulation is put center stage, it becomes apparent that the supply of money does indeed adapt to the needs of trade - and does so in many different ways, often ways that are difficult for a central bank to control, because they reflect the responses of banks and other financial insti...

CHF 201.00

Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Parallel M...

Pardalos, Panos / Ferreira, Alfonso
Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Parallel Methods and Techniques
Solving combinatorial optimization problems can often lead to runtime growing exponentially as a function of the input size. But important real-world problems, industrial applications, and academic research challenges, may demand exact optimal solutions. In such situations, parallel processing can reduce the runtime from days or months, typical when one workstation is used, to a few minutes or even seconds. Partners of the CEC-sponsored SCOOP ...

CHF 69.00

Term Indexing

Graf, Peter
Term Indexing
Term indexing supports the construction of efficient automated reasoning systems, as e.g. automated theorem provers, by allowing rapid access to first order predicate calculus terms with specific properties. This monograph provides a comprehensive, well-written survey on term indexing in general and presents new indexing techniques for the retrieval and maintenance of data that help to overcome program degradation in automated reasoning system...

CHF 69.00

Women Reading Women Writing

Keating, Ann Louise
Women Reading Women Writing
As self-identified lesbians of colour, Paula Gunn Allen, Gloria Anzaldua, and Audre Lorde negotiate diverse sets of personal and professional worlds. This book examines the ways in which these writers, in both their creative and critical work, engage in self-analysis and the construction of alternative myths and representations of women.

CHF 49.90

Secrets of the Night Sky

Berman, Bob
Secrets of the Night Sky
From blue moons to Betelgeuse, it's all in this witty, fact-packed, profusely illustrated guide to the heavens by the author of Discover magazine's popular "Night Watchman" column.

CHF 22.50

Ich ging Eulenspiegels Wege

Koeppen, Wolfgang
Ich ging Eulenspiegels Wege
Dieses Buch will sein - eine Verführung zum Lesen: Ich ging Eulenspiegels Weg bietet vor allem jungen Menschen einen Begegnung mit einem Werk, das in unserem Jahrhundert einzigartig dasteht, das Werk des großen Romanciers Wolfgang Koeppen, eines Klassikers zu Lebzeiten.Dagmar von Briel, die sich seit vielen Jahren mit dem Werk des bald neunzigjährigen Autors befaßt, ist es hier gelungen, auf über 350 Seiten einen höchst anschaulichen Spannungs...

CHF 20.90

Ende des Größenwahns

Becker, Jurek
Ende des Größenwahns
Da »die Kritikfähigkeit einen Menschen«, so Jurek Becker in einem Gespräch mit dem Spiegel, »nirgendwo sinnvoller und nützlicher ist als in seiner Heimat«, läßt der Autor, sich ans eigene Wort haltend, es sich nicht nehmen, zu Entwicklungen, die ihm hierzulande nicht behagen, zu Vorfällen, die ihm notorisch auf den Geist gehen, zu einem Umgang mit Sprache, der von manchen »Geistern« höchst unsauber »gepflegt« wird, aber auch zu Menschen, die e...

CHF 29.90

Leidenschaftlicher Leitfaden

Cioran, E. M. / Leopold, Ferdinand / Leopold, Ferdinand
Leidenschaftlicher Leitfaden
Der »Leidenschaftliche Leitfaden«, 1940 bis 1944 in Paris entstanden, umfaßt zwei handgeschriebene Oktavhefte mit siebzig fortlaufend numerierten Abschnitten, die trotz aller aphoristischer Sprunghaftigkeit festgefügt und geschlossen wirken. Diese allerletzte rumänische Schrift Ciorans ist sein Abschiedsgesang auf die rumänische Sprache. Es handelt sich um ein an bekenntnishaftem Pathos kaum zu überbietendes Werk, das die jugendliche Schaffens...

CHF 24.90


Münch, Richard
Zum Wissen um die Risiken gesellt sich vermehrt die Erfahrung, daß die Fortschritte der Risikokontrolle hinter den Fortschritten der Risikoproduktion zurückbleiben. Die Fragen für die Soziologie heißen: Welche theoretischen Mittel stehen uns heute zur Verfügung, um Politik in ihrer mehr oder weniger gegebenen Fähigkeit zur Risikokontrolle begreifbar zu machen? Welche Restriktionen halten die Risikopolitik davon ab, die an sie herangetragenen E...

CHF 15.50