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167 Ergebnisse - Zeige 101 von 120.

Knowledge Discovery in Inductive Databases

Siebes, Arno
Knowledge Discovery in Inductive Databases
The3rdInternationalWorkshoponKnowledgeDiscoveryinInductiveDatabases (KDID 2004) was held in Pisa, Italy, on September 20, 2004 as part of the 15th European Conference on Machine Learning and the 8th European Conference onPrinciplesandPracticeofKnowledgeDiscoveryinDatabases(ECML/PKDD 2004). Ever since the start of the ?eld of data mining, it has been realized that the knowledge discovery and data mining process should be integrated into databas...

CHF 69.00

Entrepreneurship für Ingenieure

Kohlert, Helmut
Entrepreneurship für Ingenieure
Entrepreneurship für Ingenieure? Kein Gegensatz, sondern die Voraussetzung, innovative Marktangebote zu entwickeln und erfolgreich auf dem Markt zu platzieren. Dazu brauchen Unternehmen Menschen, die in der Lage sind, unterschiedliche Disziplinen zu einem neuen Ganzen zu verknüpfen, wie z.B. Technik und Betriebswirtschaft. Hier leistet dieses Buch seinen Beitrag. Es hilft Ingenieuren und anderen Wissenschaftlern, die Realität der Geschäfts...

CHF 65.00

Theoretische Mechanik

Metsch, Bernard Christiaan / Petry, Herbert R.
Theoretische Mechanik
Verständlich und klar strukturiert werden dem Leser die in der modernen theoretischen Physik dominierenden geometrischen Konzepte an Hand der Mechanik vermittelt. Schwerpunkte Des ersten Teils sind die euklidische Struktur des dreidimensionalen Raums und die damit verbundenen Symmetrien sowie die Teilchenbewegung in elektromagnetischen Feldern. Im zweiten Teil steht die symplektische Geometrie des Phasenraums im Vordergrund, die eine endgültig...

CHF 58.50

Einführung in die empirische Wirtschaftsforschung

Hübler, Olaf
Einführung in die empirische Wirtschaftsforschung
Dieses Buch ist für Leser gedacht, die das Grundstudium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften ganz oder weitgehend abgeschlossen haben, die sowohl mit den Grundlagen der Wirtschaftstheorie als auch der Statistik vertraut sind. Es ist zur Begleitung einer einführenden Veranstaltung in die empirische Wirtschaftsforschung geschrieben worden und wurde seit 1999 an der wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Hannover mehrfach erprobt. Einzel...

CHF 58.50


Jennings, Stan-Joseph
Articles: What's News Is News was reviewed by some of the best publishing houses in America and received raving reviews as one of the most unique works ever to be published. Reading it, is entertaining, informative, exciting, and revealing. Once you pick it up and start to read it, your journey into the author's unique world of journalism is one that you will not want to end.

CHF 28.90

Luftschutz in Großbritannien und Deutschland 1923 bis 1939

Lemke, Bernd
Luftschutz in Großbritannien und Deutschland 1923 bis 1939
Kaum ein Phänomen spiegelt die inneren Zusammenhänge moderner Gesellschaftsformen in Bezug auf Krieg und Gewalt so deutlich wider wie der zivile Luftschutz. In der Zeit bis 1939 bauten alle modernen Gesellschaften dazu einen ausgedehnten Apparat auf, der schließlich Millionen von Menschen umfasste. Da der Bombenkrieg alle Bereiche des Lebens bis in die Privatsphäre hinein bedrohte, musste alles und jeder mobilisiert werden.Der Vergleich zwisch...

CHF 65.00

They Fought Together

Gouge, Robert J.
They Fought Together
The Army designed the 199th Infantry Brigade to be a unique unit in Vietnam. Being a self-contained brigade, soldiers serving with the 199th performed nearly every task associated with fighting a war. They came from all walks of life and served with distinction. Previously published works address the politics, campaigns, tactics and equipment of the Vietnam War. They Fought Together directs the focus to the people of the 199th LIB. The militar...

CHF 65.00

Romania in Harm's Way 1939–1941

Constantinesco, Nicholas
Romania in Harm's Way 1939–1941
This books deals with the grave, some insurmountable, difficulties encountered by the Romanian state in the period from 1939-1941. Occupying a strategic position and rich in economic resources, Romania was caught between the ambitions of the German Reich and the Soviet Union. An agreement reached between these two powers in 1939 caused Romaina to lose territories to her neighbors in the east, west and south, their disagreement a year later, to...

