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48 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Popular Buddhism in Japan

Andreasen, E. / Andreasen Esben / Andreasen, Esben
Popular Buddhism in Japan
This study of Japanese Shin Buddhism offers a combination of historical development, carefully selected readings with commentaries, and a full list of illustrations linked to the text. It aims to reform the general view in the West that Zen is the principal Buddhist expression in Japan.

CHF 83.00

Italian Opera Since 1945

Fearn, Raymond
Italian Opera Since 1945
In this book Raymond Fearn surveys this Italian musico-theatrical phenomenon in the period since the Second World War, examining a wide range of works, illustrated by numerous musical examples and production photographs.

CHF 146.00

Werbeanzeigen von 1622¿1798

Bendel, Sylvia
Werbeanzeigen von 1622¿1798
Die Basis dieser Arbeit bilden 1470 Anzeigen aus deutschen und schweizerischen Zeitungen. Diese sind vollzählig und im Wortlaut abgedruckt. Der Band stellt eine Quellensammlung zur Verfügung, die Linguisten, Publizisten und Historiker zu weiteren Studien ermuntern soll. Die vorliegende Studie verfolgt zwei Ziele. Auf der theoretischen Ebene werden Hypothesen über die Entstehung und Entwicklung von Textsorten aufgestellt und anhand des vorlieg...

CHF 168.00

Popular Buddhism in Japan

Andreasen, Esben
Popular Buddhism in Japan
This study of Japanese Shin Buddhism offers a combination of historical development, carefully selected readings with commentaries, and a full list of illustrations linked to the text. It aims to reform the general view in the West that Zen is the principal Buddhist expression in Japan.

CHF 190.00

The Evangelical Revival

Ditchfield, G M
The Evangelical Revival
An introduction to the evangelical revival of the 18th and early 19th century, important as a cultural force during that period. The book is intended for A' level and undergraduate courses on the 18th century.

CHF 68.00

One-Eyed Science

Messing, Karen
One-Eyed Science
Karen Messing is Professor, Department of Biological Studies, University of Quebec at Montreal, and former Director of the Center for CINBIOSE.

CHF 54.50

Civil Engineering Contractual Procedures

Ashworth, Allan
Civil Engineering Contractual Procedures
Civil Engineering Contractual Procedures gives an introduction to the contractual procedures, legislation and administrative practices that are used in the civil engineering industry. It introduces the principles of contract law, and the main forms of contract used in the construction industry. It then concentrates on the main forms of contract used in civil engineering, with the discussion based on the ICE Conditions of Contract. It looks at ...

CHF 99.00

The Wars Of The Roses

Webster, Bruce
The Wars Of The Roses
A problem-focused and clearly organized survey of the dynastic strife and crisis of medieval government in 15th century England.

CHF 68.00

Partnerships in Urban Governance

Pierre, Jon
Partnerships in Urban Governance
These essays explore the utility of thinking about public-private partnerships for local economic development. A theoretical examination of theories of governance, institutions and policy instruments is supplemented by empirical analysis and comparisons of their operation in the United Kingdom, Sweden and the United States in the context of debates about the 'limits of politics' and dependence on the institutions of civil society.

CHF 142.00

Aus Israels Mitte - Heil für die Welt

Wasserberg, Günter
Aus Israels Mitte - Heil für die Welt
Die Reihe Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft (BZNW) ist eine der ältesten undrenommiertesten internationalen Buchreihen zur neutestamentlichen Wissenschaft. Seit 1923 publiziert sie wegweisende Forschungsarbeiten zum frühen Christentum und angrenzenden Themengebieten. Die Reihe ist historisch-kritisch verankert und steht neuen methodischen Ansätzen, die unser Verständnis des Neuen Testaments befördern, gleichfalls ...

CHF 196.00

Der aufdringliche Text

Der aufdringliche Text
Am Beispiel einer Besatzungszeitung unternimmt der Autor mit linguistisch-handlungstheoretischen und diskursanalytischen Mitteln eine Rekonstruktion der Besatzungsdimension und der propagandistisch-ideologischen publizistischen Tätigkeiten.

CHF 65.00

Learning and Writing in Counselling

MacMillan, Mhairi / Clark, Dot
Learning and Writing in Counselling
`This is a very practical "how to" book, written for students on counselling skills courses. It is intended to help them through the various problems faced by people returning to education, perhaps after a long gap.... how useful this book could be to students who [are] confused by the increasingly academic requirements of counselling training courses... I would recommend this book as a companion for anyone who is starting a course with little...

CHF 217.00

Long-Term Counselling

Shipton, Geraldine / Smith, Eileen
Long-Term Counselling
`This book makes a welcome appearance in today's climate where the stress is upon short-term, brief, focused counselling and therapy... the approach of the authors is comprehensive and thorough. They look at many issues which arise in the debate about long-term counselling... [it is] a very useful book for those in training. It would also be of interest to those already in practice who are involved in or considering long-term work. Where I thi...

CHF 220.00

Long-Term Counselling

Shipton, Geraldine / Smith, Eileen
Long-Term Counselling
`This book makes a welcome appearance in today's climate where the stress is upon short-term, brief, focused counselling and therapy... the approach of the authors is comprehensive and thorough. They look at many issues which arise in the debate about long-term counselling... [it is] a very useful book for those in training. It would also be of interest to those already in practice who are involved in or considering long-term work. Where I thi...

CHF 97.00

War and Revolution in Vietnam, 1930-75

Ruane, Kevin
War and Revolution in Vietnam, 1930-75
Written for undergradaute courses on postwar American foreign policy, Southeast Asian history, the Cold War, the Vietnam war, international relations, decolonization, and third world communism, this introduction uses the wealth of recent research to place the Vietnam war within the contexts of European colonization, American Cold War strategy and Vietnam's own political history

CHF 64.00

Mughal India

Berinstain, Valerie / Bahn, Paul
Mughal India
An account of the achievements of the Mughal Empire, which dominated India for three centuries. Under enlightened patrons such as Akbar the Great in the 16th century and Shah Jahan in the 17th century, this vast Muslim empire produced paintings and architecture of exceptional quality.

CHF 14.50

Schlüssel zur Musik

Flender, Reinhard / Rauhe, Hermann
Schlüssel zur Musik
Musik ist unverzichtbarer Bestandteil der menschlichen Kultur, wirkt in vielfältiger Weise auf Individuum und Gesellschaft. Musik hat auch eine Geschichte: Musikgeschichte ist ein spezifisch europäisches Phänomen. Es ist die Geschichte von musikalischen Revolutionen, Konflikten und Auseinandersetzungen. Wenn im Rückblick diese Geschichte als gradlinige logische Fortentwicklung erscheint, so ist dies doch weitgehend die Konstruktion wissenschaf...

CHF 21.90