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183 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

The Fade

Smith, Darren
The Fade
What if you find the woman of your dreams and are then diagnosed with degenerating blindness? What if this could mean that you may never see your unborn baby's face? In this entertaining and engaging love story, The Fade follows the life of Patrick Bryce. A sales trader by profession and working on the West Coast Patrick finds himself forced East after a buyout that leaves him in New York City alone, single and suffering from numerous lifestyl...

CHF 31.90

The Love, The Lover, The Beloved

Germani, Caterina
The Love, The Lover, The Beloved
It is Alfredo who speaks in these pages, his Love for those of us who follow the Way under his guidance and for those who seek but have not yet found, because his teaching is transmitted from Heart to Heart. Simple, but not easy, essential: Attention, Intention, Dedication practiced with patience and moved forward with impeccability and joy. Immersed in this Love, Caterina offers her extraordinary experience with delicacy and poetry, with the ...

CHF 24.50

Twin Connections

LaChusa, Debbie
Twin Connections
A Twin Connection is the unique and often mysterious bond that connects twins. If you're a twin, you've undoubtedly experienced it. If you're a parent, sibling or friend of twins, you've witnessed it. Whether it's the way they finish each other's sentences, know when their twin is in trouble, feel each other's pain, or seem to have uncanny parallels in their lives, there is definitely a connection between twins that does not exist between typi...

CHF 24.50

The Bear Slayer

Goble, Ph. D. Gerald W
The Bear Slayer
This book is the result of many years of teaching self defense specifically to women. The book takes the lessons learned from the students in teaching the subject and presents them in a total approach. This book gives several fundamental concepts in martial arts in language and approach that is natural for women taking into account their need to be nurturers. Methods are presented to identify the potential behavior of an attacker in every day ...

CHF 25.90

Just One Life

Strickland, Deborah
Just One Life
Inspired by a true story, Just One Life continues the life journey of Mary Reeder, Prairie Girl. After the death of her mother, being raised by relatives, and struggling to survive on the vast and lonely prairie, she marries. As she and her husband continue to scrape out a living and raise their children, Mary's faith in God and love for her family are the strengths she depends on.

CHF 20.50

Life has No Dress Rehearsals

Kedrowsky, George V
Life has No Dress Rehearsals
A selection of poetry, prose and verse written during youth, college years, career years through retirement. These works highlight an insight into six categories: Lonely and Alone, Girls and Boys, My Story, Nature and Me, Reflections addresses tales of others, mankind and alcohol, by the ocean, Maine, Hilton Head Island, winter arrival.

CHF 31.50

A Passion for Crime

Kahn, Stephen M. / Kahn, Stephen M.
A Passion for Crime
A Passion for Crime is a fictional composite of a career lawbreaker, his accomplices, and the many types of crimes they commit. The novel describes the development of criminal anti social behavior from early years to adulthood and reveals the thinking errors that provide justification for continually committing deviant acts. It also depicts his numerous contacts with the law and correctional systems and illustrates how lies and mockery are use...

CHF 24.50

The Rhythm of Peace

McKelvie, Daniel J.
The Rhythm of Peace
The Earth is facing another global war when thirty-one-year-old Eros Valentin receives a divine gift that could bring world peace. Eros emigrated from Puerto Rico to Los Angeles, California, and wishes to become a successful, heart-moving musician. While playing his guitar in Los Angeles's Central Park one evening, Eros protects his homeless friend, Side Bench Joe, from a trio of thugs. This same night, he magically receives a cosmic Fender St...

CHF 19.90

Summer Intrigue

Meyers, Archie
Summer Intrigue
Tyler Montague is, by anyone's estimation, successful: he's a young, handsome, and wealthy Wall Street investment banker living in Manhattan with his beautiful and ambitious girlfriend. So why is he so restless, so deeply discontented? When he finally admits that he's homesick for his birthplace-the mountains, the lake, and the serenity of southeastern Tennessee-Ty abandons his career, his girlfriend, and the frenzied atmosphere of New York an...

CHF 27.90

Jung and Politics

Odajnyk, Volodymyr Walter
Jung and Politics
Jung never wrote a treatise that systematically defines the implications of his psychological theories for politics. His views on the subject are dispersed throughout his works, although a number of books and essays are closely concerned with politics, either explicitly or by implication and logical extension. Hence, this book represents a compilation of those of Jung's ideas that have political and/or social implications, gleaned from the vol...

CHF 30.50

The Quiet Journey

Millard, Joe
The Quiet Journey
The Quiet Journey is one person's life story told in amusing and authentic memoirs from 1936 until 2000. The author, writing to his grandchildren, shares candid childhood stories about Saturday afternoon movies, reading contests, and threshing runs. The memoirs capture a glimpse of attending a one room rural school, growing up on a farm, and living without electricity. Older readers may recall their own memories of catching and killing a roost...

