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72 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Eternity's Destiny (Inside a Vampire's Mind, Book 1)

Lundy, Michelle
Eternity's Destiny (Inside a Vampire's Mind, Book 1)
Have you ever wondered what goes on Inside a Vampire's Mind? Find out as you read one vampire's most intimate thoughts... HER DIARY! In the smog infested city of Baltimore, Maryland, Eternity Long finds herself on a downward spiral into the deadly abyss of her nightly party life. When her mother gives her a diary for her twenty-first birthday, little does she know what unspeakable horrors await to spill onto the pages. Find out how one lust fi...

CHF 33.90

Sassoon's Sketches for a Saturday Afternoon

Sassoon, Elias
Sassoon's Sketches for a Saturday Afternoon
Constantine Vlacmose was anything, but weird. How could a weird man hold down a responsible job like his, a job that called for the utmost stability, mental clarity, intestinal fortitude, fearlessness, well, you get the idea now. You don't think being a cabby in New York City is easy, do you! You try dealing with the crowded streets, the thousands of cars, buses, and trucks, two million on-rushing pedestrians, blaring noise, accidents, cops, f...

CHF 19.50

Sassoon's Friends

Sassoon, Elias
Sassoon's Friends
She was tall, dark and one hell of a handsome, sexy woman, still roaring to go even in her late forties. She bounced through the bar wearing her tight pink sweater, tight black leather pants and high-heeled, high-rising black boots. Her nails were long like a cat and red. Her eyes burned with desire. There, a man of good build, wide chest, and tight rump, stood. Not a bad face, she thought. Yes, he might do. From: Swing A Soft Stick. So begins...

CHF 25.50

Rescuing Robin

Saviour, Rex
Rescuing Robin
In this highly erotic bondage and BDSM adventure story, Robin is being constantly beaten and abused by her monstrous husband when they encounter Edward, a timid wimp who is to be her only possible rescuer. But Edward develops into a formidable foe and also somewhat of a sadist himself.

CHF 15.90

Reminiscences of a Rebel

Dunaway, Wayland Fuller
Reminiscences of a Rebel
A Confederate infantry officer's warThis is a personal account of the Civil War written by a young confederate officer, a native of Virginia, who fought in many battles of the conflict. We accompany Dunaway as he joins the ranks of the 47th Virginia Volunteers and journey with him on campaign to Gaines' Mill, Cedar Run, Second Manassas, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and eventually to the apocalyptic battle at Gettysburg. Dunaway was capture...

CHF 37.50

Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie

Doubleday, Abner
Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie
The first shots destined to tear a nation apart This is an essential and riveting book by one who was literally at the heart of the events that heralded the great conflict between the states. Although Doubleday was certainly a Union soldier from his perspective, for many of the events he tells of, he was simply an officer of the United States Army-since there was no other. The action takes place, of course, beyond Charleston in what would bec...

CHF 21.90

Reminiscences of a Rebel

Dunaway, Wayland Fuller
Reminiscences of a Rebel
A Confederate infantry officer's warThis is a personal account of the Civil War written by a young confederate officer, a native of Virginia, who fought in many battles of the conflict. We accompany Dunaway as he joins the ranks of the 47th Virginia Volunteers and journey with him on campaign to Gaines' Mill, Cedar Run, Second Manassas, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and eventually to the apocalyptic battle at Gettysburg. Dunaway was capture...

CHF 21.90

How Private George Peck Put Down the Rebellion

Peck, George
How Private George Peck Put Down the Rebellion
A different kind of eyewitness to war-with laughter! The humorous military memoir is no new phenomenon. There is a rich heritage of this style of writing created by a natural tendency for men in adversity to seek humour at every opportunity and, indeed, to recall those moments in preference to memories of pain and misery. Inevitably, there are those soldiers whose sense of the comic soars above their comrades and so the 'military comedian' is...

CHF 26.50

Three Months in the Southern States

Fremantle, Arthur J. L.
Three Months in the Southern States
A British soldier's view of the great conflict of blue and grey The author of this book has, perhaps, achieved more renown in recent years than at any time since the publication of his literary efforts. Those familiar with the film, 'Gettysburg' will recall the unusual figure of a British Guards officer attired (inaccurately) in his full dress Guardsman's scarlet uniform among the ranks of the Virginians at the famous and pivotal battle. The ...

CHF 24.90

Chancellorsville and Gettysburg

Doubleday, Abner
Chancellorsville and Gettysburg
An account of two of the great battles of the Civil WarThe author of this book was present at-indeed he was literally the target of-the firing of the first hostile shots of the American Civil War. As a regular U. S. Army officer of artillery he was stationed at Forts Moultrie and Sumter as the political disputes between the Northern and Southern states exploded into armed conflict. He has left us, in another book, a memorable account from the ...

