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42 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Goodwill-Bilanzierung nach internationalen Rechnungslegun...

Bretthauer, Christoph
Goodwill-Bilanzierung nach internationalen Rechnungslegungsstandards
Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: Mit der Meldung eines nach US-GAAP ausgewiesenen Rekordverlustes in Höhe von 24, 5 Milliarden Euro für die ersten drei Quartale 2002 schockte die Deutsche Telekom AG im vergangenen Jahr ihre Anleger. Zur Begründung verwies das Unternehmen auf erhöhte Goodwillabschreibungen. Angesichts verhaltener Reaktionen an der Börse mag es nicht überraschen, dass der Telekomriese wenige Monate später für das Geschäftsjahr 2002 na...

CHF 96.00

Balanced Scorecard im Marketing

Stoll, geb. Weisser
Balanced Scorecard im Marketing
Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: Die Diplomarbeit ¿Balanced Scorecard im Marketing¿ behandelt die Einsatzmöglichkeiten der von Robert S. Kaplan und David P. Norton entwickelten Balanced Scorecard (BSC) im Bereich des Marketings. Nach einem kurzen Einblick in die Verbreitung der BSC und deren Historie wird in den weiteren Kapiteln das Potenzial der BSC für das Marketing als Performance Measurement Konzept, als Managementsystem und als Kommunikationsi...

CHF 88.00

Quartalsberichterstattung börsennotierter Unternehmen

Frahnert, Jan
Quartalsberichterstattung börsennotierter Unternehmen
Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: In Deutschland existiert bis heute noch keine gesetzliche Verpflichtung zur Erstellung von Quartalsberichten durch börsennotierte Unternehmen. Dennoch wurde dieses wichtige Instrument, welches dem Adressaten ausreichende Informationen zur Beurteilung der Vermögens-, Finanz- und Ertragslage und einen Ausblick auf das laufende Geschäftsjahr regelmäßig unterjährig bereitstellen soll, Pflichtbestandteil von Publizitätsvo...

CHF 88.00

Befristung und Beendigung von Mietverhältnissen im Anwend...

Keiler, Stephan
Befristung und Beendigung von Mietverhältnissen im Anwendungsbereich des MRG unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der jeweiligen Übergangsregelungen
Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: Das Mietrecht ist ein Rechtsbereich, der nahezu jeden Menschen betrifft, - die meisten als Mieter und viele als Bestandgeber ¿ und dennoch ist es eine Materie, die bei Wissenschaftern wie Praktikern in Relation zur Nachfrage nur wenig Interesse hervorruft und einen wenig löblichen Ruf als Fach für Spezialisten genießt. Ich bin auch bei weitem nicht der erste, der sich im Zusammenhang mit den Mietrechtsregimen an das ...

CHF 96.00

Jacqueline Woodson

Stover, Lois Thomas
Jacqueline Woodson
Woodson's seventh grade English teacher returned her first short story to her with the comment, "You are the real thing" (1). Jacqueline Woodson: "The Real Thing" explores how Woodson became "the real thing, " why she deserves to be acknowledged as one of the finest writers for young adults today, who her literary mentors have been, and how her family history has helped to shape her as an artist, beginning with the success of her first novel, ...

CHF 131.00

Over the Top Judaism

Gertel, Elliot B.
Over the Top Judaism
Over the Top Judaism offers criticism of scores of television episodes and films, mainly between 1980 and 2002, that highlight the beliefs and practices of Judaism, real or perceived. Author Elliot Gertel examines parallels and precedents in both media, and organizes the works topically, concluding with the most promising efforts. Chapters on classic television episodes cite interviews with writers and producers from Gertel's rare oral histories.

CHF 130.00

Virginia Euwer Wolff

Reid, Suzanne Elizabeth
Virginia Euwer Wolff
Young readers, teachers, and professionals in the field of young adult literature will find this survey and literary analysis of Virginia Euwer Wolff's books useful in their work and valuable as an aid to thoughtful reading. This text provides a literary and/or cultural context for each of Wolff's novels for young people, discusses the characters in terms of the plot and style, analyzes particularly literary elements as appropriate, and summar...

CHF 123.00

Dead Souls

Gogol, Nikolai Vasilievich
Dead Souls
A stranger arrives in a Russian backwater community with a bizarre proposition for the local landowners: cash for their "dead souls, " the serfs who have died in their service. A comic masterpiece.

