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14 Ergebnisse.

Jüdische Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit, Bd 5...

Böttrich, Christfried
Jüdische Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit, Bd 5: Apokalypsen / Das slavische Henochbuch
Mit den "Jüdischen Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit" erscheint eine historisch-kritische Neuausgabe der Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen, also der zahlreichen jüd. Quellen, die für das Verständnis des frühen Judentums u. der Entstehung des Christentums zwischen dem 2. Jh.v. Chr. u. dem 1. Jh. n. Chr. maßgebend sind.

CHF 232.00

Theory and Practice of Writing

Grabe, William / Kaplan, Robert B
Theory and Practice of Writing
This text explores the varieties of writing, different purposes for learning to write extended text, and cross-cultural variation among second language writers. The authors provide an overview of textlinguistics, the different approaches to writing, and propose a model for text construction within a more general theory of writing.

CHF 87.00

Abdominal Access in Open and Laparoscopic Surgery

Tsoi, Edmund K. M. (University of California - Davis, East Bay) / Organ, Claude H. (University of California - Davis, East Bay)
Abdominal Access in Open and Laparoscopic Surgery
This practical reference provides a broad comparison of access and exposure in open and minimal access surgery that bridges the gap between conventional and laparoscopic techniques while analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each. Abdominal Access in Open and Laparoscopic Surgery integrates a discussion of basic surgical concepts with a survey of evolving new technologies and techniques. It provides a comprehensive overview of classic ...

CHF 409.00

RATS, RATS Handbook

Enders, Walter (Iowa State University)
RATS, RATS Handbook
A workbook/disk on performing estimations with RATS 4.0 or later, with overviews of topics in time-series analysis, discussion of RATS instructions and procedures relevant to each topic, sample programs, discussion of output, and exercises. After an introduction to RATS, topics include stationary ti

CHF 119.00

Mustererkennung 1996

Jähne, Bernd / Hering, Frank / Haußecker, Horst / Geißler, Peter
Mustererkennung 1996
Zum 800jahrigen Jubilaum der Stadt Heidelberg findet das 18. DAGM-Sym­ posium Mustererkennung 1996 an der mit 610 Jahren altesten Universitat Deutschlands statt. Auch wenn die Mustererkennung noch nicht auf eine so lange Geschichte zUIiickblicken kann, so stellt das seit 1978 jahrlich von der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft veranstaltete Symposium Mustererken­ nung in der sich schnell wandelnden Technik-und Wissenschaftslandschaft eine erstaunli...

CHF 71.00

Analysis 1

Neunzert, H. / Schelkes, Klaus / Blickensdörfer-Ehlers, Arndt / Eschmann, Winfried G.
Analysis 1
Dieses Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch bietet dem Studienanfänger aus Physik und Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Praxis im Umgang mit der Mathematik erwerben möchte, durch Darstellung und didaktische Gestaltung wertvolle Hilfestellung bei der Erarbeitung mathematischen Grundwissens. Die Gestaltung des Textes, die den Leser immer wieder anregt, Gedankenschritte selbst zu vollziehen, weiterzuführen, Verbindungen herzustellen, Rechnungen nachzuvollziehen und ...

CHF 52.50

Competition and Finance

Dowd, Kevin
Competition and Finance
Competition and Finance offers a new, unified treatment of the fields of financial and monetary economics. The first part integrates recent developments in agency theory and information economics into a unified financial theory of the firm. A review of recent developments in the economics of banking and then monetary economics leads to a conclusion assessing present-day systems of central banking and proposing financial and monetary reform.

CHF 74.00

Can Religion Be Explained Away?

Phillips, D.
Can Religion Be Explained Away?
As the century draws to its close, how should we think of religion? Some see it as the survival in our midst of an outmoded, primitive way of thinking, while others accuse the critics of simply being blind to the meaning of religious belief. From a different perspective, the clash between belief and unbelief is not seen as a matter of identifying incoherent systems of thought, but as a clash between different demands made on us by divergent wa...

CHF 142.00

Parallel Computation

Böszörmenyi, Laszlo
Parallel Computation
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference of the Austrian Center for Parallel Computation, ACPC '96, held in Klagenfurt, Austria, in September 1996. The 15 revised full papers presented together with two keynote contributions were selected from 31 submissions by authors from 13 countries. Also included are two industrial papers and six posters. The topical emphasis of the book is on parallel databases...

CHF 69.00

KI-96: Advances in Artificial Intelligence

Hölldobler, Steffen / Görz, Günther
KI-96: Advances in Artificial Intelligence
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, KI-96, held in Dresden, Germany, in September 1996. The book presents three invited papers together with 23 revised full research papers, nine posters and four systems demonstrations. All contributions were carefully selected from a larger number of excellent submissions, of which a considerable part had been submitted from abroad. T...

CHF 69.00

Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems

Limongelli, Carla / Calmet, Jacques
Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems
This book presents the refereed proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems, DISCO '96, held in Karlsruhe, Germany, in September 1996. The volume includes four invited contributions surveying the state of the art in a particular subfield or pointing to some new research directions together with 31 revised full papers selected from a total of some 70 submissions. Many current as...

CHF 69.00