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123547 Ergebnisse - Zeige 116181 von 116200.

Hybrid Forest Modelling

Pinjuv, Guy L.
Hybrid Forest Modelling
Forestry growth models are categorized according to their level of mechanistic detail, complexity, and generality. At one end of the scale are empirical growth and yield models, which are curves fitted to historical data of forest growth. In contrast, process-based models are based on the mechanisms which underlie growth. Hybrid models can avoid the shortcomings of both approaches, these models incorporate a mechanistic description of the envi...

CHF 107.00

Evaluating the Framing of Islam and Muslims Pre- and Post...

Ahmed, Sara J.
Evaluating the Framing of Islam and Muslims Pre- and Post-9/11
Media plays an integral role in forming public perceptions on matters of all dimension, varying from small, entertainment tidbits to wide-ranging world affairs. This research examines how the New York Times framed the keywords Muslim and Islam before and after the 9/11 attacks. Qualitative and quantitative content analyses were used to evaluate articles published 30-days before and after 9/11/2001. The objectives of this research were to explo...

CHF 66.00

Modeling TCP Loss Recovery

Kim, Beomjoon
Modeling TCP Loss Recovery
Transmission control protocol (TCP), the major transport-layer protocol in the Internet, is designed to perform a process for the recovery of packet losses, because it inevitably causes packets lost to assess the capacity of a connection between a transmitter and a receiver. For this reason, the process called loss recovery is a principal factor that affects the performance of TCP. This book, therefore, introduces an approach to analyze the p...

CHF 80.00

Die Sklavenhändler

Emanuel, K
Die Sklavenhändler
1998 kam Gerhard Schröder an die Macht und 2001 tauchte in seinem Kabinett ein gewisser Wolle Clement als Wirtschaftsminister auf. Seitdem ist in der Branche Zeitarbeit ein regelrechter Wildwuchs entstanden. Jeder Dussel kann nun eine Personalservice-Agentur aufmachen und Leute für 5 EUR Stundenlohn quer durch Europa schicken. Eine zeitliche Beschränkung für den Einsatz im Kundenbetrieb gibt es seit 2003 nicht mehr.

CHF 17.90

Here Is The News - Schlagzeilen

Zehrfeld, Katja / Akpinar, Ali
Here Is The News - Schlagzeilen
Hier ist ein neues Buch aus der Serie "Turkish - A Fresh Approach to Türkce" mit vielen aufregenden, lustigen und interessanten Geschichten aus den Nachrichten! Das vorliegende Buch soll Ihnen Freude machen und keine Langeweile aufkommen lassen. Unser Anliegen ist es, Ihnen mit einfachen Vokabel-Erklärungen, leicht verständlichen Texten, einem übersichtlicher Aufbau und viel Motivation die Türkische Sprache näher zu bringen. Zahlreiche, reali...

CHF 21.90

Gedanken zu den Grundlagen einer zukünftigen Spiritualität

Wolfenberg, Peter S.
Gedanken zu den Grundlagen einer zukünftigen Spiritualität
Die Zivilisation und die Kultur sind Extensionen des Psycho-Soma, die einer eigenständigen Entwicklung unterliegen, die parallel mit der biologischen evolutionären Entwicklung entsteht, diese ergänzt und zum Teil ersetzt. Religionen, wie jede kulturelle Interpretation einer zuerst individuell numinös wahrgenommenen Realität, unterliegen ebenfalls einem Prozess der Wandlung und der Entwicklung. Die Mitteilbarkeit aller Wahrnehmung beruht auf ...

CHF 33.50

Exklusiver Ratgeber für alle Selbstständigen,Existenzgrün...

Listl, Dieter
Exklusiver Ratgeber für alle Selbstständigen,Existenzgründer und Nichtselbstständge
Welche Versicherungen Sie zu Ihrer privaten Existenzabsicherung unbedingt benötigen! Auf was Sie vor Vertragsabschluß unbedingt achten sollten! Was im Schadenfall auf Sie zukommt und was Sie dann unternehmen sollten! Wie sich nicht wenige Versicherungsunternehmen im Schadenfall verhalten! Wichtige Informationen und Hinweise!

