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110 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

An Introduction to Quantum Theory

Hannabuss, Keith
An Introduction to Quantum Theory
This book provides an introduction to quantum theory, primarily for mathematics students. It assumes a knowledge of basic algebra and elementary group theory, with little or no familiarity with more advanced topics. Although it takes a traditional approach, the book exploits ideas of linear algebra and points out some of the mathematical subtleties of the theory. It also covers such topics as Bell's inequalities and coherent and squeezed state...

CHF 130.00

Geometry of Higher Dimensional Algebraic Varieties

Miyaoka, Joichi / Peternell, Thomas
Geometry of Higher Dimensional Algebraic Varieties
This book is based on lecture notes of a seminar of the Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung held by the authors at Oberwolfach from April 2 to 8, 1995. It gives an introduction to the classification theory and geometry of higher dimensional complex-algebraic varieties, focusing on the tremendeous developments of the sub­ ject in the last 20 years. The work is in two parts, with each one preceeded by an introduction describing its contents in det...

CHF 42.90

Tech Prep Career Programs

Fagan, Carol / Lumley, Dan
Tech Prep Career Programs
This is a practical guide on how to plan, develop and implement a `tech prep' programme. The book illustrates how schools can work collaboratively with business and industry to organize a programme that provides students with the core technical and specialty proficiencies necessary to successfully compete in a changing economy. Topics covered include: creating a tech prep consortium, funding, setting goals, building action teams, and designing...

CHF 93.00

Popular Music, Gender and Postmodernism

Nehring, Neil
Popular Music, Gender and Postmodernism
The migration of cynical academic ideas about postmodernism into music journalism are traced in this book. The result of this migration is a widespread fatalism over the ability of the music industry to absorb any expression of defiance in popular music. The book synthesizes a number of fields: American and British academic and journalistic music criticism, aesthetic and literary history and theory from romanticism through postmodernism, alt...

CHF 168.00

Lineare Regression und Verwandtes

Riedwyl, Hans
Lineare Regression und Verwandtes
Mit dieser Sammlung von Beispielen mochten wir Studierenden aller Fachrich­ tungen Gelegenheit geben zur selbststandigen Erarbeitung einfacher, aber hau­ figer Fragestellungen aus der Regressionsanalyse. Ais Voraussetzung geniigt eine einsemestrige Einfiihrungsvorlesung in angewandter Statistik, in der auf dieses Gebiet eingegangen wird, vollauf. 1m ersten Teil werden die Daten unter Angabe der Quelle und einer kurzen Formulierung des Problems...

CHF 65.00

Panta 1

Ketzel, James A
Panta 1
Panta 1 shows that the authors of the New Testament understood Christianity and their world from the point-of-view of the pre-Socratic philosopher, Heraclitus of Ephesus who lived around 500 B.C. His philosophy served as the point of view of most of the authors of the New Testament.

CHF 160.00

R.D. Laing and the Paths of Anti-Psychiatry

Kotowicz, Zbigniew
R.D. Laing and the Paths of Anti-Psychiatry
In the 1960s and 1970s, the radical and visionary ideas of R. D. Laing revolutionized thinking about psychiatric practice and the meaning of madness. His work, from The Divided Self to Knots, and his therapeutic community at Kingsley Hall, made him a household name. But after little more than a decade he faded from prominence as quickly as he had attained it. R.D.Laing and the Paths of Anti-Psychiatry re-examines Laing's work in the context of...

CHF 61.00

Complexity and Self-Organization in Social and Economic S...

Sanglier, Michele / Wang, Fukang
Complexity and Self-Organization in Social and Economic Systems
The Instituts Internationaux de Physique et de Chimie fondis par E. Solvay and the Institute of Nonequilibrium systems of Beijing Normal University jointly sponsored a conference on "The Complexity and Self-organization in Socio­ economic Systems" on October 17-20, 1994 at Beijing, China. The purpose of the conference was to explore the complexity and evolutionary laws of socio­ economic systems through nonlinear dynamic systems and self-organ...

CHF 134.00

Who Elected the Bankers?

Pauly, Louis W
Who Elected the Bankers?
A former banker and staff member of the International Monetary Fund, Louis W. Pauly explains why people are deeply concerned about the emergence of a global economy and the increasingly integrated capital markets at its heart. In nations as diverse as France, Canada, Russia, and Mexico, the lives of citizens are disrupted when national policy falls out of line with the expectations of international financiers. Such dilemmas, ever more conspicu...

