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165 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

Dissimilarity Representation For Pattern Recognition, The...

Duin, Robert P W / Pekalska, Elzbieta
Dissimilarity Representation For Pattern Recognition, The: Foundations And Applications
This book provides a fundamentally new approach to pattern recognition in which objects are characterized by relations to other objects instead of by using features or models. This 'dissimilarity representation' bridges the gap between the traditionally opposing approaches of statistical and structural pattern recognition. Physical phenomena, objects and events in the world are related in various and often complex ways. Such relations are usua...

CHF 294.00

Measuring Globalisation OECD Economic Globalisation Indic...

Measuring Globalisation OECD Economic Globalisation Indicators
With over 250 graphs, Indicators of Economic Globalisation helps identify the economic activities of member countries that are under foreign control, and more particularly the contribution of multinational enterprises to growth, employment, prod

CHF 78.00

Revitalising Us-Russian Security Cooperation

Weitz, Richard
Revitalising Us-Russian Security Cooperation
Russia and the United States are the most important countries for many vital security issues. They possess the world's largest nuclear weapons arsenals, are involved in the principal regional conflicts, and have lead roles in opposing international terrorism and weapons proliferation. Despite persistent differences on many questions, mutual interests consistently drive Russians and Americans to work together to overcome these impediments. This...

CHF 64.00

Von der Ortskirche zu kirchlichen Orten

Pohl-Patalong, Uta
Von der Ortskirche zu kirchlichen Orten
Die Kirche ist in der Krise - inhaltlich und finanziell. Wie kann die Gestalt von Kirche in Zukunft aussehen, so dass mit weniger Geld eine ausstrahlungskräftige Arbeit geleistet wird? Hinderlich für eine Lösung ist die eingefahrene Konkurrenz zwischen Ortsgemeinde und übergemeindlichen Einrichtungen. Uta Pohl-Patalong wagt den genaueren Blick auf diesen Konflikt und zeigt dabei auf, dass seine Bearbeitung für die Frage nach der Zukunft der Ki...

CHF 34.50

Breaking Barriers

Ayub, G. H.
Breaking Barriers
Brief Synopsis Zahid Khan is a powerful Pushtun tribal chief who befriends Osama bin Laden, while his teenage son, Batoor falls in love with his class fellow, Jessica - the daughter of the American Ambassador to Pakistan. Gradually she grows to return his feelings and falls in love with him after he nearly loses his life to save her in a terrorist attack organized by Alqaeda. The cultural barriers and political realities after 9/11 separate th...

CHF 33.50

Education and Society in Hong Kong and Macao

Koo, Ramsey / Bray, M.
Education and Society in Hong Kong and Macao
Hong Kong and Macao have much in common. The dominant populations in both territories are Cantonese-speaking Chinese, both are small in area, both are urban societies, both have been colonies of European powers, and both have undergone political transition to reunification with China. Yet in education, for reasons that are analysed in this book, they are very different. The patters of similarities and differences in the two territories make a...

CHF 188.00

Sometimes You Make Me Think, Sometimes You Make Me Laugh

Purser Jr., Marvin E.
Sometimes You Make Me Think, Sometimes You Make Me Laugh
You would not believe that I wrote this entire book with a coffee cup at three Denny's Restaurants! That's Fifty years of poems, stories and essays: The Poems are down to earth and easy to understand. The Stories are real-life and comforting, bringing both tears and smiles. The Essays are real-life too, thought-provoking often, and show concern for the reader, as well as the people I wrote about. The Cover, a personal growth theme, is carefull...

CHF 39.90

The Art of Fine Whining or How Lori Lew Wrote Her Own For...

Calbow Ma, Lorraine L. / Weiner, Neil
The Art of Fine Whining or How Lori Lew Wrote Her Own Fortune Cookie
The heroine, Lori Lew, begins her journey as a doormat. This 512 Chinese woman, with flaming red hair, is oblivious to the hurtful antics of her family, job, and boyfriend. Her life does not work! Her life report card would have straight Ds with a few Fs. Lori like Rodney Dangerfield, gets no respect from her parents and siblings. She is accosted by street kids. She has a bait-and-switch, spy operative boyfriend. She has a racist boss. She is ...

CHF 18.50

Sometimes You Make Me Think, Sometimes You Make Me Laugh

Purser Jr., Marvin E.
Sometimes You Make Me Think, Sometimes You Make Me Laugh
You would not believe that I wrote this entire book with a coffee cup at three Denny's Restaurants! That's Fifty years of poems, stories and essays: The Poems are down to earth and easy to understand. The Stories are real-life and comforting, bringing both tears and smiles. The Essays are real-life too, thought-provoking often, and show concern for the reader, as well as the people I wrote about. The Cover, a personal growth theme, is carefull...

