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182 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

Geisteswissenschaftliche Pädagogik, Krieg und Nationalsoz...

Göing-Jaeschke, Anja / Gatzemann, Thomas
Geisteswissenschaftliche Pädagogik, Krieg und Nationalsozialismus
An der Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg fand im Dezember 2001 ein Workshop zur Problematik von Geisteswissenschaftlicher Pädagogik, Krieg und Nationalsozialismus statt. Die Veranstaltung stand in der Tradition der Hamburger Gespräche zur Pädagogik, die Fragen aus dem Diskurs der historischen Bildungsphilosophie aufgreifen. Die dargebotenen Analysen wurden inzwischen ergänzt und weiter ausgearbeitet. Die Ergebnisse werden in diesem Band vorge...

CHF 77.00

Psychophysiologische Untersuchungen zum Placeboeffekt

Dieterle, Wilfried E.
Psychophysiologische Untersuchungen zum Placeboeffekt
Das Placeboproblem stellt ein Paradigma dar, in dem sich unterschiedliche theoretische Konzeptionen sowie verschiedene praktische Disziplinen in einem Gegenstand treffen. Welche Wirkung zeigt die Applikation eines an sich wirkungslosen Placebos? Erstreckt sich diese Wirkung über psychologische und physiologische Reaktionen? Wie konvergieren diese Reaktionen? Lassen sich Personenmerkmale bestimmen, die eine Placeboreaktion wahrscheinlicher mach...

CHF 108.00

Die Zeitschrift «Il Caffè»

Jacobs, Helmut C. / Wetzel, Hermann H. / Weiand, Christof / Schlüter, Gisela
Die Zeitschrift «Il Caffè»
Zu den bedeutenden und gewiß reizvollsten Unternehmungen der italienischen Aufklärung gehört die 1764 bis 1766 erschienene Zeitschrift Il Caffè, Gemeinschaftswerk eines Mailänder Intellektuellenzirkels um die Brüder Verri und Cesare Beccaria. Ihr erklärtes Ziel ist es, «d¿illuminare la moltitudine, di comunicargli cö suoi scritti le utili verità, di rendere gli uomini più saggi, più felici e più virtuosi». Wissenstransfer in pragmatischer Absi...

CHF 120.00


Trombly, Christina M.
Chazy lies in the northeast corner of New York State on the shore of Lake Champlain. Founded in 1666 and chartered in 1804, it is blessed with a rich and colorful history, beautiful landscapes, and hardworking people. This community is known for its apples, maple syrup, blueberries, and limestone. Chazy portrays life in the hamlets of Ingraham, Chazy, West Chazy, Chazy Landing, Sciota, and Suckortown. Included are Harriet Clark, who tried to l...

CHF 38.90

Orchard Park

Kulp, Suzanne S. / Bieron, Joseph F.
Orchard Park
Attracted by the fertile soil, ample forests, and abundant water, the first pioneer arrived in the Orchard Park area in 1803, making this one of the earliest settlements in western New York. Prominent among the settlers were the Quakers, who built a picturesque meetinghouse that is still in use today. Orchard Park portrays the history of the community through its citizens and their homes and businesses, many of which were at Four Corners. Plan...

CHF 38.90

After the Empire

Todd, Emmanuel / Delogu, C. Jon
After the Empire
Widely reviewed and critically praised, Emmanuel Todd's After the Empire predicts that the United States is forfeiting its superpower status as it moves away from traditional democratic values of egalitarianism and universalism, lives far beyond its means economically, and continues to anger foreign allies and enemies alike with its military and ideological policies. As America's global dominance evaporates, Todd foresees the emergence of a Eu...

CHF 139.00

Understanding X-Rays

Gelderen, Fred van
Understanding X-Rays
Understanding X-Rays' is a book planned to fill the gap between basic and advanced knowledge of Radiology.It meets the moment when a - diologist is not available, and a diagnosis is required. Each section is introduced by a chapter on 'how to 'understand'X-rays', encouraging a complete and systematic approach to radiographs focusing on every part of the image.A three-point approach is presented, consi- ing of the 'quick look', a systematic det...

CHF 69.00

Lauter Linien

Becker, Harald
Lauter Linien
Lauter Linien: Bei äußerster Reduktion der Mittel führt Harald Becker mit der vorliegenden Auswahl von mehr als 230 Skizzen und Zeichnungen aus den Jahren 1995-2003 in eine überreiche Welt an Formen und Gestalten, Themen und Techniken. Lapidares steht neben Filigranem, Angedeutetes neben Ausgearbeitetem, vor allem aber Schwarz auf Weiß. Vom imaginären Comic bis zur klassisch anmutenden Aktstudie reicht die Palette, groteske technische Konstruk...

CHF 30.50

Überall und nirgends zu Hause

Förg, Gabriele
Überall und nirgends zu Hause
Lässt sich Heimat wechseln? Diese Frage stellt eine Sendereihe im Bayerischen Rundfunk. Elf Autoren begaben sich auf Spurensuche und berichten über das wechselhafte Schicksal europäischer Emigranten in der Neuen Welt - von den amerikanischen Gründerzeiten bis in die Jahre nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Sie erzählen Geschichten von verkauften Soldaten, Glückssuchern und Flüchtlingen, von zerrissenen Identitäten und scheinbar unvereinbaren Mentalit...

CHF 27.90


The purpose of this volume is essentially historical. It is not a piece of literary criticism, it is only incidentally a biography. It has been prepared with the single but lively hope of making a little clearer the development of modern culture. It views Petrarch not as a poet, nor even, primarily, as a many-sided man of genius, but as the mirror of his age - a mirror in which are reflected all the momentous contrasts between waning Medievali...

CHF 35.50

Over the Hill

Frederick, Patricia
Over the Hill
What does a 47-year-old housewife in the boondocks of Illinois do after her hearing fades to profound deafness, best friends move away, her grown children consider her a nuisance, and her husband dumps her for a younger woman? She starts over, of course. But Gina Rosatti doesn't take the conventional route. No vocational training for this displaced homemaker who'd rather nurture kids and gardens than find a new career. With a bit of ingenuity ...

CHF 33.90

Catherine de' Medici and the French Reformation

Sichel, Edith
Catherine de' Medici and the French Reformation
CONTENTSCatherine de' MediciThe Youth of Catherine de' MediciDiane de PoitiersThe Court of Henri IIThe Reign of François IIThe Princesse de CondéJeanne de NavarreThe Council of PoissyThe HuguenotsCatherine and the Prince de CondéWhy the Reformation Failed in FranceRonsard and the PleVadeRonsard and the ElizabethansCatherine and the ArtsBernard Palissy

CHF 34.50

Olympic Victor Monuments and Greek Athletic Art

Olympic Victor Monuments and Greek Athletic Art
The purpose of the present work is to study what is known of one of the most important genres of Greek sculpture - the monuments erected at Olympia and elsewhere in the Greek world in honor of victorious athletes at the Olympic games. Since only meager remnants of these monuments have survived, the work is in the main concerned with the attempt to reconstruct their various types and poses. Originally published by the Carnegie Institution of Wa...

CHF 39.50

Memoirs of the Crown Prince of Germany, The

Memoirs of the Crown Prince of Germany, The
The German Prince recalls his childhood in Potsdam and Berlin, his marriage and family, the turmoil of World War I, and his exile in Holland. Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Augustus Ernst Hohenzollern of Prussia (1882-1951) was the son of William II. In World War I he commanded (1914) an army on the Western Front and was nominal commander in the German attack (1916) on Verdun. He fled to Holland in November, 1918, and renounced his rights to the thr...

CHF 34.50