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123547 Ergebnisse - Zeige 116361 von 116380.

Recipe for Negotiating Business Deals Successfully

Cradeur, Dana
Recipe for Negotiating Business Deals Successfully
The Recipe for Negotiating Business Deals Successfully provides a simple formula for negotiating profitable deals on a consistent basis by comparing it with cooking chicken soup. They both require the right ingredients, proper mix and blend, and a desirable goal. This recipe will ease the pressure of negotiation by explaining the fundamental strategies and helping one to remember the required "ingredients" that lead to a successful negotiation...

CHF 17.50

Paradigm Lost

Schrader, Stephen J.
Paradigm Lost
Investigating the miraculous rescue of an American shuttle craft crew, two American reporters are drawn into mankind's greatest adventure. Captain Jacob Brinn, the master of the fabulous research vessel Argo is offering the human race the wonders of tomorrow, today. The only catch...the world of tomorrow cannot come to be while the world of today continues to exist. And so, the battle lines are drawn. On one side is the genius of Captain Brinn...

CHF 24.90

The March: Crossing Bridges in America

Mendoza Publishing Group
The March: Crossing Bridges in America
Begun in Chicago and since spread across the country, the May 1, 2006 immigrant march is depicted in this graphic novel, highlighting the experiences of several families that participated. More than 400, 000 people marched on that day and yet no arrests were made, Americans and immigrants alike stood side-by-side chanting "Si se puede" ("Yes, we can") in a peaceful demonstration of solidarity and the American ideals of inclusion and fairness. ...

CHF 19.90

Virgins! a Memoir of the Sexual Revolution

Lawrence, Zola
Virgins! a Memoir of the Sexual Revolution
Lawrence pens an intimate look at how Vietnam, the Women's Movement, birth control, economic class, and sex, drugs, and rock n' roll shaped the lives and loves of young people in the 1960s and 1970s during America's great social experiment.

CHF 22.90

The Tinker

Riley, Michael H.
The Tinker
Tinkers are young single people who make deliberate overnight visits to married couples for purposes of conversation, conservation, socialization and education.

CHF 13.50

Heart Disease

Murphree, Rodger H.
Heart Disease
Cardiovascular disease claims more lives than the next eight leading causes of death combined, including cancer, accidents, and AIDS. And, despite an aggressive campaign launched by the American Heart Association to counter the epidemic of heart disease, one person dies every 33 seconds. For nearly four decades, we have relied on medical myths to guide us in our attempts to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease. We have been told to reduce ...

CHF 24.50

The Gathering Peasants Revolt

Olson, Kurt / Velvel, Lawrence R.
The Gathering Peasants Revolt
Olson and Velvel trace the American Bar Association's efforts to put and keep in place a system to obtain higher tuition at law schools, thereby harming the interests of minorities, the working class, and people from the lower rungs of the socio-economic ladder interested in a law career. (Legal Profession/Law)

CHF 16.90

Some of My Best Friends and Other Fictions

Benevento, Joe
Some of My Best Friends and Other Fictions
Benevento's first collection of short stories is a compelling and diverse exploration of American and Latin American cultures, a significant addition to his fresh portrayals of the urban lives of New York City and of the Midwest.

CHF 19.50

Außergewöhnlich: Väterglück

Wenk, Conny / Wenk, Conny
Außergewöhnlich: Väterglück
Das Buch: "Das nächste Mal sind die Väter dran!" Mit diesem Satz endete der Fotoband "Außergewöhnlich" über Kinder mit Down-Syndrom und ihre Mütter, das seit seinem Erscheinen außergewöhnlich viel bewegt hat. Frisch gebackenen Eltern macht es Mut und sie schenken es weiter, Hebammen und Ärzte empfehlen es gern - und in Krankenhäusern und Praxen gehört es zur Grundausstattung. Und wo bleibt denn nun das "Väterglück"? Hier ist es - in Wort und ...

CHF 28.90

Zionism, Militarism and the Decline of US Power

Petras, James F.
Zionism, Militarism and the Decline of US Power
Challenging the claims of Zionist apologists who argue that Israel is just another lobby, this book examines major policies dealing with U.S.-Saudi military sales, U.S. intelligence estimates of Iran's non-military nuclear energy policy, and Congressional Middle East policy votes in 2007-2008.

CHF 21.50

Memory Dump Analysis Anthology, Volume 1

Vostokov, Dmitry
Memory Dump Analysis Anthology, Volume 1
This is a revised, edited, cross-referenced and thematically organized volume of selected blog posts about crash dump analysis and debugging written in 2006 - 2007 for software engineers developing and maintaining products on Windows platforms, technical support and escalation engineers dealing with complex software issues and general Windows users.

CHF 53.50

Oriental Tales - Volume 1

Gaskell, Jason
Oriental Tales - Volume 1
Oriental Tales is a quarterly magazine devoted to showcasing entertaining and thought-provoking travel stories from East Asia. This book anthology features a collection of 19 of the best short stories from the magazine - written by 16 authors from all over the world. This is not a travel guide. Authors document their experiences from a particular region by presenting a microcosm of events, intended to spark readers' imaginations and curiositie...

CHF 14.50

All in a Golden Afternoon

Ready, Stu
All in a Golden Afternoon
This novel is a true story about a couples struggle against the odds, their smallholding, their animals and bizarre way of life.

CHF 25.50

Liebe als Erfüllung aller Wünsche

Theiler, Jürg
Liebe als Erfüllung aller Wünsche
Der Tiefenpsychologe Jürg Theiler ergründet die psychischen Ursachen für Gelingen und Misslingen von Liebesbeziehungen. Er erklärt, wie die in der Evolution des Lebens entwickelten Gehirnteile in der Psyche des Menschen unterschiedliche Bedürfnisse und Wünsche erzeugen, die einander oft widerstreiten, aber auch der Weiterentwicklung des Lebens dienen und nur durch die Liebe in Einklang gebracht werden können.

CHF 26.50

Was mir meine Tiere schenken

Köllner, Maria
Was mir meine Tiere schenken
Dieses Buch - mit schönen, ansprechenden Fotos der Tierfotografin Angela Kraft - erzählt, wie bereichernd ein Leben mit Tieren sein kann, besonders für die Menschen, die sich durch die Komplexität und Hektik der modernen Welt gestresst und überfordert fühlen. Es ist eine Einladung, an dem Glück teilzuhaben, das Tiere schenken.

CHF 21.90

Den Augenblick erfüllen

Tepperwein, Kurt / Aeschbacher, Felix
Den Augenblick erfüllen
Um sein Leben nachhaltig zu einer höheren Lebens- und Beziehungsqualität zu verändern, bedarf es des energetisch kraftvollen Wortes: So ist es gesprochen, so soll es geschehen. Kurt Tepperwein und Felix Aeschbacher sind Meister energetisch wirksamer Wort-Affirmationen. In diesem Buch "Den Augenblick erfüllen" legen sie eine Praxissammlung der wirkungsvollsten Wort-Meditationen für die wichtigsten Bereiche des Lebens vor: -Selbstliebe -Wohlst...

CHF 18.90