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29 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Differenzierte Strategien zur Leistungsbeurteilung im Fra...

Band, Herbert
Differenzierte Strategien zur Leistungsbeurteilung im Französischunterricht an Höheren Schulen
Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: Die Themenstellung dieser Diplom/Magisterarbeit konzentriert sich auf Fragen der Leistungsbeurteilung in der Institution Schule, die auf der Grundlage von allgemein gültigen Bezugsnormen und Maßstäben festgelegt wird, wobei Fremdbewertung in Kombination mit Selbstevaluierung erfolgen soll. Als Bildungsziele werden Mehrsprachigkeit und kommunikative Mündlichkeit vorgegeben. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die theore...

CHF 96.00

Total Quality Management in theoretical and practical con...

Haring, Christina
Total Quality Management in theoretical and practical context
Inhaltsangabe:Abstract: Thesis: To what extend is the implementation of Total Quality encouraged by the European Quality System and how is this theory put into action within a company specific context in order to meet the requirements? The following study focuses on Total Quality Management. It begins with a short overview of the development of quality concepts within the last 50 years. It deals in detail with the fundamental elements of TQ...

CHF 88.00

Der Verkauf von Produkten im Internet unter besonderer Be...

Burianek, Stephan
Der Verkauf von Produkten im Internet unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Weinverkaufs in Österreich
Inhaltsangabe:Zusammenfassung: Seit Jahrhunderten gehört Wein in unserem Kulturkreis zu einem festen Bestandteil des heimischen Lebenswandels. E-Commerce hingegen ist den meisten erst seit relativ kurzer Zeit ein Begriff. Dennoch haben sowohl E-Commerce als auch Wein in Österreich eine Gemeinsamkeit, nämlich ihre wachsende wirtschaftliche und auch kulturelle Bedeutung. Es lag also nahe, den Zusammenhang der beiden an Bedeutung gewinnenden Ber...

CHF 96.00

Juristische und steuerliche Aspekte geschlossener Immobil...

Althaus, Sebastian
Juristische und steuerliche Aspekte geschlossener Immobilienfonds
Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: Ein direkter Erwerb einer Immobilie ist mit einem erheblichen Verwaltungsaufwand und einem hohen Finanzierungsvolumen verbunden. Geschlossene Immobilienfonds erfreuen sich daher großer Beliebtheit. Der Erwerb einer Beteiligung an einem geschlossenen Immobilienfonds ist für den Investor eine reine Kapitalanlage. Wird eine entsprechende Entwicklung eines Fonds vorausgesetzt, partizipiert ein Anleger von zukünftigen Gew...

CHF 96.00

Samantha's Love Story

Daniels, Patricia
Samantha's Love Story
You are invited to sit back, relax and let Samantha, a dachshund/terrier canine, take you on a journey written through her eyes and perception of how life looks to an animal. A narrative that will take you through her life and how she and her owner, Patricia Daniels formed a connection that is described as "from one heart to another". A wonderful, heartfelt bond that every human can learn to form with their pet. It is a story filled with fun, ...

CHF 19.50

A Priest's Journal of Hope

Linder, Philip C.
A Priest's Journal of Hope
In this timely and powerful book of reflections, Father Philip Linder shares his personal struggles and experiences of God in light of 9/11. God speaks through Father Linder in a way that invites others into a closer and more profound relationship with God. These short reflections point to the simple and poignant ways that we may come to know and experience God, and finally live in God in the midst of both war and peace. Philip Linder, a noted...

CHF 15.90

Scared to Come Out

Nugent, Lisa
Scared to Come Out
Scared to come out is a compelling collection of poetic expressions by the author who for so long had to fight against everything she believed and everyone she held dear to evolve and accept the person she truly was. Her poems are filled with loathing, despair, passion and confusion. It focuses on things and experiences that truly touched her heart and guided her along her difficult journey. Helping her to surrender herself to pristine moments...

CHF 17.50

King Murray's Royal Tail

Smith, Kathryn R. / Smith, Kathy
King Murray's Royal Tail
Have you ever thought about what happens to a live Easter Bunny once Easter is over? King Murray's Royal Tail is the story of such an Easter Bunny. Murray eventually finds a forever home, where he is an important part of the family, a true companion animal. But his journey to reach this home is not an easy one. Murray's story is based on the life of one of Kathy Smith's rescued rabbits, who shared her life for almost five years. As Murray's bo...