CHF 106.00

The Perfect and the Preterite in Contemporary and Earlier...

Elsness, Johan
The Perfect and the Preterite in Contemporary and Earlier English
The future of English linguistics as envisaged by the editors of Topics in English Linguistics lies in empirical studies which integrate work in English linguistics into general and theoretical linguistics on the one hand, and comparative linguistics on the other. The TiEL series features volumes that present interesting new data and analyses, and above all fresh approaches that contribute to the overall aim of the series, which is to further ...

CHF 221.00

Alloplastische Kreuzbandchirurgie

Letsch, Rainer
Alloplastische Kreuzbandchirurgie
Die diesem Werk zugrunde liegende klinische Studie zu den Einsatzmöglichkeiten eines alloplastischen Bandes aus Polyethylenterephtalat in der Chirurgie des vorderen Kreuzbandes hinsichtlich Verträglichkeit, Stabilität, Komplikationsträchtigkeit und mittelfristiger Haltbarkeit hat gezeigt, daß synthetische Kreuzbänder unter bestimmten Indikationen und bei korrekter Operations- und Verankerungstechnik gute mittel- bis langfristige Ergebnisse erz...

CHF 71.00

Welfare Aspects of Transgenic Animals

Meer, Miriam van der / Zutphen, L. F. M. van
Welfare Aspects of Transgenic Animals
v Preface The quality of animal models used in biomedical research has increased substantially since the first successful microinjection of foreign DNA frag­ ments into a mouse zygote in the early 1980s. New well-defined animal models, developed either by micro injection techniques or by homologous recombination in embryonic stem (ES) cells, have become widely available and several classical animal models have now been replaced by these transg...

CHF 134.00

Umweltbildung als Innovation

Haan, Gerhard de / Jungk, Dieter / Kutt, Konrad / Seybold, Hansjörg / Nitschke, Christoph / Schnurpel, Ursula / Michelsen, Gerd
Umweltbildung als Innovation
Trotz aller Anstrengungen ist der bisherige Stand der Umweltbildung unbefriedigend. Internationale (z. B. UNCED 1992) und nationale Anstöße (z.B. Umweltgutachten 1994 des Sachverständigenrats für Umweltfragen) gebieten, Grundlagen und Ergebnisse bisheriger Maßnahmen zu überprüfen. Gegenstand dieser Evaluationsstudie sind über einhundert Forschungsvorhaben und Modellversuche aus den Jahren 1987 bis 1995. Kriterien der Auswertung sind Konzeption...

CHF 71.00

Human Comfort and Security of Information Systems

Pfleger, Silvia / Varghese, Kadamula
Human Comfort and Security of Information Systems
The Commission of the European Union, through its Fourth Framework R&D, programme is committed to the development of the Information Society. There is no doubt that there will be many radical changes in all aspects of society caused by the far-reaching impact of continuing advances in information and communi­ cation technologies. Many of these changes cannot be predicted, but that uncer­ tainty must not stop us from moving forward. The challen...

CHF 69.00

Songs At the River's Edge

Gardner, Katy
Songs At the River's Edge
Katy Gardner's account of her fifteen-month stay in the small Bangladeshi village of Talukpur has become a classic study of rural life in South Asia. Through a series of beautifully crafted narratives, the villagers and their stories are brought vividly to life and the author's role as an outsider sensitively conveyed in her descriptions of the warm friendships she makes. Above all Songs at the River's Edge is written from a deep respect of Ba...

CHF 56.50

In Defense Of Affirmative Action

Bergmann, Barbara
In Defense Of Affirmative Action
At a time when quotas and preferences are under attack nationwide, Barbara Bergmann courageously show that without the help of affirmative action America will never be able to attain a truly race-blin

CHF 19.50

The American Presidency Under Siege

Rose, Gary L.
The American Presidency Under Siege
This book explores the failure of the modern American presidency, a failure the author attributes to the development of a political system that impedes creative leadership. The American presidency, Gary L. Rose argues, is under siege. Surrounded and blockaded by a reactionary Congress, an entrenched bureaucracy, and aggressive media, lobbyists, political action committees, and special interest groups, American presidents fail not because of a ...

CHF 52.50