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168 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

God's Love in 3-Dimensions

McGrew, Jim
God's Love in 3-Dimensions
Could there be anything more exciting and blessed assurance in our life than knowing that the creator of the universe loves us? That is what this book "God's love in 3-dimensions" is about, God's love for us, and His designed purpose for our lives, Reflecting back over more than forty years of service in the Body of Christ, I have found the most important things to be taught and expressed, to bring love and unity, and success to the life of th...

CHF 40.90

Prison Tales

K. C.
Prison Tales
This is a collection of short stories about the trials and tribulations that people have gone thru which ultimately landed them in prison. Some life changes didn't occur until they were in prison. These stories will make you cry and laugh out loud. Whatever your reaction they will definitely leave a lasting impression on you.

CHF 33.50

Song of the Birds Returning

Black, Katherine Williams
Song of the Birds Returning
This is a book of poems that I began to write at the age of twelve. They have provided me with an outlet for the many emotions experienced over the years. The poems are about life and I hope they will fulfill a need for the reader, as they have fulfilled a need for me, the writer.

CHF 35.90

Pocket Guide to Fitness

Patsis M. S., Louiza
Pocket Guide to Fitness
Louiza Patsis has been working out intermittently since she was nine years old. She first worked out in a gym at her high school St. Francis Prep in Fresh Meadows, NY. She did not begin to work out regularly in a gym doing cardiovascular work and lifting weights until December 2003. She has not stopped for over 12 years. Ms. Patsis also has a Bachelor's of Arts in Chemistry and Masters of Science in Biology from New York University. She is the...

CHF 29.90

Judging Annan

Bagudu, Richard
Judging Annan
Kofi Annan has confronted numerous challenges, both before and during his tenure as Secretary-General of the United Nations. Citing inaction from the UN in the Rwandan genocide of 1994 and the Iraq Oil-for-Food scandal in 2004, critics allege that Annan failed in his responsibilities in the face of the challenges. Annan's proponents, however, say he lit the world with his gospel of peace and prosperity for all, sanctity of the rule of law and ...

CHF 28.50

Judging Annan

Bagudu, Richard
Judging Annan
Kofi Annan has confronted numerous challenges, both before and during his tenure as Secretary-General of the United Nations. Citing inaction from the UN in the Rwandan genocide of 1994 and the Iraq Oil-for-Food scandal in 2004, critics allege that Annan failed in his responsibilities in the face of the challenges. Annan's proponents, however, say he lit the world with his gospel of peace and prosperity for all, sanctity of the rule of law and ...

CHF 44.50

People Performance and Business Plans

Kennedy, Thomas / Kennedy, Tom
People Performance and Business Plans

CHF 47.50

The Uncommon Adventures of Tucker O'Doyle

Rider, Jason
The Uncommon Adventures of Tucker O'Doyle
Something strange and wonderful is about to happen to Tucker O' Doyle that will take him on adventures beyond his wildest dreams! It all begins when Tucker finds a tiny Zooble in a tiny wicker basket floating in the water. Then his neighbor, Mr.Harvey, gives Tucker a magical wand and shows him where there is a passageway to another world, a world unlike any Tucker has ever known. Tucker learns some secrets about this strange new world, fights ...

CHF 26.90

Retail Branding

Eisele, Philipp
Retail Branding
Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung ist es, Retail Branding aus einer konsumentenorientierten Sichtweise auf Grundlage empirischer Daten zu analysieren. Hierbei wird eine vergleichende Perspektive eingenommen, um Unterschiede zwischen verschiedenen Handelsbranchen und darüber hinaus zwischen verschiedenen Verkaufsstellen (Retail Brands) zu identifizieren. Basis der empirischen Analyse sind die in den Kapiteln 2 und 3 dargestellten theoretischen...

CHF 63.00

Zurück zur Armutspolizey?

Knopp, Reinhold / Münch, Thomas
Zurück zur Armutspolizey?
Zurück zur Armutspolizey? Der Titel beinhaltet mehr als nur eine Frage. Die Autorinnen und Autoren blicken im Kontext des Konzeptes ¿Aktivierender Sozialstaat¿ kritisch auf Entwicklungen in verschiedenen Arbeitsfeldern der Sozialen Arbeit. Aktuelle Schlüsselbegriffe wie Sozialraumorientierung, Stadtteilarbeit, Prävention werden daraufhin befragt, wie sich hierbei das Verhältnis von Hilfe und Kontrolle darstellt. Die Entwicklungen, die sich im ...