CHF 15.90

Alden O. Sherman, an American Original

Sherman, Jane E.
Alden O. Sherman, an American Original
Alden O. Sherman, An American Original is the inside story of this remarkable man and a dramatic account of success and originality in the world of aerospace manufacturing. The author is his daughter, Jane Sherman, who worked side by side with her father for 28 years. Alden is an original entrepreneur who started a small business and made it a 50-year success. Jane's tribute is not only about facts and events, but also the passions and emotion...

CHF 40.90

Buddha and Shakespeare

Peckinpaugh, David Jon
Buddha and Shakespeare
Buddha & Shakespeare recounts, in one of the more dramatic narratives that you will likely ever come across, the epic nature of both Love and War. Each of which befalls us, most often unexpectedly. It is the story, then, of our being-human, as told through the lives of two princes who come to find themselves caught up in the throes of battles that seem to have found them, as much or more than they have found those battles. One prince from the ...

CHF 47.50

The Betrayal Mosaic

Adams, Chris
The Betrayal Mosaic
Colonel Alexandr "Sasha" Katsanov, the loyal and dedicated Soviet GRU espionage agent, is challenged once again when KGB operatives attempt to kill him, but instead brutally murder his wife, Katiya. Following the botched event, he is sent to the United States as an attaché assigned to the Soviet Embassy for protection. He quickly discovers that espionage is a two-edged sword, Soviet agents and Americans alike, fall prey to greed and ideologica...

CHF 41.50

A Nest of Singing Birds

Caine, John
A Nest of Singing Birds
Locked into a childless and passionless marriage, middle-aged university professor Roger Mitchell searches for sexual stimulation through serial seductions of his female students. At the start of the novel we find Roger, obviously uncomfortable and out of place, at a discotheque organized to welcome new students to the university. He is talking to seventeen year old Natalie, newly arrived in London and clearly susceptible to Roger's well pract...

CHF 33.90

Stories for Gramp's Little Friends

Wright, Lloyd
Stories for Gramp's Little Friends
Stories for Gramp's Little Friends, is a book of love containing twenty-six short stories. They were written for and read to his grandchildren, which gave enjoyment to him and them. Some of the ideas for the stories came from the different subjects of Mrs. Finch's kindergarten class in rural Arkansas. The author's stories promote good manners, love, laughter, sharing, safety, and especially friendship. The stories are enjoyable reading for all...

CHF 37.50

Alden O. Sherman, an American Original

Sherman, Jane E.
Alden O. Sherman, an American Original
Alden O. Sherman, An American Original is the inside story of this remarkable man and a dramatic account of success and originality in the world of aerospace manufacturing. The author is his daughter, Jane Sherman, who worked side by side with her father for 28 years. Alden is an original entrepreneur who started a small business and made it a 50-year success. Jane's tribute is not only about facts and events, but also the passions and emotion...

CHF 28.50

Poems Plain and Simple

Negaard, Mel
Poems Plain and Simple
Mel's first poem was written in 1997. That poem opened an unknown floodgate of creative energy that expressed love and caring for his family and friends. It expanded to include commentary on current events and to pose questions and answers on our political, spiritual, technical, sexual and playful state of being. Mel has lived a unique life, rich in experience. He has overcome adversity, and reflects joy in his poetry. It covers the carefree i...

CHF 29.90

August the 6th

Padin, Elena
August the 6th
Laura Taylor, a kind, benevolent woman. Or is she? Is she just a normal homemaker going about her own business in the quiet hometown where she lives? What powers does the gentle redhead possess? If she is just an innocent, sixty-year old woman, why is she appearing in the dreams of countless people throughout the country? Why is she summoning them to come down to her hometown? Laura has a strange secret to reveal to them, and one that she hope...

CHF 22.90

The Betrayal Mosaic

Adams, Chris
The Betrayal Mosaic
Colonel Alexandr "Sasha" Katsanov, the loyal and dedicated Soviet GRU espionage agent, is challenged once again when KGB operatives attempt to kill him, but instead brutally murder his wife, Katiya. Following the botched event, he is sent to the United States as an attaché assigned to the Soviet Embassy for protection. He quickly discovers that espionage is a two-edged sword, Soviet agents and Americans alike, fall prey to greed and ideologica...

CHF 27.90