CHF 33.50

Erfolgreicher schreiben in Beruf und Alltag

Kaminski, Helge
Erfolgreicher schreiben in Beruf und Alltag
Raubt Ihnen das Schreiben oft kostbare Zeit? Geben Sie Ihre Texte manchmal ungern in andere Hände? Möchten Sie erfolgreicher formulieren? Wenn Sie auch nur eine Frage mit "Ja" beantwortet haben, ist dieser praxisnahe Ratgeber genau richtig für Sie. Neben bewährten Ratschlägen zum professionellen Schreiben stehen Übungen im Mittelpunkt. Ihre Ergebnisse können Sie jederzeit mit den Lösungsvorschlägen des Autors vergleichen. Zusätzliche Sicherhe...

CHF 18.50

Tom, der Trutz

Hussi, Klaus
Tom, der Trutz
Dieses Buch ist ein Entwicklungsroman. Nach einem Unfall bleibt TOM, der gerade sechzehn Jahre alt wurde, viel Zeit, über sein Leben nachzudenken. Er kämpft mit Selbstzweifeln und mit seinem Stolz. TOM löst sich von alten Beziehungen und knüpft neue Freundschaften, die ihm einen ganz anderen Lebenskreis erschließen und ihm völlig neue Horizonte eröffnen. Er entdeckt den Zauber der Musik und die Freude am Musizieren. TOM erlebt diese Zeit als e...

CHF 21.50

The Place Within the Mountain

Freili, Margaret E.
The Place Within the Mountain
The story tells of two friends, Beth and Joey, who are befriended by people from another planet. They are taken inside a mountain where the aliens have made a temporary home. They have exciting adventures and make many friends.

CHF 26.50

Don't Put God in a Box

Frank, Flynn
Don't Put God in a Box
Does the mind blowing scale of the universe out there scare you? Does it confirm in you a conviction that there is no God - at least that such a God if he were to exist is altogether unreachable and unknowable - or does the magnificence and design of the universe point you to a great creator, a living being who created us too, a Loving Heavenly Father to whom we can actually relate? This short book 'Don't put God in a Box' is a personal statem...

CHF 20.50

The Cult of the Fox

Kang, Xiaofei
The Cult of the Fox
For more than five centuries the shamanistic fox cult has attracted large portions of the Chinese population and appealed to a wide range of social classes. Deemed illicit by imperial rulers and clerics and officially banned by republican and communist leaders, the fox cult has managed to survive and flourish in individual homes and community shrines throughout northern China. In this new work, the first to examine the fox cult as a vibrant po...

CHF 105.00


Porter, Sean
Three captivating stories of mystery, love, humor, and obsession. Artificial Light sets the tone, when a mid-aged show entertainer, John Gotten, creates a natural dummy that will add the necessary ingredients to get his show off the ground. But when certain things are discovered, Mr. John Gotten is under pressure, as he realizes that he is what he's invented and will succumb to its personal force. A Mind's Eye brings you a lonely, thirteen-yea...

CHF 37.50

Spinetingler Magazine Short Story Anthology 2005

Einarson, K. Robert
Spinetingler Magazine Short Story Anthology 2005
A collection of 23 stories representing some of the best from the first year of SPINETINGLER Magazine: "Write to Kill" by Sandra Ruttan "Home Control Unit" and "Dear Diary" by Malina Roos "A Dead Man" by Paul Hiebing "Freddie's Wife" by Richard Loehle "Bump in the Night" by Kevin Bacon "A Puppet's Soul" and "A Different Hell" by Joseph Swope "Spiders" by Anne J. Fotheringham "Rat Anatomy" by Colin J. Korney "Who's Charlie" by Martin Treanor "L...

CHF 40.50

Extreme Attraction

Fagan, Tom
Extreme Attraction
Extreme Attraction begins when a young man writes to an attractive newscaster and receives a positive response. At about this time an alluring bank teller pursues him and begins a romantic affair. Startled by the arrival of two attractive women into his life author Tom Fagan manifests a considerate character by setting the example for respectful treatment of women, putting their desires ahead of his own, proceeding with only what the women wan...

CHF 38.50

The Metathink Project

Mustain, Gordon
The Metathink Project
In the early 1970's the United States intelligence community discovers the Russians are spending tens of millions of rubles each year on highly secret research into the uses for psychics in espionage. Concerned about being left behind they begin funding similar research projects of their own. Retired Denver police captain Hank Lofton has been volunteering for a year as a subject in one of those projects. When an attempt is made to kill him, an...

CHF 26.50