CHF 36.50

Tod in Rom

Fugmann, Joachim / Kolb, Anne
Tod in Rom
Die Erde bewahrt den Leib, den Namen der Stein..." - mit diesen Worten verabschiedete man sich im alten Rom von den Verstorbenen. An z. T. aufwendigen Grabbauten hielt man Informationen über Leben und Schicksal, Karriere oder Beruf der Verstorbenen in Inschriften fest. Dieses Buch präsentiert die Grabinschriften unterschiedlichster Menschen, vom Bäcker bis zum Wagenlenker, vom Sklaven bis zum Kaiser - mit Foto und Originaltext, Übersetzung und...

CHF 18.90

Neighborhoods of the Plantation: War, Politics and Education

Roy, Kaustuv
Neighborhoods of the Plantation: War, Politics and Education
The plantation is a slave society, a means and a system of usurpation of life energies and bodily productive capacities in the service of endless bankruptcy on the one hand and elite persuasions on the other. The book argues, in part, that war or State organized violence is one of the most efficient means of the elite transfer, the wreckage through war and destruction of ordinary livability opens up the human as organic compounds in the turnin...

CHF 53.90

The Construction of Disability in Our Schools: Teacher an...

Underwood, Kathryn
The Construction of Disability in Our Schools: Teacher and Parent Perspectives on the Experience of Labelled Students
This book is about the meaning of disability in schools. The experience of children with disabilities in schools has undergone substantial change over the last twenty years (and more) with many children who would have once been living in institutions now going to school alongside their peers. With this monumental shift and the continuing increased participation of people with disabilities, one might wonder what disability means. In the age of ...

CHF 126.00

Successful Tax-Free ISA Investing: How to Best Invest You...

Dunwiddie, A. M. / Alan Dunwiddie, Dunwiddie
Successful Tax-Free ISA Investing: How to Best Invest Your Yearly Tax-Free Saving Allowances for Maximum Profit and Safety
You are fired at from all angles about how important it is save and invest for the future, then you hear about tax-free ISAs and how they are a government backed unmissable tax-free opportunity to invest. So the next step is to visit your bank or call a financial advisor, isn't it? Sadly not. In the Isa jungle you'll encounter financial advisors with salesman tactics or some new mis-selling scandal and even your bank manager is out hunting to ...

CHF 7.50

El Conde Don García de Castilla

Villarroel y Velázquez, Lorenzo María de
El Conde Don García de Castilla
Esta tragedia está ambientada en la España del siglo XI. En el reinado de Bermudo III, marcado por un suceso acaecido en su capital, León. En 1029, el conde castellano García Sánchez acudió a dicha ciudad para casarse con la hermana de Bermudo III, Sancha. Una vez allí, fue asesinado por integrantes de la familia Vela, en venganza de una afrenta sufrida por el padre del conde. Bermudo invadió entonces Castilla para tratar de hacer valer sus de...

CHF 17.50

The Multiple Faces of Agency: Innovative Strategies for E...

Rodriguez, Alberto J.
The Multiple Faces of Agency: Innovative Strategies for Effecting Change in Urban School Contexts
This timely edited volume examines the education of children and youth in urbansettings and offers compelling alternatives for successfully engaging them inschool learning. Urban schools serve a large proportion of students who are poor, of color, and speakers of languages other than English. The multiple faces of agency: Innovative strategies for effecting change in urban school contexts is a new and significant addition to the literature in ...

CHF 69.00

Neighborhoods of the Plantation: War, Politics and Education

Roy, Kaustuv
Neighborhoods of the Plantation: War, Politics and Education
The plantation is a slave society, a means and a system of usurpation of life energies and bodily productive capacities in the service of endless bankruptcy on the one hand and elite persuasions on the other. The book argues, in part, that war or State organized violence is one of the most efficient means of the elite transfer, the wreckage through war and destruction of ordinary livability opens up the human as organic compounds in the turnin...

CHF 126.00

The Multiple Faces of Agency: Innovative Strategies for E...

Rodriguez, Alberto J.
The Multiple Faces of Agency: Innovative Strategies for Effecting Change in Urban School Contexts
This timely edited volume examines the education of children and youth in urbansettings and offers compelling alternatives for successfully engaging them inschool learning. Urban schools serve a large proportion of students who are poor, of color, and speakers of languages other than English. The multiple faces of agency: Innovative strategies for effecting change in urban school contexts is a new and significant addition to the literature in ...

CHF 126.00