CHF 69.00


Rush, Patricia / Houston, Patricia
Provides students with additional practice of the vocabulary and grammar themes treated in the text as well as also appendices with helpful tools such as additional vocabulary words and forms and letters relevant to the field of Law Enforcement.

CHF 86.30

The Cries of Men

Dennis, O'Brien
The Cries of Men
The Cries of Men tell the candid and true personal accounts of rape and sexual abuse from the voices of young Jamaican men. The Cries of Men shares the candid and true personal account of rape and sexual abuse from the voices of young Jamaican men. By providing an in-depth look into their secret lives, author O'Brien Dennis demonstrates how one act of sexual violence can have a devastating effect on adult survivors. The Cries of Men takes a vi...

CHF 30.90


Schwarzbauer, Fabian
Die Kategorie der Zeit ist als eine fundamentale Bedingung von Geschichte zu begreifen: Faktisches Geschehen in der Vergangenheit als materiale Grundlage und historisches Erzählen vollziehen sich in der Zeit. Geschichtsschreibung - verstanden als der ordnende, beschreibende, erklärende und deutende Bericht über vergangenes Geschehen - eröffnet Zusammenhänge zwischen Zeit und Geschichte, die weit über die bloße Datierung historischer Ereignisse...

CHF 132.00

The Medal

Galloway, Richard
The Medal
Life during and after the American Civil War was a torrent of hardship and misery. Drawing upon extensive research, Richard Galloway's novel, The Medal, is an endearing fictional account of one soldier's personal triumph through combat, POW life, slavery, personal conflicts, romance, and, most importantly, loved ones--lost and found. The United States is in the midst of the Civil War, and Simon Bolivar Ramsey is a Union private in the 100th Re...

CHF 30.90

The Fire Dance of Carnations

Hoad, John
The Fire Dance of Carnations
There is poetry and there is poetry. These Lyrics of Love were composed in a public-oriented tradition. They were written for a private satisfaction but designed for a general audience. Much modern poetry is written for a poetry circle, not a public audience. One has to be able to grasp coded allusions. Not so here. These lyrics have been tested in public and evoked pleasure and positive feedback from ordinary folks. The goal has been to reach...

CHF 24.50

Information Retrieval Technology

Myaeng, Sung Hyon / Zhang, Hong-Jiang / Wong, Kam-Fai / Zhou, Ming
Information Retrieval Technology
TheAsiaInformationRetrievalSymposium(AIRS)wasestablishedbytheAsian information retrieval community after the successful series of Information - trieval with Asian Languages (IRAL) workshops held in six di?erent locations in Asia, starting from 1996. While the IRAL workshops had their focus on inf- mation retrieval problems involving Asian languages, AIRS covers a wider scope of applications, systems, technologies and theory aspects of informat...

CHF 69.00

Tsunami Twins

Huffer, John "Chief Aj"
Tsunami Twins
At the time when I saw two suns in the sky, I received a warning about two waves that would bring destruction to this place where I have left this warning." In the year AD 1054, a wise man from the Chaco Society scratched an ominous warning in rock art. More than a thousand years later, twenty-six-year-old tribal archaeologist Jon Two-Bears and professor Pamela Parker team up on a dig in the west end of the Grand Canyon. To their surprise, the...

CHF 16.90

Indianapolis Civil War Round Table

Krasean, Thomas K.
Indianapolis Civil War Round Table
When two friends, Alan Nolan and Harry Grube, met in the home of their friend Rudolf Haerle, on the evening of February 8, 1955, they were not thinking about starting a club that would someday publish a 50 year history. They just wanted to meet like-minded people with whom they could discuss the American Civil War. Thus began the Indianapolis Civil War Round Table, which held its first meeting at the Indiana War Memorial on the 12th of April 1...

CHF 18.90

Indianapolis Civil War Round Table

Krasean, Thomas K.
Indianapolis Civil War Round Table
When two friends, Alan Nolan and Harry Grube, met in the home of their friend Rudolf Haerle, on the evening of February 8, 1955, they were not thinking about starting a club that would someday publish a 50 year history. They just wanted to meet like-minded people with whom they could discuss the American Civil War. Thus began the Indianapolis Civil War Round Table, which held its first meeting at the Indiana War Memorial on the 12th of April 1...

CHF 35.90