CHF 24.90

My Days and Nights on the Battlefield

Coffin, Charles Carleton
My Days and Nights on the Battlefield
A famous American writer's view of the Civil War Charles Carleton Coffin is now recognised as one the important journalists, authors and polititicians of the American nation. At the time of the Civil War he was working for the Boston Journal and was already an experienced correspondent. Writing under the pen-name of 'Carleton' he witnessed virtually every campaign from the Battle of the Wilderness to the fall of Richmond. Prior to his journal...

CHF 24.50

Reminiscences of Two Years in the United States Navy

Batten, John M.
Reminiscences of Two Years in the United States Navy
At sea with the United States NavyJohn Batten joined the United States Navy in 1864 and was appointed as an Assistant Surgeon and posted to the steamer, USS Princeton. He was later transferred to the USS Valley City where he experienced most of his service principally patrolling the North Carolina coastline. Batten underwent many hardships and riveting experiences including torpedoing, artillery duels and sniper attacks by Confederate sharpsho...

CHF 21.90

Red-Tape and Pigeon-Hole Generals

Armstrong, William H.
Red-Tape and Pigeon-Hole Generals
An intimate view of life in the Union Army William Armstrong's account of his time in the Union Army during the American Civil War differs from many of its peers. Through Armstrong's writings we see not only the campaigns, skirmishes and battles of the great conflict, but also get an insider's view of what it was like to be a member of a regimental 'family' at the time. Regimental life is described in much detail and the officers, non-coms an...

CHF 26.50

Recollections of a Cavalryman

Kidd, J. H.
Recollections of a Cavalryman
Charging to glory with Custer The Michigan Brigade-the Wolverines-was drawn from volunteer cavalry regiments of the Union Army. Comprised principally of the 1st, 5th, 6th and 7th Michigan Cavalry regiments it fought with distinction in every engagement undertaken by the Army of Potomac from Gettysburg to Appomattox. Despite the distinction of its service in its own right, perhaps what brought it the greatest fame was its association with its ...

CHF 30.50

Destruction and Reconstruction

Taylor, Richard
Destruction and Reconstruction
A Southern officer's warThis is a valuable Civil War memoir from a regimental officer of the Army of the Confederacy. Its author, Richard Taylor has taken a well rounded view of his experiences relating them against the events of the opening phases of the war to his military life on campaign during the Peninsula and Valley Campaigns through to Berwick's Bay, the Red River and the closing operations of the armed conflict. As a Southerner Taylor...

CHF 26.50

Between the Lines

Bascom-Smith, Henry
Between the Lines
The Secret War between the StatesThis is a remarkable story of a young Secret Service officer-only twenty years old when he entered into the service-who served throughout the American Civil War not principally among the battle and smoke of the field of conflict but in the shadowy world of espionage and counter espionage. Bascom-Smith initially joined the artillery, but was transferred into the Provost Marshal's department. Soon intelligence wo...

CHF 26.50

The Cruise of the Alabama and the Sumter

Semmes, R.
The Cruise of the Alabama and the Sumter
A famous rebel naval captain tells his storyThe author of this book, Captain Semmes, was one of the most renowned American seamen of his time-particularly among the sailors of the Confederacy. Whilst it was essential that every nation have its own naval force, for the Southern states this was doubly important because the new 'nation' was heavily reliant on agriculture and its exports, had a paucity of essential manufacturing and was subjected ...

CHF 30.90

Two Views of Shiloh

Olney, Warren / Rich, Joseph W.
Two Views of Shiloh
Shiloh' as Seen by a Private Soldier by Warren Olney The Battle of Shiloh by Joseph W. Rich Shiloh from the ranks-Shiloh from the historian The first piece in his vital book is a description of battle from the sharpest end of combat. It is the recollection of this momentous conflict of the American Civil War by a very ordinary private soldier who stood in the ranks of the Union Army-more significantly from his perspective-among his comrades...

CHF 21.90

Cole Younger

Younger, Cole
Cole Younger
Riding for a cause-riding with outlaws The Civil War between the states in many ways created the outlaws of the 'Wild West' of myth and legend. Cole Younger and his brothers and the perhaps more infamous Jesse and Frank James may have won lasting notoriety on the 'wrong side of the law, ' but they learned their craft during the war. Cole Younger was born on 'the dark and bloody ground'-the political hotspot that was the Missouri and Kansas bo...

CHF 21.90

Co. Aytch

Watkins, Sam R.
Co. Aytch
A classic account of Civil War combatThis is a justifiably famous account of the Civil War told by an ordinary soldier from within the ranks of a Tennessee regiment within the Confederate Army. Often quoted, it tells in a direct way, the story of an infantry company at war. In this it has much in common with similar accounts of men living and fighting together in combat irrespective of nationality, age or conflict. This is an intimate portrait...

CHF 24.90