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268 Ergebnisse - Zeige 181 von 200.

What is Politics?

Leftwich, Adrian
What is Politics?
What is politics? Is it a universal feature of all human societies, past and present? Is it tied to specific institutional arenas? Or is it found in all groups and organizations, large or small, formal or informal?This new textbook seeks to provide answers to these important questions. Starting with what it means to 'think politically', the book goes on to explore a wide range of meanings attributed to the concept of politics from a variety of...

CHF 28.50

Karl der Große in den europäischen Literaturen des Mittel...

Bastert, Bernd
Karl der Große in den europäischen Literaturen des Mittelalters
Karl der Große zählt zu den wenigen Gestalten des Mittelalters, die im kulturellen Gedächtnis der Nachwelt immer präsent geblieben sind. Wesentlichen Anteil daran haben literarische Produktionen, die bereits kurz nach seinem Tod einsetzten, ihn dabei nach jeweils eigenen Interessen modellierend und oft ins Mythische überhöhend. Die auf diese Weise in den europäischen Literaturen zwischen dem 9. und 15. Jahrhundert entstandenen, teilweise diffe...

CHF 158.00

Paradise Laborers

Adler, Patricia A. / Adler, Peter
Paradise Laborers
Resorts have become important to American society and its economy, one in eight Americans is now employed by the tourism industry. Yet despite the ubiquity of hotels, little has been written about those who labor there. Drawing on eight years of...

CHF 185.00

Klinische Kunsttherapie

Landgarten, Helen B.
Klinische Kunsttherapie
Helen B. Landgarten beschreibt in ihrem ersten Buch anhand einer Vielzahl von Fallbeispielen Theorie und Praxis, Methodik, Einsatz und Möglichkeiten der Kunst(psycho)therapie, einer Therapieform, die in Deutschland bislang noch viel zu wenig Beachtung findet. Seelische Prozesse des Patienten werden in seinen Collagen, Zeichnungen, Gemälden oder Plastiken sichtbar und können auf dieser Grundlage bearbeitet und bewältigt werden.Helen B. Landgart...

CHF 47.90

Il disordine fonologico nel bambino con disturbi del ling...

Sabbadini, Letizia / Vaquer, Maria L. / Michelazzo, Letizia / De Cagno, Anna G.
Il disordine fonologico nel bambino con disturbi del linguaggio
L'opera vuole tradurre in proposte operative i presupposti teorici ricavati dagli ultimi studi, condotti nell'ambito del modello di sviluppo della lingua, nei suoi aspetti fonetici e fonologici. In particolare, viene qui sottolineata l'importanza di rivedere e modificare le tecniche di valutazione, analisi e trattamento del disordine fonologico, presente nei casi di disturbo del linguaggio. Le esemplificazioni e le proposte di trattamento riab...

CHF 69.00

The European Avant-garde

Webber, Andrew J. (Churchill College, Cambridge)
The European Avant-garde
This book offers an informative and accessible cultural history of the European avant-garde in its early twentieth-century heyday. It provides comparative coverage of cultural experimentation across the major European languages, including English, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Italian.Andrew Webber presents striking examples to illustrate a time of unprecedented experiment and energetic performance in all aspects of culture. Readings of...

CHF 31.90

Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis

Schechtman, Gideon / Milman, Vitali D.
Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis
The Israeli GAFA seminar (on Geometric Aspect of Functional Analysis) during the years 2002-2003 follows the long tradition of the previous volumes. It reflects the general trends of the theory. Most of the papers deal with different aspects of the Asymptotic Geometric Analysis. In addition the volume contains papers on related aspects of Probability, classical Convexity and also Partial Differential Equations and Banach Algebras. There are al...

CHF 69.00

Real Methods in Complex and CR Geometry

Fornaess, John Erik / Rosay, Jean-Pierre / Abate, Marco / Tumanov, Alexander / Huang, Xiaojun / Zampieri, Giuseppe / Zaitsev, Dmitri
Real Methods in Complex and CR Geometry
The geometry of real submanifolds in complex manifolds and the analysis of their mappings belong to the most advanced streams of contemporary Mathematics. In this area converge the techniques of various and sophisticated mathematical fields such as P.D.E.'s, boundary value problems, induced  equations, analytic discs in symplectic spaces, complex dynamics. For the variety of themes and the surprisingly good interplaying of different research t...

