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299 Ergebnisse - Zeige 201 von 220.

Flight Risk

Gentner, Duane L.
Flight Risk
It's 1918. An American pilot, flying for the Lafayette Flying Corps, finds himself fighting for his life in what could be his last dogfight. Escape seems impossible - a crash seems inevitable. He will need a lot of help and a lot of luck to survive.

CHF 28.50

Flight Risk

Gentner, Duane L.
Flight Risk
It's 1918. An American pilot, flying for the Lafayette Flying Corps, finds himself fighting for his life in what could be his last dogfight. Escape seems impossible - a crash seems inevitable. He will need a lot of help and a lot of luck to survive.

CHF 42.90

Short Story Poems

Donna Lee (Robert) Gregg, Lee (Robert) G / Donna Lee (Robert) Gregg
Short Story Poems
I always liked to put my thoughts on paper in rhymes All of the thoughts I had hidden in the back of my mind I like to write easy to understand poems with no punctuation If one of my poems helps someone through a bad situation Or makes someone smile from reading one of my poems Or helps one person make a good choice because of a poem I enjoy writing true short story poems of family and friends I love to write stories that are real life, and al...

CHF 23.50


Twila Nicholas, Nicholas / Twila Nicholas
Seclusion is a book of poetry that describes the human emotions. Seclusion is a collection of poetry that is written about human feelings, desires, and events that describe the soul. It is a collection of literary art.

CHF 23.90

Anyone Else's Sons, But Mine

Odilia Herrera, Herrera
Anyone Else's Sons, But Mine
Odilia Herrera raised three sons to be good fathers, good husbands, and good citizens. They were not supposed to become heroin addicts. This unbelievably devastating ordeal would bring her to the brink of a mental institution. Internal debates rage inside while she tries to deal with the reality of this life. Through broken sobs, she lashes out at them, "Why have you done this to me, giving me this blow?! If you had been homeless, abandoned, a...

CHF 35.90

Boundaries of Intelligence

Nilton Bonder, Bonder / Nilton Bonder
Boundaries of Intelligence
After having lectured at large corporations around Brazil and several other countries, Rabbi Nilton Bonder wrote Boundaries of Intelligence to meet the rising interest from the business world for spirituality. It talks about the ultra-wisdom that can be found in the frontiers between intelligence and ignorance. The very border that divides clarity and superstition, intuition and illusion, discernment and fantasy, is an area of mixed light and ...

CHF 38.90

Anyone Else's Sons, But Mine

Odilia Herrera, Herrera
Anyone Else's Sons, But Mine
Odilia Herrera raised three sons to be good fathers, good husbands, and good citizens. They were not supposed to become heroin addicts. This unbelievably devastating ordeal would bring her to the brink of a mental institution. Internal debates rage inside while she tries to deal with the reality of this life. Through broken sobs, she lashes out at them, "Why have you done this to me, giving me this blow?! If you had been homeless, abandoned, a...

CHF 21.90

Boundaries of Intelligence

Nilton Bonder, Bonder / Nilton Bonder
Boundaries of Intelligence
After having lectured at large corporations around Brazil and several other countries, Rabbi Nilton Bonder wrote Boundaries of Intelligence to meet the rising interest from the business world for spirituality. It talks about the ultra-wisdom that can be found in the frontiers between intelligence and ignorance. The very border that divides clarity and superstition, intuition and illusion, discernment and fantasy, is an area of mixed light and ...

CHF 25.90


Rick D. Cleland, D. Cleland
This book shows how the US Government still thinks "conventionally, " while Al Qaeda Agents exploit this shortcoming by thinking "unconventionally." Al Qaeda will continue to terrorize the "West" as long as the US is "retroactive, " rather than "proactive." We must not think "what WILL they do next, " but rather, "what CAN they do next." This book explores just some of the possibilities.

CHF 16.90

Shade Tree Memories

Richard Essex, Essex / Richard Essex
Shade Tree Memories
For the Love of Things Little bee on the rosebush May you smell the sweet scent of the flower. Never forget this flower in which it will come back When you leave the field in which you fly around You go around trying to find that one you found that day But all you see is gray It's never coming back to you It lost its scent at summer's end Now its winter and you try to stay alive That rosebud is all you think about Just hope for the sun And may...

CHF 19.90

My Heroic Mother

Alfred Koppel, Koppel
My Heroic Mother
The Koppel family dates back to Hamburg, Germany more than 250 years ago. Indeed, that far back, the neighboring cities of Hamburg and Altona were still under Danish rule. More recently, the immediate Koppel family dates back to the Grandfather Koppel, born in 1849 and his wife Jetta born in 1859. One of their eight offspring was Carl Koppel who married Carola in 1923. The family relocated to Munich, Germany about 1932. Soon thereafter, dark c...