CHF 35.90


Crooke, Robert
Sunrise is a tale of illusion, loss and renewal in a tragic age. Set in Manhattan, and in the fashionable beach towns of Long Island's East End, it follows the interwoven lives of three friends from the late 1960s to the present-exploring the confluence of art, commerce, politics and celebrity. With its perfectly rendered physical setting, Sunrise draws readers into the reality of place and the universality of myth in a daring, Modernist style...

CHF 26.50

A Caregiver's Story

Brandt, Ann
A Caregiver's Story
One caregiver's chronicles of the journey she took with her husband, as they battled his brain tumor. Beautifully written."-Naomi Berkowitz, Executive Director, American Brain Tumor Association Just one year after battling a little-known illness called Guillain Barre, Ann Brandt faced another challenge when her husband was diagnosed with a rare, debilitating, and aggressive form of brain cancer. Lacking in resources or formal instruction, Bran...

CHF 25.90

Barataria Summer

Trudell, Francis P.
Barataria Summer
Maturity comes fast and furious when you are looking down the barrel of a Thompson submachine gun. For sixteen-year-old "T'Eddie" Leymoine, a summer spent with an enterprising, gun-running uncle has no shortage of hair-raising lessons. Ventures with Uncle George in Louisiana bayou country expose the boy to alligator poaching, cock fighting, and the art of deceiving the authorities. The ribald antics favored by George involve houses of ill repu...

CHF 30.90

Nonprofit Leadership

Giloth, Robert P
Nonprofit Leadership
Nonprofit Leadership: Life Lessons from an Enterprising Practitioner explores what it means to be a civic leader in the nonprofit sector, building on the author's 30 years of experience as a leader, investor and researcher. The book combines leadership insights with personal reflections and provides new perspectives on social innovation and problem solving in community economic development. The book challenges readers to consider questions abo...

CHF 33.50

The Pink House

Dinklage, David P.
The Pink House
REDFISH."Ina still and shallow surf he fishes sandbar white and shell pink redfish in much the same manner he would fish bonefish in other waters." STRIPED BASS."he is telling about the rumor of a spotter plane out of the Chesapeake reporting a thirty-seven mile long school of large striped bass coming down along the coast of Virginia." BLUEFISH."the boys are running along a summer afternoon's surf chasing flighty schools of small blues scatte...

CHF 30.90

Peer Gynt

Ibsen, Henrik / Morgenstern, C. / Porthun, J.
Peer Gynt
Zu Ibsens Zeit gingen starke künstlerische Impulse von Norwegen aus. Zahlreiche deutsche Künstler ließen sich inspirieren, bereisten den Norden und beherrschten skandinavische Sprachen. Die Originalfassung von Henrik Ibsen ist in diesem Buch der deutschen Übertragung gegenübergestellt. Jeweils links befindet sich der norwegische Text und rechts die deutsche Übertragung. Dem Leser eröffnet sich somit die Möglichkeit, auf das zugrunde liegend...

CHF 24.90

Die Geschichte eines Vampirs

Neumann, Thomas
Die Geschichte eines Vampirs
Das Theaterstück spielt in einem Londoner Café. Der Literaturprofessor Herman Echtstein und seine Assistentin Lisa Shefield haben ihre Studenten zu einem abendlichen Treffen außerhalb des Studienplans in das Café eingeladen, um den Mythos Vampir anhand eines lebendigen Beispiels zu ergründen. Hierfür behaupten sie, hätten sie einen echten Vampir über eine Zeitungsanzeige kennen gelernt, der nun an diesem Abend Fragen zum Vampirdasein beantwort...

CHF 14.50

Reich werden durch Hartz IV

Manthey, Frank
Reich werden durch Hartz IV
Millionen Bundesbürger leben von Hartz IV, nicht nur Kinder, Kranke und Arbeitslose, sondern auch geringverdienende Arbeiter und Selbständige! Ärzte und Rechtsanwälte im ALG-II-Bezug? Wie Selbständige und Unternehmer sich arm rechnen können, um reich zu werden! Der Autor möchte seinen Lesern die Möglichkeit eröffnen, Hartz IV als Sprungbrett in ein besseres Leben zu nutzen. "Egal woran Sie glauben ... gibt Ihnen das das Recht, nichts Besonde...

CHF 11.50

Die Rache der Seth-Anat

Weigl, Hermann
Die Rache der Seth-Anat
Harpon und Cassandra entdecken auf einem Planeten ein havariertes Raumschiff und Wissenschaftler einer fremden Rasse. Sie bringen die Wissenschaftler zurück zu ihrer Heimatwelt. Alles scheint friedlich und die Verhandlungen zur Aufnahme zu den Vereinigten Planeten schreiten gut voran, als plötzlich religiöse Fanatiker auftauchen und Harpon zum verwunschenen Kontinent reisen muss. Später kommt Kyra nach Avalon. Der König der Wälder erkennt, wer...

CHF 18.50