CHF 52.50

Rechtliche Bewertung anonymer Geburt und Kindesabgabe

Elbel, Daniel
Rechtliche Bewertung anonymer Geburt und Kindesabgabe
Anonyme Geburten und Babyklappen als Hilfskonzepte zur Verhinderung von Aussetzungen und Tötungen Neugeborener werfen eine Vielzahl rechtlicher Fragen auf, denen der Autor in diesem Buch nachgeht. Dabei bildet die verfassungsrechtliche Dimension der Problematik den Schwerpunkt der Betrachtung. Auf der Grundlage einer umfassenden Abwägung der zuvor ausführlich herausgearbeiteten Grundrechtspositionen der Beteiligten, namentlich des Kindes, der ...

CHF 88.00

The Path of Prosperity

Allen, James
The Path of Prosperity
James Allen was one of the forefathers of the power of positive thinking. In this book you will learn how to change your life through the way you think. This book will guide you to an understanding of how to find peace and prosperity by changing your attitudes and reactions to life's challenges. "By your own thoughts you make or mar your life, your world, your universe. As you build within by the power of thought, so will your outward life...

CHF 17.50

Tales from the Captain's Table

Harris, Tony
Tales from the Captain's Table
Much more than just a tale of sailing against mountainous seas, but a book with every aspect of sailing and motor boating, in many parts of the world. It illustrates how times have changed to the extent the stories are never to be repeated. Providing a more permanent record, it tells how in post-war Britain, we developed a system of teaching and testing recreational users of marine craft of every description. This has now been copied in almost...

CHF 41.90

Diario de Daro

Prez, Emilio Rodrguez / Perez, Emilio Rodriguez
Diario de Daro
Darío Lage, un inseguro y pusilánime oficinista cincuentón, languidece en soledad mientras arrastra penosamente su existencia gris por el Madrid de principios de los ochenta. Su proyecto familiar es un fracaso en toda regla: un matrimonio desgraciado y un hijo perdedor le están llevando poco a poco a la debacle emocional. Sumido en un estado de progresivo deterioro anímico, buscará, no obstante, una salida digna, algún remedio a su angustiosa ...

CHF 52.90


Wicker, George
Each poem in this lively collection affirms the role of the poet as unrivalled observer of life. Signs are there in the poems of love and the natural world, such as To a Young Girl and Feline. The cyclic progression of history is highlighted in Dunwich, while the poems on dementia and death (Voices, Dead Flowers), prefigure the positive beliefs crystallized in The Path. George Wicker counts among his influences Ted Hughes and Zbigniew Herbert....

CHF 22.90

Discovering Cultural Psychology

Boesch, Ernst Eduard / Hayes, Susanna A. / Lonner, Walter J.
Discovering Cultural Psychology
This book is a landmark in contemporary cultural psychology. Ernest Boesch's synthesis of ideas is the first comprehensive theory of culture in psychology since Wilhelm Wundt's Völkerpsychologie of the first decades of the twentieth century. Cultural psychology of today is an attempt to advance the program of research that was charted out by Wundt-yet at times we are carefully avoiding direct recognition of such continuity. While Wundt's...

CHF 152.00

Discovering Cultural Psychology

Boesch, Ernst Eduard / Hayes, Susanna A. / Lonner, Walter J.
Discovering Cultural Psychology
This book is a landmark in contemporary cultural psychology. Ernest Boesch's synthesis of ideas is the first comprehensive theory of culture in psychology since Wilhelm Wundt's Völkerpsychologie of the first decades of the twentieth century. Cultural psychology of today is an attempt to advance the program of research that was charted out by Wundt-yet at times we are carefully avoiding direct recognition of such continuity. While Wundt's...

CHF 113.00

Independent Movement and Travel in Blind Children

Cutter, Joseph
Independent Movement and Travel in Blind Children
The purpose of this book is to contribute to the understanding of Developmental O and M, independent movement and travel in blind children. The goals of this book are: To increase knowledge of a developmental perspective for the young blind child with positive, useful information, gained from many years of experience working with blind children as an O and M professional To increase confidence both in thinking about the blind child's O and...

CHF 140.00

Messages from the Beloved

Anand, Celeste
Messages from the Beloved
This book is written for those who wish to explore the many types of religious experiences and pathways available to us a human beings. Celeste is a born-again charismatic Christian who sought and received many manifestations of the Gifts of God's Holy Spirit in the end of the 1960's. Her people believe in reading the Bible, prayer and pure living. Charismatic believers of all faiths know He has never stopped communing with His own people-"eve...

CHF 29.50


Rappert, Klaus
Ein wichtiges Element der Einzigartigkeit Regensburgs ist sein geschichtliches Erbe, das im Juli 2006 durch die Aufnahme in die UNESCO-Welterbeliste gewürdigt wurde. Diese Darstellung führt durch die Regensburger Geschichte und erklärt die historischen Grundlagen des heutigen Stadtbildes. Der Bogen spannt sich von der Vorgeschichte über die Römerzeit, das Hochmittelalter, die Zeit der Freien Reichsstadt und des Immerwährenden Reichstags, das 1...

CHF 34.50