CHF 32.90

My Heroic Mother

Alfred Koppel, Koppel
My Heroic Mother
The Koppel family dates back to Hamburg, Germany more than 250 years ago. Indeed, that far back, the neighboring cities of Hamburg and Altona were still under Danish rule. More recently, the immediate Koppel family dates back to the Grandfather Koppel, born in 1849 and his wife Jetta born in 1859. One of their eight offspring was Carl Koppel who married Carola in 1923. The family relocated to Munich, Germany about 1932. Soon thereafter, dark c...

CHF 45.90

Academic Turnarounds

MacTaggart, Terrence
Academic Turnarounds
This book will help trustees, presidents, and faculty members diagnose whether or not they are in denial over the true condition of the institution they are charged with preserving. Donors, state officials, accreditors, and others interested in the quality and vitality of American higher education will find direction in this book.

CHF 71.00

Sudoku Plus, Volume Five

Nishio, Tetsuya
Sudoku Plus, Volume Five
Following in the challenging footsteps of its predecessors, Sudoku Plus Volume Five offers 101 Sudoku puzzles--and additional new brain teasers for those seasoned veterans who want to take their skills to the next level and beyond! Vertical dreams up puzzle books that are much more daunting and ultimately satisfying because they're conceived and constructed by a human brain--that of the genius puzzle-crafter Tetsuya Nishio. "Tetsuya Nishio has...

CHF 12.90

The Vagrants

Li, Yiyun
The Vagrants
The astonishing first novel from the author of the award-winning story collection "A Thousand Years of Good Prayers" weaves together the delicate moments between mothers and sons, husbands and wives, illuminating the reality of oppression and pain.

CHF 22.50

Die Folgen des Sechs-Tage-Krieges von 1967 und die Großma...

Zschornak, Franziska
Die Folgen des Sechs-Tage-Krieges von 1967 und die Großmachtsinteressen im Nahen Osten
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich Geschichte - Asien, Note: 2, 0, Technische Universität Dresden, 18 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Der Sechs-Tage-Krieg von 1967 " [...] und das `Wunder¿ des israelischen Sieges haben keines der Probleme gelöst, dem sich Israel und die arabischen Staaten gegenübersehen. Im Gegenteil, sie haben all die alten Streitfragen verschärft und noch gefährlichere neue geschaffen...

CHF 24.90

Filippo Brunelleschi und der Bau der Domkuppel des Floren...

David, Simon
Filippo Brunelleschi und der Bau der Domkuppel des Florentiner Doms
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich Kunst - Architektur, Baugeschichte, Denkmalpflege, Note: 2, 0, Universität Stuttgart (Historisches Institut), Veranstaltung: Leonardo und andere Künstler - Ingenieure der Renaissance, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Filippo di Ser Brunelleschi war ein begabter Künstler und bedeutender Baumeister. Darüber hinaus gilt er - zu Recht - als der Hauptbegründer der Renaissance-Architektur. Sein Hauptwerk, di...

CHF 24.90

Die Rolle der Bürgerhauptleute in der sog. ¿Brabandtschen...

Kappel, Kevin
Die Rolle der Bürgerhauptleute in der sog. ¿Brabandtschen Revolution¿ (1601/02) der Stadt Braunschweig
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Geschichte Europa - and. Länder - Mittelalter, Frühe Neuzeit, Note: 1, 7, Universität Osnabrück, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Im Rahmen des Proseminars "Stadt und Konfessionalisierung" wurde u.a. näher auf die Stadt Braunschweig eingegangen, die als Fallbeispiel der lutherischen Konfessionalisierung diente. In der vorliegenden Hausarbeit wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Rolle die Bürgerhauptleu...

CHF 22.50

Pflege im OP

Vogt, Nicolas
Pflege im OP
Essay aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich Pflegemanagement / Sozialmanagement, Hamburger Fern-Hochschule, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Ein Vergleich der Krankenpflegeausbildung mit anschließender Fachweiterbildung für den OP mit der Ausbildung zur OTA. Außerdem wird auf die zukünftigen Entwicklungen eingegangen.

CHF 22.50

Der Gerechtigkeitsbegriff im fünften Buch von Aristoteles...

Westphal, Mario
Der Gerechtigkeitsbegriff im fünften Buch von Aristoteles¿ Nikomachischer Ethik unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bedeutung der Gesetze
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Theologie - Systematische Theologie, Note: 1, 7, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (Evangelische Theologie - Systematische Theologie), Veranstaltung: Konzeptionen der Gerechtigkeit, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Der Begriff der Gerechtigkeit ist bis heute nicht eindeutig definiert. Die Spannbreite der mit diesem Begriff assoziierten Inhalte deutet sich bereits in den verschiedenen...

CHF 22.50