CHF 9.90

Capital and Opportunity

Pasco, Rebecca J.
Capital and Opportunity
This book will contribute to the discussion of issues surrounding students who 'disengage' from public schools. The book describes a study which uses the theory of Pierre Bourdieu to investigate what types of economic, social, cultural, and symbolic capital influenced the individual academic achievement and personal life trajectories of two female high school students identified at-risk.

CHF 99.00

Murder By Suicide

Nance, Joe
Murder By Suicide
Take a poetic journey with author Joe Nance, as he struggles to live life on life's terms. The journey begins with a descent into insanity that leads to the brink of suicide. At the last moment, God's intervention saves the author and brings him to a realization that there is hope in continuing to live. Anger, self-hatred, self-pity and regret are ever-present, but with God's help and interaction with other people, he begins the journey back t...

CHF 40.90

Murder By Suicide

Nance, Joe
Murder By Suicide
Take a poetic journey with author Joe Nance, as he struggles to live life on life's terms. The journey begins with a descent into insanity that leads to the brink of suicide. At the last moment, God's intervention saves the author and brings him to a realization that there is hope in continuing to live. Anger, self-hatred, self-pity and regret are ever-present, but with God's help and interaction with other people, he begins the journey back t...

CHF 27.50


Vesely, James M.
The sprawling story of a Czech-American family's determined struggle and unforgettable odyssey - from the hunger and hardship of Eastern Europe, across the cold and gray Atlantic in steerage, and on into America's growing cities and isolated farms. The Novaks survive and grow through love and loss, peace and war, epidemic and Depression, in a strange and wondrous new land far from home - a young and raw America immersed in the restless throes...

CHF 33.90

Getting The Sex You Want

Leiblum Ph. D., Sandra / Sachs, Judith
Getting The Sex You Want
Why are so many women eager to kindle or re-kindle their interest in sex and get the satisfaction they deserve? Sandra Leiblum, Ph.D. and Judith Sachs have been to the trenches to talk to women of all ages and all stages of life, and they know that sex is a topic of great concern. Women want pleasure but have no idea how to go about getting it. They may be uncomfortable in their bodies, tired at the end of the second shift, confused about thei...

CHF 37.50

Garibaldi's Ski-Boat

Fleischer, Anthony C.
Garibaldi's Ski-Boat
GARIBALDI'S SKI-BOAT by Anthony FleischerExtracts from press reviews:SUNDAY TIMES, Johannesburg"This second novel more than fulfills the promise of the first. It has dignity, simplicity and an ease of narration that makes it not a tale told but a pattern of people and events evolving independently through some natural process...'Somehow, ' the novel begins, 'one knows when the night is turning into morning, the darkness is a morning darkness a...

CHF 20.50

Thy Sweet Love Remembered

Sheets, Dale T.
Thy Sweet Love Remembered
Aaron Smith takes the reader on a stimulating romp in a PT boat from college campus on the banks of the Wabash to the shores of New Guinea and into the heart of the war-torn Philippines.The narrative begins two years after Pearl Harbor while Aaron is anxiously awaiting his chance to join the navy upon his graduation in December. He is an English major much to the disappointment of his father who wants him to be an engineer. Aaron prefers the c...

CHF 21.90

The Clock Struck Terror

Knudsen, Lawrence Gordon
The Clock Struck Terror
A student from Wasatch College is found very early in the morning sitting by the side of a highway in the mountains north of Wasatch, Colorado in a terror-induced trance. Further investigation by Professor Bates and his associates in Wasatch find evidence of a long hidden secret. The next few weeks in Dr. Bates' life are filled with adventure and terror at every turn, culminating in a discovery that will revise history in the Mountain West for...

CHF 28.90


Seagroves, William G.
In the Canadian Northern Territories, scientists clone the largest flesh-eating mammal ever to stalk the earth. When the creature falls victim to a viral infection, they administer a powerful restorative drug that has dire side effects. It starts to BECOME something else and soon murders its creators. Tracking the lone survivor to the nearest expedition, the beast sets about destroying anyone and anything that gets in its way. Jim Lyons, the s...

CHF 27.90


Schnur, Steven
The Shadow Children "Schnur's novel is poignant and haunting. Etienne's direct, first-person narrative draws readers into his world, one of pleasure and puzzlement, action and reflection. The fantasy elements are smoothly integrated into the story, and add a unique slant to a frequently covered topic. A thought-provoking addition to the World War II literature."--School Library Journal Beyond Providence "To a cast of passionate, fully realized...

CHF 38.50