CHF 63.00

Gedichte aus Dürnkrut und Umgebung

Simon, Franz
Gedichte aus Dürnkrut und Umgebung
Franz Simon (1879-1986), ein pensionierter Offizier, hatte sich im hohen Alter noch zum Dichten entschlossen. Er hatte aber auch immer schon gemalt. ¿Ein historischer Tag¿ wurde 1978, zum siebenhundertsten Gedenken an den Tag der Schlacht auf dem Marchfeld vorgetragen und seine anderen Gedichte bei verschiedenen festlichen Anlässen. Sie handeln neben dem über die Schlacht weitgehend vom Dürnkruter Dorfleben und dem der Umgebung von vor 1900 an.

CHF 10.50

Bruno Bubo

Grimm, Eberhard
Bruno Bubo
Bruno Bubo, der Magier unter den Uhus, ist nach seinen astronautischen Abenteuern(Bruno Bubo-Der Uhu und die Sterne, ISBN 3-8330-0169-0) und einer Auszeit als normaler Uhu nun wieder auf Weltraumtour, um sich in die Angelegenheiten der Menschen einzumischen. Diesmal will er NASA und ESA zuvorkommen, die mit teurem technischen Gerät zum Mars unterwegs sind, um dort nach Wasser und Leben zu suchen. Dem Uhu genügt dafür ein schlichter Maulwurf, I...

CHF 20.90

Der Mensch im Gemüsefach der Geschichte

Wöhlke, Johanna Renate
Der Mensch im Gemüsefach der Geschichte
Der Mensch im Gemüsefach der Geschichte" ist Alltäglichem und Außergewöhnlichem ausgesetzt und mit seinen Stärken und Schwächen konfrontiert. Er erlebt Wonnen im BSE-Zeitalter, sich selbst aber nicht als ein Skelett mit Ohren. Er sucht noch immer nach der Weltformel Frau und fragt: "Wie kleckern Sie?" Er macht in jedem Jahr antizyklische Weihnachtsgeschenke, ist manchmal ein Handtuchtyp oder ein Suppenkaspar. Passende Worte fallen ihm nicht im...

CHF 14.50

Engineering Peace

Williams, Garland H.
Engineering Peace
In this timely work, Colonel Garland Williams analyzes the postconflict reconstruction gap in three case studies Bosnia, Kosovo, and Afghanistan and shows how military engineering brigades accompanying peacekeeping contingents can be put to use immediately after the conflict ends to restore vital infrastructure and social institutions.

CHF 25.90

Annual Plant Reviews, Polarity in Plants

Lindsey, Keith (University of Durham, UK)
Annual Plant Reviews, Polarity in Plants
Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 12 A fundamental feature of developmental biology is that of the establishment of polarity. It can be described at different levels - polarity of the organism, polarity in tissue patterning and organ development, and polarity of the cell. This volume provides an account of current research into the mechanisms by which polarity is generated at the level of the cell, organ and organism in plants, drawing especially o...

CHF 349.00

Rational Phytotherapy

Schulz, Volker / Hänsel, Rudolf / Tyler, V. E. / Blumenthal, Mark / Telger, T. C.
Rational Phytotherapy
All practitioners and pharmacists interested in treatment with herbal remedies should have this book at their disposal. It is the definitive practice-oriented introduction - now in its fifth edition - to phytotherapy. Methodically classified by organic systems and fields of application, the text provides a quick insight into dosage, form of application and effects of the most important herbal remedies. Only those herbal remedies that are of ph...

CHF 157.00

I Can Walk on Water

Horton, Stephen
I Can Walk on Water
I have, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God, decided to condense into book form the truths that have brought me to the place, where I now enjoy the great blessings of God, throughout my entire life. After teaching these truths at the Word of God Ministries, I am receiving a constant stream of praise reports, telling me how God is working miracles in the lives of our church members and their loved ones. I believe that, while most Chris...

CHF 24.90

From Wife to Dominatrix

Stern, Carmen V.
From Wife to Dominatrix
So what do you do when Prince charming walks into your life and you are picking up the pieces of a previous abusive relationship? You are about to be whisked into a new world, erotic, sensual, playful but once you are there, can you ever get out? For every woman who loves to please and has lost in the end this book is for you. From Rags to Riches to Rags to Success, every woman will find herself in these pages, if she has loved so deep.

CHF 26.50

A Fool's Guide to Landlording

Midea, Tony / Midea, Sandra
A Fool's Guide to Landlording
You have to be a cold hearted SOB to be a successful landlord. Find out what happens to a nave, kind hearted couple that entered this shark den with all the right intentions, only to be bloodied and battered by manipulative, devious tenants. Written in a witty, comical tone, the book provides lots of practical, useful advice for people interested in entering this business. However, plenty of warnings are given, as are outright pleas for you to...

CHF 26.50